We are destined.Let me pamper you

Not allowed

Not allowed

0Xiu Mei deliberately kept her look simple and budget-friendly to attract minimum attention. As this was her first public appearance, she wanted her talent to shout for her instead of expensive clothes or jewelry.     

Kong Liu was shocked seeing the same masked woman, but this time she was with Feng Corporation's rival company who pushed back Infinity Software with their product SIRIUS. Does that mean there's nothing in between Jianyu and her? Is it a passing affair? Are they together for physical needs?     

She felt confused and tried to judge Xiu Mei with her dressing sense. Her smile broadened when she noticed how ordinary Xiu Mei's clothes were. Even last night also she was wearing a dress made of cotton, so downmarket. Feng Jianyu holds the power to lavish his woman with the most expensive clothes and jewelry, but it seems she doesn't have that privilege.     

Kong Liu smirked. 'She cannot be Brother Jianyu's woman, there's nothing special about her. Last night he must have called her his woman may be out of anger or something else. If they were together then why would she accompany the rival company instead of Feng Corporation? Brother Jianyu must have picked her for a one-night stand and nothing else. Liu, brother Jianyu is still rightfully yours; no one deserves him other than you'     

Kong Da and Kong Wei looked at Lu Xion's group intently. They tried to judge who among them could be R-Tech's president but no one fit their criteria. They were all ordinary looking people expect the handsome man leading the group, he was Lu Xion.     

"You told me that R-Tech's President was coming to attend the Summit. Then where is he?" Kong Da whispered to Kong Wei feeling annoyed.     

Kong Wei shrugged, "He might come later. I don't see anyone else worthy enough to be R-Tech's President amongst this group"     

"He better come" sighed Kong Da. It was automatically assumed by them that a company like R-Tech could only be owned by a man, a woman can never create such innovative products.     

Kong Liu looked at her father and brother, "You see this masked woman? She is the one who was with Brother Jianyu last night and messed with me in the restaurant"      

Last Night she was asked by Kong Da to go to the restaurant in the name of having dinner with friends, whereas her job was to look for President of Phoenix Enterprises and R-Tech. Unfortunately, she didn't find any of them and later forget about her job after she spotted Feng Junjie dining with someone.     

Kong Wei's brows rose, "Night with Feng Jianyu and day with Lu Xion?!! That's something! I'll send someone to inquire about her"     

Lu Xion pulled the chair like a gentleman for Xiu Mei and took the seat beside her. Xiu Mei pretended to look in front whereas she typed the message for Jianyu.     

Chipmunk : [Not allowed]     

Monster: [Wifey, what am I not allowed to do?]     

Chipmunk: [Not allowed to look handsome. I don't like other women drooling over you]     

Feng Jianyu smiled at her reply and run his fingers through hair to dishevel them but it makes him look sexier and young.     

Monster: [Is it fine now, or should I tore my clothes off?]     

Xiu Mei looked at him; an image of naked Feng Jianyu appeared in front of her eyes, making a slight blush appear on her cheeks. She felt something churn in her stomach and she shook head to clear her mind. Damn! How can this man look so handsome in every look? How can he be so perfect?Mei, you are getting pervert day by day.      

Monster: [Why are you blushing, baby? Did you just imagined me naked?"     

"Cough… cough…" His next sentence choked her on her own saliva. 'OMG! Did he put something inside my brain to read my thoughts? How did he know I imagined him naked?'     

Chipmunk: [:pouting_face:]     

Monster: [:beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:]     

Chipmunk: [I know you have hot body no need to show it to others. It's reserved for me. By the way, you are attracting more flies with disheveled hair :face_with_steam_from_nose:]     

Feng Jianyu chuckled at the cute emoji attached with the message.     

Feng Junjie noticed his brother's weird behavior and peeked in the phone but regretted. 'Oww…. My precious eyes! They both are savage. Can't they keep this lovey-dovey to their bedroom only?'     

"Sir, would you like to have something?" A waiter came holding a tray full of variety of snacks and asked Feng Junjie.     

"No thanks!"….. 'I'm full eating the dog food' His eyes rolled at the love-struck man beside him.     

Just when Feng Jianyu thought Xiu Mei won't send him any message, his phone buzzed twice.     


[ Beware, Junjie is peeking. I know you'll kill him if he see this pic]     

Junjie scrunched back when Jianyu gave him a side-eye….     

The very next message from her was more then enough to make Jianyu gulp a mouthful of saliva and bite his lips. It was a picture of Xiu Mei with a pout, wearing sexy transparent lingerie. Now it was Feng Jianyu's turn to feel something in the stomach or maybe a few inches below the navel. He shut his eyes tightly and counted till ten to control the feeling that his naughty wife has aroused.     

Monster: [Chipmunk, Be good. I'll punish you less for this naughtiness. Don't forget your stitches are removed and now this monster is free to do anything. Do you want your wedding night tonight?:red_heart:]     

The blush of her cheeks reached to ears and that added heart Jianyu has send made it worse.     

Like a frightened child, she immediately put the phone back into her handbag. She only wanted to be a little playful with the man…. Alright, Alright…. She tried to tease him like how he does it, but it backfired.     

Earlier it was impossible to win against her, but it seems he has learned all the tricks to control her or maybe she is willing to give up when it comes to him.     

Feng Jianyu can't control his smile seeing Xiu Mei's panicked reaction and the red blush that makes her look super adorable. How can he be so lucky to get this little firecracker in his life? She has truly lit his dark life...     

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