We are destined.Let me pamper you



0"Hey…. What are you thinking?" Feng Jianyu sat down with her and looked down at the tab where Xiu Mei was looking at her father's old photograph.     

"Yang Mi," Xiu Mei answered, "To begin with we first have to free your mother."     

Feng Jianyu pressed her lips into a thin line, "You don't worry about that. I'll ask Wang Shi to get the damn thing out of Mrs. Feng's brain."     

"If it was that easy your father won't be suffering to date. Don't forget what happened in Building Z when the dead man was placed for an MRI scan. I was cautious enough to ask everyone to maintain pin-drop silence, afraid if it was really what I was thinking it'll forewarn them. Yet it exploded!" She said. She didn't want to take this risk again, especially when an innocent life is involved.     

"I thought about it, too! We can get the surgery done inside your lab in Phoenix Enterprises, taking advantage of the high tech network jammers. This way Yang Mi won't be able to do anything as the controls will be blocked."     

She shook her head, "Too risky! Above that, this device is too powerful to be stopped by the jammers unless we destroy the link that's facilitating Yang Mi to control the device."     

"You mean to say the satellite that's connecting the two? Is it possible?"     

"It's possible but there are thousands of satellites in space, hacking every device is impossible unless I literally destroy every f*&%#$@ satellite. And you know that's not possible."     

"What next?"     

She sighed before she responded, "I need to go near your mother to know how exactly this device is working." She cocked her head to look at him, "But before that let's give a candy to Yang Mi and Yang Sheng to let them lick it while we carried out our work."     

"And what's that candy?" He mused.     

"Don't be too excited hubby! All this while, they attacked us; now let's give them a taste of our PASSIVE attack." She deliberately used the term passive to show that it would just be a light stroke before they actually butcher them.     



Yang Mi walked through the corridor, clicking her long pointed heels against the floor. With her body movements, the motion sensor lights turned on automatically as she scanned her fingerprint before stepping inside the door.     

The noticed her and bowed respectfully, letting her to the restricted place of the building. After a short walk, she found herself standing in front of the large glass window, intensely staring at the person inside.     

With a side of her lips tucked upwards she punched in the passcode to approach the man. Stroking her hands around the large glassy cage inside which a man was lying on the floor.     

His hair was neatly trimmed, his face clean-shaven, and he was wearing a clean set of clothes. Not even a single bruise was visible on his skin except the faint marks of various tubes with which he was force feed daily to supplement the necessary nutrients.     

The man seemed to notice someone's presence and slit opens his tired eyes.     

"I'm back Zichen darling. Did you miss me?" She smiled seductively and pressed the button to step inside the cage. "You look good! Fresh and handsome!" Just when she raised her palm to touch his face he grunts and moved away, making her stop her hands in the air.     

In the morning Yang Mi had sent her men to bathe and clean him properly as she was about to meet him. She pouted, "C'mon darling! Can you not be this heartless! I'm taking care of you for two decades; I deserve a reward instead of this cold attitude."     

The man looked up and spat on her face, "Here, take it."     

"You…" she pressed a button situated right outside the cage and the man jolted violently when the electric current passed through his body. "Zichen, I'll end this misery, all you have to do is to accept me." She scowled.     

"AHHHH...N-N-NE-VER…. Never…."     

She pushed another button to let the water sprinkle on the man. "For whom you're enduring this torture? That sl*t Ruo and your daughter are dead. Even the Mo family thinks you're dead, too. See…. Everyone left you one by one. I'm the only one left by your side… your one true love. Just accept me, we'll have a happy family…. You, me and our son."     

Mo Zichen looked up with a spark in his eyes when he heard his wife's name; a smile broke on his lips that seem so genuine. "You know it very well how you conceived YOUR BASTARD son." He mocked, deliberately emphasizing the two words.     

This irked Yang Mi and she once again pressed the button to let the current pass through him.     

"MOM… He'll die! Stop it!" Yang Shao immediately pulled his mother's hand off of the control board.     

"Hmpf…." Yang Mi yanked her son's hand away and walked off from there in rage.     

Yang Shao looked at his mother's departing figure. With an evil glint, he stepped inside the cage and lifted up Mo Zichen's face, "Stubborn huh? Do you really think that I can't kill you?"     

Mo Zhichen panted heavily and forced his body up against the wall. His eyes darted at Yang Shao's pierced lips that stretched till the middle of his cheeks, a punishment that he received at the hands of Yang Sheng when he killed his daughter. "Then what're you waiting for?"     


"Give me the blueprints and I'll gladly kill you. You disgust me as a father."     

"Same here!"     

Yang Shao clenched a fist full of hair of Zhichen and pulled his neck backward, "Let me get the blueprints once. I'll give you the most gruesome death one could ever wish for, much worse than I gave to that ugly bitch."     

Before Mo Zhichen could say, everything started spinning before his eyes before it turned pitch dark.     


Meanwhile, Yang Mi pushed the door of her room and chucked the expensive diamond necklace on the floor. "So what if I conceived Yang Shao through wrong means. Isn't it was your duty to take responsibility for your own flesh and blood? Why that Ruo deserved the title of your wife and not me?"     


A middle-aged man stepped in bringing along a boy in his teens. Yang Mi scanned him from top to bottom and nodded. The middle-aged man grinned and gestured the bodyguards before leaving the room.     

The boy looked confused when the bodyguards dragged him to the bed and took his clothes off before tying him securely. He shouted but nobody paid attention.     

After some time Yang Mi walked out of the bedroom with a long robe tied around her body and sat down at the window with a cigarette in between her fingers.     

"Clean the mess!" She said to the person standing behind her. "What's the news about Shen Lina?" She ignored as another man came out of her room with the body of the teen thrown on his shoulder like a rice sack.     

"Our men saw her stepping into R-Tech's office through the secret door but she never returned." He said, glancing the bloodied body of the teen but did not flinch. He knows about Yang Mi's psychotic pedophile nature.     

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