We are destined.Let me pamper you

Simple demands

Simple demands

0"Woman, don't forget you are in my territory. Just do as I said" Kong Da roared, veins bulged out on his forehead as he tried to control his anger when she smirked. "I hold the power to vanish you from the surface of the earth overnight. I've done this many times, doing it one more time is no big deal for me"     

"Pfft….Hahaha…. Now I'm 100% sure you didn't bring your brain here. Don't forget if anything happens to me within this country, you would be the first suspect. It's everywhere on the internet how you hurt me yesterday" Xiu Mei laughed out loud, almost spitting the tea back into the cup.     

Xiu Mei's statement instantly made Kong Da and Kong Wei turned pale. They are aware that they cannot hurt her within the boundaries of this country. And once she is out of this country the damaged would be multifold, they have to get her statement at any cost.     

Their anger crossed all boundaries yet they are sitting in front of her, trying to curry favor. She was clearly belittling them from the beginning but they cannot snap her neck for her daringness.     

 Xiu Mei picked the tab and looked at something for a minute then turned her attention back to them. "The woman pacing outside is your daughter. Right? She is disturbing the bodyguards, you better ask her to leave. Otherwise,I'll issue an er to shoo her away"     

"You…" Kong Wei gritted his teeth and messaged his sister to leave the place but the later has heard everything through the audio pen inside Kong Wei's suit. She understood that the situation inside has turned serious. She instantly messaged back his brother.     

[Let me in. I have something that will force that wench into the corner. She will definitely do as we say]     

Robert escorted Kong Liu inside the room, but before leaving he made eye contact with Xiu Mei to confirm if everything is fine, he only left the room after she blinked her eyes in assurance.     

"Hello there! We met again. The third time it is. Right?" Kong Liu smiled, winking at his brother discreetly.     

"Miss. XM, I think you forgot that you are not the President of R-Tech. He has sent you here to sign represent his company and nothing else. I've heard he is quite a ruthless man. Just imagine what he would do upon knowing that you asked money and and….." Kong Liu smirked and deliberately created suspense as she pours a cup of blue pea tea for herself without being offered.     


"And have slept with other delegates to extract money" Kong Liu answered taking a sip.     

Xiu Mei frowned earning a satisfactory smile from the vicious woman.     

"Miss. Kong…. Your father and brother have already made fun of themselves. Why are you so desperate to join their team?" Xiu Mei asked, a little pissed off that her precious time had been consumed by these stupid people who are soon going to face the biggest shock of their life.     


A bundle of multiple photos was thrown on the table by Kong Liu. She simultaneously showed the copy of pictures on her phone to her father and brother.     

Xiu Mei didn't even bother to look at those pictures; she was already aware of they were all about. It won't be wrong to say that Kong Liu was indirectly contributing to Xiu Mei's plan by playing silly tricks.     

"Just imagine what will happen if I show these pictures tomorrow. All these delegates who are following after you, wagging their tail, would look at you with contempt. What do you think President of R-Tech will do to you?"     

However, Xiu Mei continued to stare at Kong Liu as she traced her finger along the square dial of the watch feeling bored with their conversation. She covered her mouth before taking a big yawn, "What do you want?"     

"Stop acting as if you are not affected, XM! My demands are very simple, clear my father's name from this entire issue. Tell everyone that it was you who provoked him by making personal comments. Help my brother to regain points on popularity chart that he lost because of you. We want to meet your boss, fix a meeting ASAP. I don't care how you will manage, how you will convince him, but we want this meeting at any cost. We have heard R-Tech wants to set up a manufacturing industry, as you are such an important employee then recommend Country B as the most potential country and Kong IT as the best company to collaborate on this project" Kong Liu said in a single breath. She wanted to tell Xiu Mei how business deals are done in reality and finally demanded most important thing, "Last but not the least… Leave Brother Jianyu alone. I don't want to see you within a hundred-meter radius of him"     

Kong Da patted his daughter's back, giving a proud grin to the woman sitting on the couch. They misjudged Xiu Mei's calm and composed posture to be nervous, scared and intimidated.     

Thinking they finally got their way with her; all three leisurely sat back on the couch.     

"XM? Is there any problem?" Lu Xion walked inside the room and saw Kong Da sitting there. His blood boiled upon seeing his pig face.     

"No, no problem, Brother Xion" Kong Liu got up instantly, a big smile plastered on her face while Kong Wei collected the photographs scattered on the table and hide it in Kong Liu's handbag.     

Lu Xion noticed everything but acted ignorantly when Xiu Mei long blinked to assure him.     

Looking at handsome Lu Xion up so close Kong Liu's cheeks flushed, she can't help but feel bashful. 'Undoubtedly he is equally handsome and rich if compared to Brother Jianyu. Ahh! But I'll still go with Brother Jianyu, he has a different charm that unique to him' She smiled inwardly.     

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