We are destined.Let me pamper you

what exactly are you hiding and why?

what exactly are you hiding and why?

0Two days later….     

"Let's go to Feng Corporation first," Xiu Mei told Feng Jianyu as he opened the car door for his wife. "I'll head to R-Tech to finish some meetings and check the development of some of my projects"     

Feng Jianyu nodded his head, "Yeah… Time to get back to work" He instructed Yeti, "Feng Corporation"     

"What' your plan for tonight," Feng Jianyu asked as he checked mails on the tab, his gaze glued to the screen. When she didn't reply he looked up and saw her making a pity face, his eyebrows rose in question.     

"I need a break, please. My body is still sore"     

He poked his head twice, "Dirty mind! Where are you going? I want to take you to dinner tonight. That's why I asked"     

"Cough" Xiu Mei's face turned red in embarrassment. Really her mind is getting dirtier day by day since they have started doing it her mind keeps on imagining Jianyu's hot naked body. She is turning into a pervert. 'Ahh!'     

Suddenly she felt Feng Jianyu's hot breath near her ear….     

"Don't worry wifey! After dinner, we can do that. I'll massage your gorgeous naked body with warm olive oil from top toe to ease the soreness and then do it….. till you are sore again"     

The seductive tone he used to describe the last sentence fluttered butterflies in her stomach.     

She narrowed her eyes at the man, "You… No more!"     

"Last night you said that but when I started doing it the expression changed to more, more, more…." He gave a wide grin. How can he not tease such a charming wife?     

She huffed audibly, "No dinner! No nothing! Tonight I'm going to Grandpa's house to have dinner with him" Thinking of the million-dollar reaction on Zeng Shihong's face a smile appeared on her lips. How exciting it would be when he will know that she has planned a surprise dinner date with him"     

"Are you planning to tell Mr. Zeng about us?" He asked suddenly.     

"Maybe…. Maybe not… I don't know how he will take the news" She sounded dull and reluctant, "I'm nervous"     

Feng Jianyu placed a kiss on her forehead, "Don't be nervous, everything will go well. I know being the legendary Zeng Shihong his expectations of a life partner for his granddaughter must be sky high but he can't find better than me. Right?" A glint of confidence and proud flashed across his eyes.     

She snatched the tab from his hands to get full attention. She snapped, "Overconfidence! Don't think grandpa is all kind and jovial person, that side of his personality is exclusively reserved for me and Xion. The moment I disclose my marriage, you'll automatically become his number one enemy for the crime of snatching his granddaughter"     

'Don't know how I'm gonna coax this big baby'     

"Really is he that possessive?"     

She let out a disgruntled sound, "Ask me! When I was in Zeng Research centre he literally stayed by my side 24*7 and used to talk for hours. Feeling insecure and afraid of being left alone he never allowed anyone to talk to me for more than ten minutes"     

He laughed even more, "What a clingy old man,"     

"Hey… Don't say anything about my grandpa, otherwise ..."     

She pointed her finger in anger and he raised his brows at her, a smirk appeared on his face as he instantly squeezed her lips like a duck. "Otherwise?"       

Feng Jianyu suppressed his laughter at how ridiculously funny she looked as she tried to slap his hand, pinch, and scratch but failed.     

He continued, "Otherwise… You can't do anything chipmunk. I'm clingier than your grandpa and will follow you everywhere. Let me see how your old man reject me or attempts to keep me away from you"     

He noticed the car stopped in Feng Corporation's parking and let go of her lips before he leaned down to give a long kiss. "Goodbye, love. Don't miss me much"     

Xiu Mei smiled, her cheeks turned red as her heart warmed up. She watched him getting into the President's elevator and gestured Yeti to go to R-Tech.     

"Is the chopper ready?" Feng Jianyu gets off the elevator and asked a woman who was second in command after Rong Xiang as he stride towards the second elevator to terrace.     

"Yes, sir" She replied affirmatively following after his boss to the elevator.     


Feng Jianyu's chopper landed on the grounds of a lush green garden sprawling over a private estate that spread acres beyond at the city's famous Pine Hills.     

Like a storm, he stepped down, the servants of the house instantly left the work they work doing and lined up to greet the master and stood with heads down, hands clasped tightly at front.     

Old Butler Chen was surprised to see Feng Jianyu, but quickly composed and offered a bow, "Good morning, First Young master" He greeted reverentially and welcomed him.     

"Where's father?"     

"Master is in his study"     

Feng Jianyu didn't bother to let the butler announce his presence or wait. He strolled through the corridor towards the stairs with fast yet heavy steps and stepped inside the study without knocking.     

Butler Chen followed after Feng Jianyu but didn't have the courage to stop him, especially when he sensed that Jianyu was not in a good mood.     

Feng Jianyu's eyes briefly glanced at the study table only to find it vacant. He shifted his gaze to the corner of the room where Feng Dingxiong has a designated corner to keep his treasured bonsais. He was seated on the plush rosewood chair reading an ancient Chinese book on traditional medicine with full concentration.     

"The least you could do was knock before entering. Well, anyways…. What brings you here?" He asked formally without even lifting his head to look at him.     

"What do you know about Alice? Or should I ask what exactly are you hiding and why?" Feng Jianyu came straight to the point.     

Feng Dingxiong finally raised his eyes to look at his son before he waved his hand in the air; the butler retraced his steps with his head bent.     

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