We are destined.Let me pamper you

Give it to me (Mature content 1)

Give it to me (Mature content 1)

0Nothing related to the story.     

Can be skipped.     

Under 17 readers go away.... This chapter is not for you.      

Anyways... I know nobody's going to listen to me.     

This is what my greedy readers were waiting for. They are finally doing the deed.     





While returning back to the Penthouse Feng Jianyu decided to drove the car instead of taking the driver. What could be more amazing than taking her for a long drive on this special day?     

All the way Xiu Mei keeps on checking the rings on her finger. "They are so beautiful… Thank you Jianyu, this is the best night of my life. I love you thissss much." She opened her arms wide like a kid, her eyes shone like the stars.     

Feng Jianyu didn't say anything, he stepped on the brakes abruptly.     

"Ouchh" Before she could ask anything the man pressed the bottom to slope down her seat. She gasped when Jianyu dipped towards her to capture her lips hungrily. His tongue started doing slow savoring of her taste that she reciprocated by the same passion.     

Her hands went to encircle her arms around his neck and pull him closer to melt into him. The man instantly did what she wants and came on top of her as their tongue did the tango.     

The sudden intimacy rose the temperature of the car, their uncontrolled moans, wet sound of lip-locking and ruffling of clothes filled the atmosphere.     


"Quite…." He whispered licking her lips. She saw the darkness in his eyes, a man's primal desire; her heart raced at the thought that she could make him feel like this.     

 Her eyes darkened even more, the desire was clearly mutual; tonight she wanted to be devoured by him. She arched her back in the hopes of getting closer.     


He tore her dress from the front to access her breasts, but the lacy bra hindered his vision as he let out a disgruntled groan.     

She giggled and teased him by giving a smirk.     

His brows raised as if felt being challenged. He looked at her with stormy eyes, "Did you just provoke me? Don't you know I've many ways to get what I want….." His hoarse dominating tone makes her heart go wild.     

He cupped her breast with one hand and slides the other under her dress, caressing her thighs from top to bottom but annoyingly avoided the area where she wanted to be touched. In order to tease her he barely brushed around the corners of her panty but not feeling the hot core.     

Her body so aroused, she was flushed and felt feverish yet the man daringly teased her. She cupped his face, force him to look at her and bites down his lower lip out of sexual frustration, bruising it. She tastes iron, but didn't stop and kissed him with passion.     

Panting heavily, she pulled away, "Moster, give it to me" She ordered, "Now"     

She was empty-headed with the need for orgasm. He took her to the height of euphoria but was not helping her to cum. What was he trying to do?      

He narrowed his eyes at her; his breathing was hard, lust visible on face….     

She gave him an accused look and he grinned….     

"Are you sure Mei?" His hand went to hold the back of her head; his deep gaze boring into hers. Although they have done a lot of things before, doing the actual deed is different. He won't do it until she is one hundred percent sure.     

She equally reaches to rest her hands at his chest, her eyes never broke the contact with his, "Never so sure!"     

"It will hurt"     

"I trust you"     

The man didn't reply to anything, he let go of her and cover her with his suit jacket. Before moving away he pecked her lips lightly.     

Within the next ten minutes, the car pulled over at the parking lot of the hotel. He scooped her like a princess and stride towards the private elevator. He saw her sulking and kissed, then again kissed, and then again until she starts responding.     

Just two minutes of efforts and here she is, melting into his arms once more.     

Don't know how and when, the next moment she found herself being lay down on the bed by Feng Jianyu who instantly hovered over her, leaving a gap of few centimeters in between their lips.     

 Looking at her curious expression he winked, "You were so lost kissing me that you failed to notice when I brought you her" His smile wicked, his tone sexy and it made her feel something in her stomach.     

"Mei, tonight I'm going to show you all the ways by which I'm going to worship your body. Make sure you take it all…. Behind the closed door of our bedroom, we will have the most explosive, no control sex. EVERY-NIGHT. But I'll always be careful with you" His rough yet caring voice takes her to the brink of orgasm as she clenched the man's collar in between her fingers and yanked him.     

He was cautious and put a controlled amount of weight on her slender body as she kissed his jaw, making way towards the lips, "I believe in the live demo" Her toes curled in anticipation, she knows the consequences of her words yet she dared to cross the line.     

Feng Jianyu spread the suit jacket and tore her dress all the way down, exposing her alluring body covered in undergarments.     

She was startled for a second and closed her eyes when he took her bra off of her breast. Without waiting, he tugged his hands at the corners of her panty and wrestled them down, leaving her completely naked.     

She gasped…     

He ran a teasing hand on her body- starting from her forehead ending it on toes, watching her writhe under his touch.     

She bites her lips when he unbuttoned his shirt one by one and tossed it. Next, he unbuttoned his trousers and in one swift motion they were down and out.     

Oh my God! Oh My God!... Seeing him naked as his brief hits the floor- was like seeing the Adonis. His perfectly toned body, rigid lines on the abdomen forming those sculpted eight pack abs and who can ignore that super sexy V line on his pelvis.     

Her cheeks flushed, he was the epitome of everything a woman will crave for. Her eyes stopped at the middle where the actual dragon stood at its glory.     

She gulped a mouthful of saliva looking at the size; she was nervous thinking about the pain but determined at the same time that she wants him tonight.     

The next second he hovered over her, dipped down to capture her lips, "mmmm! Jianyu…" She moaned his name against his lips when he massaged her breast, his manhood rubbing against her aching core, making her hug him tightly.     

His kiss trailed down from her lips to capture the perky tip of her breast while his other hand kneaded another.     

Oh! She loved it when he sucked her breast before biting it outwards, letting her feel the pleasure-pain. She let out a whimper and he teasingly blows cold air and swirls his tongue to soothe the pain.     

His lips left trails of fire wherever he touched her. Tonight there's no restraint, they are entangled to break the last inhibition of their relationship.     

Her core tightened at every whip of his tongue as she cried out loudly, arching her back. Her hands were equally greedy for the man as she stroked his bareback, resting on his hips. It felt so soft and plum, that she squeezed them, getting a satisfactory groan from the man.     

She grinned looking at him, bites her inner cheek and spanked him hard, taking him by surprise. She massaged his plump buttocks as if soothing the pain. His member grew harder and twitched as he let out a growl.     

"Naughty one… Did you really think your tiny spanks can do something to me? Do you want to know what real spanking looks like?" Xiu Mei bites her lips and spanked him once more, making him growl and moan in pleasure.     

"Looks like I have to start attacking your sensitive spot" She heard him say and he kissed the path downwards stoping at the navel. He looked at her once before drawing a perfect circle around it with his tongue, making her feel ticklish as she pulled the stomach muscles inside.     

"You are beautiful, Mei" He kissed the center of her navel, before biting a flesh around it.     

"Ahh!" The sting made her arch her back making a soft cry. She scissored her legs around him when his tongue rimmed her navel, forming a wet pool between her legs.     

She wants him…. She wants him now….     

"Jianyu…. Please…. Do it" She whimpered when it becomes unbearable for her, she wants his attention on her aching core.     

Without letting go of her navel, he lowered his hands to caress her thighs, "Relax, Love…. I've to make sure you are ready, otherwise, it will hurt more"     

Her breathing shallowed, body stiffened when he didn't stop his ministrations on her navel. Knowing this is her sensitive spot he paid extra attention and her body trembled. She thought she was ready but Feng Jianyu has his own plans.     

He further lowered to kiss the curve of her nether region, and she gasped. Caressing her thighs he hands went to check the wetness of her core. She was slippery wet…     

"You have a beautiful body, love" He slowly entered his index finger inside and she let out a muffled scream. He didn't stop and dipped to lick the soft fleshy skin to divert her attention.     

She moaned in pleasure and clutched the sheets beneath her….     

He nipped on her clit while thrusting his finger inside her, slowly he slides his middle finger too and thrust them together.     

She trembled violently by his movements, and he softly stroked her tummy with another hand, "You have no idea how good you taste" His tongue flickered over her twitching clit, making her push her hips closer to the man.     

She licked her dry lips, her head pushed into the pillow, she stared at the ceiling and cried his name when he added the third finger inside her.     

She was not aware of what he was doing, but whatever it was it makes her feel pain for a minute then it reduces down gradually as his tongue licked the sensitive tissues simultaneously.     

It was as if first give the pain and then apply medicine.     

The hard suction, soft licking, and the thrusting of fingers, he combined all three. Her core tensed, her limbs shook, tears rolled down from the corner of her eyes, she raised her hips to move away but his tight grip did not allow her and as she came.     

He growled and greedily sucked the entire juice, making a lewd sound. She breathed heavily and crashed down on the pillow.     

It was barely a two-second rest and he started once again.     

He withdrew his fingers and started doing her with his tongue. Starting from taking the small pink clit in his mouth he sucked it, making her moan loudly. She grabbed a fistful of his hair and tried to raise her hip up, but he curved and pressed the clit hard.     

When he again pushed the fingers inside, she was so sensitive that after a few rhythmic thrusts she came once more. She cried out his name and let go of his hair and the man once again devoured every single drop.     

Giving her a break of three seconds, he went again and pinched the clit, slighting parting the opening of her entrance.     

"Jianyu no…." her head shook like a rattle drum; she gasped for air "Not this, Not this. You are cruel"     

"One last…." He coaxed her.     


"Should I stop here only?"     

She pouted her lips feeling wronged.     

"One last! I promise after this you'll get what you want"     

This time he gently rolled his fingers over the velvet-like flesh and drawing innumerable circles as if teasing her. "The more tired you are the lesser you will feel pain" She heard him say as he increased the pace of his massage, giving utmost attention to clit until the orgasm jolted out through her.     

Her body drained out of energy, she threw her head back and panted heavily lying on the bed.     

He made her orgasm thrice without doing the actual deed.     

Monster…. Truly a monster…     

He withdrew his fingers and licked it. Positioning himself between her legs, he bends forward to push the stray hairs away from her face and kissed her lips. Her legs quivered seeing his member which has grown bigger.     

"Don't look at it. I'll be very careful" He rained her face with tender kisses, melting her once more before rubbing the tip of his manhood at her entrance. Anticipation builds inside her as she dug her nails on the mattress.     

"Sorry love. This is going to hurt"     

Before she could say or do anything, in one fierce thrust he sank deep inside her.     

She screamed, her hands reflexively went to push the man away from her. He was big, rock hard, and went deep into the unexplored territory. She pressed her head on to the pillow, her face scrunched.     

He grunts simultaneously and gritted his teeth, keeping hands at her side he pinned her under him as he stretched himself on top of her, 'Oh! Mei, you are so tight'     

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