We are destined.Let me pamper you

Talking sense

Talking sense

0"Sister Mei Mei…. I can't"     

Feng Junjie's face was like as if he was bullied by Xiu Mei. How delusional of him to assume that she came especially to meet him, it's the President XM who came for the meeting.     

Xiu Mei fought against the urge to smack his head and wake up sleeping brain cells. Don't know why this big baby always behaves like a spoiled child in front of Jianyu and her. She would have to teach her brother in law a lesson.     


Feng Junjie felt a soft grip on his hand, the next second he was dragged towards the CEO's chair.     


"No, this belongs to brother"     

"No, it rightfully belongs to you, you deserve it" Xiu Mei forced him to sit down on the chair, her stern eyes warned Feng Junjie to dare not get up as she stood in front of him firmly with folded arms.     

"Do I?" He asked, matching gaze with the woman who was behaving like an elder sister. Although she was younger to him, her countenance was that of an elder and he always liked this side of hers.     

She breathed in through her nose and let out a heavy sigh.     

 It was Feng Jianyu's duty to teach his brother a lesson but it looks like she has to take over the charge. She shared glances with Wang Shi who pulled the two chairs right in front of Junjie and sat down on it along with Xiu Mei.     

Feng Junjie gulped….     

"Jianyu already has lots of things in his life going on, you better not add on to his problems." She harshly replied, "Did you really think it was heat of the moment decision to hand over the company to you, overnight? Do you take your elder brother as a fool? What do you think he trained you for years, pushed you to handle difficult deals and manage challenging situations? What do you think despite being strict he never opposed your business decision whether he liked it or not and provided you with suggestions and examples to improve it further?"     

"Just turn back the clock in your blockhead and check who has taken maximum decisions for the company while Feng Jianyu was busy courting me"     

By the look on Xiu Mei and Wang Shi's face Junjie thought about the things carefully. Indeed it was him who handled the maximum affairs of the company while Feng Jianyu was either busy with Xiu Mei or with some other work that he never discussed with anyone.     

But neither had he realized nor he felt any work pressure because somewhere he knew that Feng Jianyu was there for him. Does that mean he was being prepared for this day from the very beginning?       

Feng Jianyu had planned to leave the company much before this father-son fight? Why?     

Isn't he the First master of the company, the rightful owner of Feng Corporation?     

Before Junjie could question, Wang Shi passed him a document signed years back when Feng Jianyu took over the charge of the company.     

It was power of attorney, transfer certificate of shares and properties, and everything that comes under Feng Corporation, everything that was Feng Jianyu's was already placed under his two younger brothers, Feng Junjie and Feng Jin.     

All this while Feng Jianyu was working for the company under a fixed salary with various perks and benefits….     

That's it?     

"Don't be emotionally fooled by this document" Wang Shi warned. There was a hint of humor in his voice that shocked Feng Junjie. His eyes shifted at Xiu Mei who was smiling and flicked Feng Junjie's head.     

"Silly man. Where your mind stops thinking, Jianyu starts from there. Don't be delusional that Jianyu would forever be trapped inside Feng Corporation, restricting his flight to soar high in the sky?" Wang Shi takes back the documents and placed it securely in the folder and passed it to Xiu Mei for safekeeping, "All this while he was preparing you to step in his position independently when he leaves the Feng Corporation to fully commit to his own company"     

Feng Jianyu started his own investment banking company when he was in the final year of high school, starting with a moderate amount of his savings.     

Although he was born with a golden spoon in mouth, Feng Dingxiong made sure to teach his sons hardships of life and gave them fixed pocket every month.     

It was not hidden from anyone that Jianyu was exceptionally good when it comes to analyzing technical and fundamental aspects of the company along with reading different stock market charts and taking instant decisions before the share shows any moment.     

So, the secret work that Jianyu used to do was to manage his own company along with Feng Corporation?     

"Sister Mei Mei, What's the name of brother's company? Can I join him there? Senior cousin or Feng Jin can handle Feng Corporation. I don't want to… Ouchh"     

Before Xiu Mei could smack Feng Junjie's head Wang Shi did it, gritting his teeth in annoyance.     

"Thank you, Dr. Wang, now let me handle him" Xiu Mei placed her hand at the armrest of Junjie's chair and slightly leaned forward, "Fine! Go! Go cling on to Jinayu and live under his shadow and spoil his years of efforts of grooming you. I used to praise your commitment and love for him, least was I aware that you were a selfish person who was clinging onto him out of your own fears and zero confidence of taking the world independently"     

"Just remember one thing, by doing this you might succeed in getting Jianyu back to Feng Corporation but will hurt his pride in the process, erase his dream of building his own empire, destroy the company he created with his hard-work, and most importantly you'll break Jianyu's faith that he has for you"     

"What's with numerous calls, messages, and this sad dejected face? Stop being a victim. Stop making my man feel guilty for something for which he has trained you properly. Why can't you make Jianyu proud by taking Feng Corporation to greater heights?"     

"You disappointed me Junjie…. Do whatever you want to do." Xiu Mei pushed Feng Junjie's chair feeling angry, she went to the other side of the table and took out the file of the project that R-Tech has signed with Feng Corporation and slammed it harshly on the table.     

"This is the revised proposal of the first round of investment as discussed with Ex CEO, please go through it. For any clarification and addition of points, you can coordinate with my secretary" Xiu Mei gave a polite bow, picked her bag and turned towards the door.     

Before she could leave, with the click sound the door gets locked automatically. Her head snapped at a lightning speed at the culprit, "CEO Feng….."     


"Pardon me"     

"Sorry. I won't disappoint anyone of you"     

"Dr. Wang, did you heard what CEO Feng said? Why it sounded like a mosquito buzzing near my ear?" She waved her hand in the air, shooing off the imaginary mosquito.     

Feng Junjie's lips compressed into a thin line, "I SAID I'M SORRY"     

"What else?" Her brows perked up.     

"I'll be sincere to the company, will work harder for the growth of the companies and the employees working under it and take wise decisions. Most importantly I won't cling onto big brother to rely on his capabilities and become an obstruction in his dreams."     

Junjie saw Xiu Mei sharp eyes, he immediately protested and pinched his throat, "I swear! I promise! Stop giving me these sharp looks"     

Wang Shi winked from behind and raised two thumbs up, praising Xiu Mei's superb reverse psychology theory. She has definitely learned it from Feng Jianyu, after all he had taught her many lessons with this scary theory.     

"Good! Now that you've learned your lesson. Let's discuss the project"     


'That's it? That's it? Feng Junjie was stunned by Xiu Mei's indifferent attitude. Just a while ago she was erupting like a volcano and now all of a sudden she's as calm as ocean.     

He glanced at Wang Shi who winked in response, flashing his white pearly teeth.     


'Damn! Sister Mei Mei is savage. She used such a harsh trick to teach me a lesson. How ruthless! Brother, I'm already missing you again. Can I take back my words?'     

"Stop daydreaming! Concentrate on the meeting CEO Feng Junjie"     


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