We are destined.Let me pamper you

A murder

A murder


The bald man was apprehensive about giving the blueprints. By doing so won't he be handing over the company's security details? However she was asking the blueprint right in front of the big boss, he looked at Feng Jianyu…     

"Give it"     

"Y-Yes," Instantly he went to get the blueprint from the safety vault. Being head of the security department it was obvious to have a copy of blueprint with him to be aware of the company's underground system.     

Feng Jianyu was looking into the direction where the security head went, he was calm from outside but only he knows how chaotic it was inside his brain and heart.     

Suddenly he felt something soft grazing his palm, and intertwined with his fingers tightly. He looked at Xiu Mei who gave him an assuring smile that not only reflected on her lips but shone from eyes peeking through the black mask.     

Her beautiful big eyes, how deep and comforting they were- he felt lost in it.     

His grip on their intertwined fingers tightened, his heart settled, he stopped himself from thinking anymore and took few deep breaths.     

The security head returned with the blueprint and spread it on the table for the lady.     

Xiu Mei instantly went up to see the blueprint. As the cameras and DVR were working fine, the only remaining possibility was wire tampering.     

Doesn't that mean either someone entered the premises secretly or it was an insider's work? However, when Xiu Mei checked the employee exit data, as expected of Feng Corporation all the employees who entered the premises in the morning took the day off by five and a few of them by seven.     

The security head confirmed that when the existing security team came the system was working fine, this concluded that either the culprit was from the existing team or an outsider.     

But the next moment the possibility of employee involvement was eliminated when Xiu Mei checked the places where the employees had scanned their IDs to access different areas of the building. Many of them obviously left the floor for random errands or access canteen but none of them scanned their IDs in an unauthorized zone.     

Feng Jianyu was helping Xiu Mei with the blueprint as she had never gone anywhere except President's floor.     

Due to Feng Corporation's exorbitant land area, it was impossible to scan the entire premises to know the exact location from where the problem started. It'll probably take a day to check every point so Xiu Mei was trying to find the optimal area from where the wires can be tampered simultaneously avoiding the camera.     

"North Zone has huge security with watchdogs, no one can access the underground wiring chamber from here." Feng Jianyu pointed at the blueprint and Xiu Mei nodded, "Same is with South zone as that's the exit point, monitored strictly"     

"This is surrounded by high-frequency electric fencing with the emergency system"     

"This one is at a longer distance from the underground chamber; if one has to walk from here the cameras will surely catch them"     

Everyone looked at the couple with different expressions on their faces. The employees were shocked to see their cold and ruthless boss being indulgent and soft while talking to the lady beside him.     

Does that mean the boss doesn't have any ambiguous relationship with his cousin brother Dr. Wang Shi?     

Is he not gay?     

Is she is our lady boss?     

Why she's wearing a mask?     

Oh no! She's wearing a mask…. Isn't she the mysterious masked woman from R-Tech?     

Suddenly one of the employees showed the article circulating on the internet. Previously they were so engrossed in solving the issue that nobody paid attention to the latest breaking news.     

As everyone started reading the article their gaze changed as they looked at Xiu Mei with disgust.     

What a scheming woman she is? What is she doing with our boss? What else she wants? How can she be so unfazed?     

Nobody dared to speak their minds in front of the big bosses of the company, but that does not mean they cannot vent out their thoughts with eyes and facial expressions.     

Xiu Mei was busy reading the blueprint but Feng Jianyu noticed everything when he noticed the commotion and saw them reading something on their phones, he clenched his fist in anger, but before he could do anything Xiu Mei touched the back of his palm discreetly and shook her head without removing her gaze from the blueprint.     

She knows it won't take Jianyu a single second to fire them, but he can't shut their mouths. Making perceptions, being non-informed, and assuming things are people's favorite time pass.     

"Found it" Xiu Mei suddenly exclaimed and pointed at the blueprint. "Out of all the spots, this is the ideal location. If the culprit is smart enough to tamper with Feng Corporations security without being caught then he/she must have entered from here."     

Well, this was Xiu mei's conjecture but a very convincing one.     

"Look, this place is a perfect blind spot, sharing the boundary with another company. Breaching Feng Corporation's security is not a child's play but the same does not apply to your neighbor. All the places are covered by camera perfectly except this ten-meter stretch whose boundary is shared and it happens to be near the underground wiring chamber. If I was to breach the security, undoubtedly my preferred choice would be this." Xiu Mei coolly explained the theory.     

Feng Jianyu and Feng Junjie took a sideways glance at Xiu Mei as she stood between them; they were shocked seeing the invisible yet visible loophole in their security system.     

"Let's go there"     

"No need! Just send someone to confirm it and get the issue fixed ASAP" Xiu Mei said and looked at the computers available in the room.     

As the important work of finding a loophole in Feng Corporation's security was done, she moved on to the important thing.     

In every company, employees were given a unique ID and password to access internet facility to keep track of their activities and catch the offender if they do anything immoral.     

 "You can access Junjie's computer. It's more advanced." Feng Jianyu read through her thoughts. He held onto Xiu Mei's hands in front of everyone, taking her by surprise. He lifted his eyelids; cast a sharp glance at the employees to show the importance of the woman and declining the rumor without a word spoken.     

The security head looked at his team feeling disappointed before following Rong Xiang to confirm Xiu Mei's findings.     


Sitting in front of Feng Junjie's computer she was checking whose ID was used to log in. Thankfully, she didn't have to hack anything as the brothers willingly provided every password that she asked.     

She put the computer on an auto scan to check the ID of every employee. "Due to a large number of employees, it will take a few minutes"     

"Hm!" Feng Jinayu passed her a glass of water when he saw she was licking her lips to moisturize them.     

"Boss, boss, boss….." Rong Xiang's anxious voice sounded as he unconsciously barged into the room without kno.cking. "Boss, Come fast…. A murder happened on the premises"     

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