We are destined.Let me pamper you

Indeed a memorable night it is. (Mature content 3)

Indeed a memorable night it is. (Mature content 3)

0Under-17 readers go away.     





Xiu Mei felt something warm inside her stomach, making her feel tingled and satisfied. This was the best orgasm of her life and her husband gave her this.     

She looked at his sticky sweaty body that glistened like stars under the room light. Placing a wet kiss on his shoulder she wrapped her arms around him.     

According to Thomas York, sex is more than an act of pleasure, it's the ability to be able to feel so close to a person, so connected, so comfortable that it's almost breathtaking to the point you feel you can't take it. And at that moment you're a part of them.     

 By consummating their marriage, today he finally claimed his right over her. It was today that they become husband and wife in a real sense, not only their bodies but their souls became one from two. Today they have finally become part of each other.     

With his penis still inside her, she laid on the bed feeling exhausted. Upon seeing that Feng Jianyu was not moving at all she thought he fell asleep after the heavy workout. With great efforts, she tried to move her body to detach herself.     

"mmmm…. Don't move wifey" She felt his powerful grip on her waist and the next second she was rolled over to land above the man.     

They both groaned simultaneously feeling the sharp friction at their lower region.     

He smiled at her, nuzzling his nose with hers "Thank you!" It was a genuine thank you that came from the bottom of his heart.     

She looked at him in question, "For what? Wasn't this your right to make love with me?"     

"No! I never wanted to claim it as a right but as a love" He kissed her red cheeks; his hands caressed her flushed skin "Mei, this waiting to make love was just a self-preservation thing for me. Because once we are that intimate there's no looking back. So for your sake, for my sake, I waited all this while so that you feel the same that I feel for you. You want to be with me, you want me to be with you without any second thought, past trauma or doubt in mind. Just pure love. That's why I waited for you to ask me"     

Xiu Mei was stunned by his thought, her eyes watered and she nudged against his neck. Feng Jianyu's body tensed when she placed a kiss at his Adam's apple. "Jianyu, I love you. Thank you for choosing me" His brows creased but before he could ask she spoke, "You're a one-woman man who will unite with his soul and body to your one love, your true life partner, someone you want to spend your life with. I'm glad that that woman is me. I'm glad that you chose me as your partner. I'm glad you never gave up and continued pursuing me, otherwise, I might have missed on getting the best life partner"     

Feng Jianyu was out of words, he laughed and she felt his chest vibrate against her body making her realize that they are still connected with each other. Saying she is not liking this connection would be a big lie, the feeling of having him inside her cannot be expressed in words.     

 "Mei, it looks like choosing each other is just an excuse, we were destined"     

She smiled and rubbed her face on his chest.     

Just when she thought it was over and they can sleep the man turned their position again and pinned her under his body.     

She gasped when the friction continued in their lower body…     

Suddenly he lowered his hand to touch the sensitive clit…     

"What are you doing? It's over! Take it out" When she tried to move her hips he holds her tightly and she narrowed her eyes at him. Dammit! He has literally sucked every ounce of her energy that she can't even feel her legs anymore and he has the audacity to tease her again.     

"Who said it's over? Baby, chipmunk, honey brunch, you are soooo innocent" She frowned when he gave her many endearments and he continued massaging her clit "It was just a warm-up. Now we'll do the actual business" He said with a wide smile. She sucked in a deep breath when he slowly rolled his hips as if coaxing her to do something. She bites on her lips to push back the moan.     


"You are still talking coherently, which means I've failed in my job. Let me do it properly this time. Just 15 more rounds and I'll let you go for the night"     

"You're a monster" she told him.     

"Everyone knows" He withdrew his length completely before hitting her once again, she was hell slippery this time and his member sheathed inside her core easily, receiving a pleasure scream in response as the physical need awakened her body once again.     

Keeping his hands down he massaged her throbbing clit with his index finger in slow circular mition.     

She sucked in a deep breath; feeling stretched from inside and being teased at the clit. She looked at him from under heavy eyelids, his muscled body filled with desire for her as he rocked her endlessly, making her mind lost somewhere along the way.     

She was breathless, boneless, a mushy mess as he continued kicking lunges inside her until he spilled his seeds into her womb once again. Pleasure pulsed through her feeling high lost in passion.     

They did it until they lost the track of number of counts….     

He calmed down and withdraw out of her when he saw she was completely out of breath, lying limp on the bed, her eyes started to droop. She frowns feeling empty and slit open her eyes only to find him scoop her over him as he adjusts her head on his chest, her hand dangling at the sides.     

She felt something warm covering her body making her feel good and instantly drifted into sleep. With a content sigh he looked at his sleeping beauty and placed a soft kiss at the side of her head and they both went into a deep slumber after a satisfying day and night.     

Indeed a memorable night it is…..     


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