We are destined.Let me pamper you

I'll hang your limbs around your neck

I'll hang your limbs around your neck

0Back to present     

Wang Shi took a deep breath, he raised his eyes to look at the woman who was sitting on the same couch, facing him.     

He chuckled, waved his hand in front of her face, "Stop looking at me with pity, everything happened years back, we have long overcome it." He picked the cup to take a sip and Xiu Mei lifted up her gaze, curious by his attitude.     

"Dr. Wang, are you not affected by it?"     

He placed the cup back on the table, the coffee had turned cold. "Mei, instead of thinking about what we have lost and cry over it, it's better to think about what we have gained and cherish it. Just see it from my point of view- I gained three brothers who're my constant. No matter what, we know we'd be there for one another. And look at the bright side..."     

He pinched her cheeks and she tried to dodge but was late by a second, "…. I got a genius sister in law like you who understands my weird ideas and bring them to life with her inventions."     

She looked at him, squinted her eyes and pointed at her cheeks, "Dr. Wang, you're definitely courting death."     

'Cough….'…. "Yeah, that vinegar monster will kill me for touching his wife's cheek" He retraced his hand immediately.     

Xiu Mei's eyes turned slightly gloomy and asked, "I don't understand her motive to try to kill her own kids? Do Junjie and Jin know about the incident?"     

Wang Shi smiled bitterly and nodded his head, "Yes, Junjie and Jin know everything but the discord was already sowed. They were happy under our care and decided to never return to their parent's side. Even when Jinayu was strict while teaching them they never left his side."     

Xiu Mei agreed with this, indeed Feng Jianyu was brutal while teaching a lesson. Ask her, she had gone through various lessons by the ruthless man. Her thoughts broke when Wang Shi continued.     

"Six months after the incident Uncle Feng informed us saying that Aunty Ning was suffering from a psychological problem called split personality disorder and whatever she did that day was done by the alternate personality within her."     


"No matter what, the relation between them never returned back to normal. In fact, my own relationship with my mother improved a little but Jianyu was still the same."     


Wang Shi just shrugged and dropped the topic.     

Thinking back to what happened and how the situation never improved, a part of Wang Shi believes that Feng Dingxiong never initiated to solve the issue between son and mother. It was as if he was least bothered by it.     

Xiu Mei suddenly went quite; her brows furrowed, she looked at her smart watch and touched randomly on its screen. Wang Shi sensed she was zoned out, he snapped his fingers at her, "Back to earth, Madam Feng. It's time for your medicines."     

She saw Wang Shi leaving his seat to get medicines, her eyes followed him, "I lost my consciousness not because I was reminded of my past but….but…."     


She pressed her lips into a thin line, "I-I felt dead man's breath against my jaw when I leaned forward to check the tattoo. Instinctively I looked up at his face, and saw him blink and open his mouth."     


Wang Shi saw her head drooped low; she was fidgeting with her fingers as he passed the water and medicines to her. "It's alright. At the time of death, a condition called "primary flaccidity" occurs. Following this, the muscles stiffen in rigor mortis. All muscles in the body are affected beginning with the eyelids, neck, and jaw."     

She shook her head in denial, "No, it was not rigor mortis but something else. Can a dead man let out a breath? His eyes were different as if he was watching me despite being dead. I know I'm sounding like a mentally retarded woman but trust me, he blinked and moved. Why would I make a joke of something as serious as this? Moreover, I'm always scared of ghosts. That's why when I saw a dead man moving it scared the hell out of me and whatever happened after that… You know everything."     

She said it all in one breath and once again looked down at her smart watch. She was aware that no one would believe such nonsense, but at that time she needed Wang Shi's help for something and in order to get that she has to share her doubt first.     

Wang Shi sighed….     


Before Wang Shi could say something….     

In walked a tall woman with curly hair, holding a whole load of bags from Xiu Mei's favorite restaurant as she placed them down on the table before striding towards Xiu Mei to take her in a tight hug.     

Wang Shi's eyes bulged out when she saw the woman placing a kiss on Xiu Mei's cheeks and the later didn't object it and gave a wide smile seeing the new entrant.     


 In R-Tech's office.     

Feng Jianyu and Lu Xion got to the R-Tech's office using the chopper to meet this mystery woman who showed the audacity to enter Xiu Mei's office with a gun. They immediately went to the security room where the woman was kept apprehended by Yeti and other bodyguards.     

Feng Jianyu's eyes flickered, "Mrs. Kong?!"     

The moment Shen Lina saw Feng Jianyu her face contorted to a scowl, she gave a menacing glare before she tried to jump on him with her nails pointed outwards but was immediately held by bodyguards, "Feng Jianyu! I really didn't expect that you'd be such a big scoundrel! You tossed my Liu like a broken sandal once you saw that ugly wench, Alice! And you actually dare to destroy the Kong Empire and get all the men of my family killed for that wh***! Do you think it's that easy to destroy us just like that? You think that we'll let go of that bitch so easily?"     

"Don't forget Yang's are there, they'll hunt her down and take her to the place where she rightfully belongs to. But before that, I'll destroy her so-called business, her reputation, and everything that was supposed to my daughter's. And then I'll kill her, shoot all the bullets in my gun inside her head for snatching everything from us."     

Feng Jianyu's dark eyes split open, he revealed a glint of blood thirsty monster. He scoffed, "Kill her!? Try touching a single strand of her hair, I'll hang your limbs around your neck."     

"What? Wasn't I right? Are you scared for her? Are you feeling guilty for crossing the lines of morality to destroy us? I really never expected the young master of the Feng family to be this evil for a woman who pillow talked, and charmed him with her body! She was just our slave, our family's pet, so everything that was created by her rightfully belonged to us. Why the hell you intermeddled seven years back and acted like her godfather? She's was, she is and she will always be dirty blood, and you'll get dirty too if you remain in her company. Her rightful place belongs to the street where a rich man like you pay for a night's service. That night those four men were assigned the right task, why the hell Feng Dingxiong jumped in to save her and kill all of them?"     

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