We are destined.Let me pamper you



0Feng Dingxiong's assistant was not aware of her cottage, so he courteously followed after Alice to make sure she reaches safely.     

Walking like a zombie, she stumbled a few times while walking towards the cottage but every time holds herself up and keeps on going.     

Alice was still in too much of a shock to realize where she was, what she was doing, where she was walking. All she wanted right now was to see the man. Don't know how he will react after knowing that she lost his diamond yet she wanted to see him.     

The man's cottage was in the same condition like how she left a few hours ago. Like an absent-minded person, Alice entered inside and shut the door after her as if she had not realized there was even a person behind her assigned the task of dropping her safely to the room.     

She slides down against the door, hugged her knees, her body curled into a ball. Inside the pitch dark room, her soft whimpering like a wounded kitten echoed.     

"I don't see the diamond. Where is it?"     

Alice bolted up from the floor at the familiar voice.     


The lights at the study table flickered on, revealing the silhouette of a man sitting on the chair     


With another flicker the lights turned off again.     

"S-Sir…." Alice's face becomes sickly pale thinking about the diamond. Until now she wants to see the man to tell him everything, but now she is afraid to reveal whatever happened.     

"TELL ME. Where is MY diamond?" The man's voice was oddly cold and unfriendly. It was nothing like how he used to talk to Alice.     

"I-I…. Oww…."      

Alice had taken a step forward to talk to him but two men came out of nowhere and held her arm harshly, ignoring the cuts and bruises on her skin.     

They were dressed in black suits with a lower face covered with a black mask, revealing only eyes.     

Alice's eyes vigilantly stared up at those men and she tries to break free from their grip but the more she tried to do so the harsher they gripped her. She finally gave up when the pain in her arm becomes unbearable.     

"Ahhh! S-sir can you please ask your men to let go of my hand. I-I'll tell you everything. Please!" She pleaded, tears filling up her eyes. She could feel prickling pain in her chest when the man didn't even bother to look at her once but concentrated on smoking expensive cigar, breathing out smoke in a perfect circle.     

"I WON'T REPEATE THE QUESTION THIRD TIME" The man growled like an animal, making Alice tremble in fear. Her eyes become unbelievably wide because he had never used this tone on her.     

"D-Diamond… L-lost…. Someone s-snatch it from me….."     



Before Alice could even complete her sentence someone gave a backhand slap across her face. Her eyes darted up at the man who slapped her but the next second she squeezed her eyes shut when the lightening in the room was turned on abruptly, blinding her vision for some time.     

Her eyes widened in horror as the number of men present in the room was not three but more than a dozen. All were dressed in black with a mask covered their half face. On the other corner of the room, a group of four men were sitting working on separate laptops. But why their laptops were connected to her laptop? What do they want from her laptop?     

This was the same white laptop that was given to Alice by the man to prepare for the competition. It was the very same laptop where she had her invention saved.     

No. This is wrong. What are they doing on my laptop? What information do they want? She tried to get her laptop back but those men restrained her and forced to bend down to knees.     


She looked at the man sitting on the study table, indifferent of what's going on. Neither he stopped his men from ill-treating her nor did he look at her.     

All this while she only saw his back facing her. He was wearing his long coat accompanied by a black hat that hides everything from her vision. Moreover, the people restraining her did not allow her to move.     

"Boss, this laptop is impossible to breakthrough. It's protected with multiple layers of security" The man working on Alice's laptop gave up when they failed to crack the password.     

"Then get the password from her" The man tapped his fingers on the table and ordered his men.     

"No, No, No please. W-Why are you doing this? Trust me; I'll pay for the diamond with interest" She shook her head in panic when the men approached her, "Please! You know I'm not that type of woman. With my invention, I'll be able to pay back the price of diamond within six months. I promise I won't ask for any profit or anything until you have recovered the money. Please give me a chance"     

To Alice's weak argument the man cackled loudly.     

"You lost my diamond, isn't it only fair that your invention now belongs to me COMPLETELY"     

Alice wanted to retort but before that one of the men grabbed hold of her arm and Injected something.     

Soon the drug kicked into her system and she started feeling breathless. It seems as if all the oxygen was sucked out of her system and no matter how many efforts she made but it could not be replenished.     

That drug was meant to slowly torture the victim by depriving him/her of oxygen for the fixed amount of time. She was given the drug in a controlled quantity to stop oxygen for only four minutes.     

But those four minutes were more than enough to show her what does struggle for life means.     

Her body rolled up on the floor as she tries to get oxygen but failed. Within four minutes, her body sweated and mixed with already drenched clothes.     

After exact four minutes, she was finally able to breathe and tried to take in as much oxygen as possible. Her body was incredibly weak, even the smallest movement would give her immense pain..     

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