We are destined.Let me pamper you

Rip them inside out

Rip them inside out

0"Lubricant? Painful? Have you ever thought of someone else' pain before killing or molesting them?" Joseph roared, "Do it. Otherwise, you have FOUR MORE limbs left other than your broken leg. Understand?? FOUR LIMBS!"     

With this warning, everyone jumped on to Kong's like hungry wolves, tore off their clothes and get down to business, pushing each other to do the job first to avoid being tortured.     

In their frantic state, they hurt the three men tied to the table more and more.     

Kong's piercing shrieks was like a piece of soothing music for Joseph as he vents out his buildup anger. "Be harder, rougher, merciless, cruel. Take them with pain, dug your nails in their flesh, rip them inside out. Do it so that they can never sit properly. Do it to make them remember this forever and ever"     

"I want to see blood…. Kick their asses. They have mouth too, climb onto the table and do it"     

Lu Xion and Feng Jianyu settled down away from the big LED screen, enjoying the flavor of Romanee-Conti wine silently. They were not interested in this type of torture. It was purely arranged for Joseph.     

When the time will come, they know that the actual God of Death is all set to torture these Kong's for treating his precious granddaughter like a product. After all, nothing can be compared in front of Zeng Shihong's ancient torture methods. To describe his brutal methods, every word seems useless.     

Although Feng Jianyu wanted to do this himself, when Lu Xion stated Zeng Shihong's desire he gave up as a gift for his grandfather in law.     

Kong's painful but heart satisfying torture continued on for more than ten hours until Joseph felt bored after they lost consciousness. However, in between the torture, doctors came three times to check them and make sure they don't die and gave a shot of adrenaline to let the f*cking torture continued.     

But things didn't stop there as Feng Jianyu's add-on was left. He wanted to make sure that these Kong's are cut off of their tool permanently.     

After Joseph was done, he hands over the mic back to Wu Zixin and stepped back. Feng Jianyu flicked his wrist and Rong Xiang forwards the message to send the surgeons in.     

Wang Shi was too overqualified to do this dirty job, so as his team. He carefully selected the team of surgeons from Country B to carry on the important job.     

Through the surgery, Kong's neither regions were completely ruined by performing castration on them. In order to let them live they were given proper medicines and injections before admitting them in the Country owned hospital for further treatment.     

Everything was done in such secrecy that it's impossible to trace the real culprit and the motive behind it.     

Thanks to Xiu Mei, she not only managed all the surveillance videos but set the timer to post the video on all porn sites and youtube, depicting a different picture of the torture under the title, 'KONG'S ENJOYING BDSM'     

As she can't leak the news that Kong Wen is not in North City but in someone's confinement, video only showed Kong Da and Kong Wei.     



Xiu Mei managed all the work from the penthouse, sitting in the comfort of the new computer room created for her. Feng Jianyu arranged everything for her there so that he can completely concentrate on the task in hand instead of worrying about her safety.     

After kidnapping Kong Da, Jianyu ordered Feng Jin to go back to the penthouse and guard her until he returns back. Considering his brother's concern, Feng Jin didn't retort and left.     

Xiu Mei was not interested in watching the torture and chose to go through the papers and chip Jianyu found in Kong Da's safe.     


Those papers were nothing but documents that showed Kong Da's desperate attempt to get Kong Zhi's property by trying to nullify the decision of putting the entire property under Zhi Memorial Trust.     

She shook her head in disappointment and tossed the papers aside as they were of no use. Soon, Zhi Memorial Trust will be officially backed by R-Tech, making it impossible for anyone to touch it.     

Next comes the turn to check what was in that chip….     

But before Xiu Mei could check it, she was disturbed by a familiar voice coming from the living room.     

"When will he grow up? This man is impossible" She mumbled while stepping out of the room.     

"Sister Mei Mei….." The moment Xiu Mei stepped outside the computer room; someone hugged her tightly and lifted up in the air, swirling few times breaking the expensive crystal vase in the process.     

"Ahh! Junjie!!" She yelped and giggled. Standing on the side Feng Jin was shocked looking at his twin brother's closeness with her. It seems he likes her very much. No doubt Feng Junjie harassed him by chanting about Sister Mei Mei, her inventions, her company, her intelligence and that beautiful villa where she lives. Every time they talked, Sister Mei Mei was the most discussed topic.     

Saying about cordiality, she is actually good with his three brothers, except him. It looks like she doesn't like him as he tried to test her during their first meeting. For an unknown reason, he felt outcasted by her unfair behavior towards him.     

Feng Junjie carefully puts her down but didn't let go of her shoulder to make sure she stabilizes herself. "Give me a minute! Everything is spinning" She clutched her head.     

"Sister Mei Mei, please don't tell about this hug to my brother" he leaned forward and whispered. Xiu Mei gave a hearty laugh, "Why? Because Jianyu will have your hide?"     

"Yes. I could not control my emotions and hugged you. You are my favorite after all and missed you sooooo much" He sniffed and wiped his non-existent tears, earning a weird stare from Feng Jin.     

"Oh! You must have met my Hitler brother by now? Do you like him?" Feng Junjie asked rather nervously.     

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