We are destined.Let me pamper you

It pained

It pained

0Ignoring everything, Alice ran after him to get the diamond back. "Ah!" She breathed out with every step as the pain kicked more and more. Her eyes showed panic and despair, as she fell into a kneeling position several times. But every time she stood up again to ran after the man who was going far from her eyes, and eventually disappeared.     

She did not stop but kept on looking for him.     

The cold icy rain pierced her white skin. She ran bare feet on the slippery street, bearing the weight of drenched clothes, her posture weakened with every passing minute.     

Suddenly a white car stopped nearby and she was pulled inside it.     

Alice was beyond anxious and let out a shrill shriek on seeing four bulky men clutching her tightly.     

"Noooo! Let go! Let go of me"     


In the next second, she was slapped across the face by a tattoed man as he dug his dirty fingers on her cheeks and kissed her on lips. He reeked of alcohol, his disgusting taste made her feel nauseous as she spat on his face.     

When he felt the saliva on face, the man's sinister urge surfaced. He ripped her clothes apart, revealing the fair white skin, provoking the devil inside the four men more.     

The bald man could not keep control over his desires, his hands slipped under her lower undergarment. Alice shouted at the top of her lungs, cried, tried to kick, but the two other men hold her tightly, spreading her legs wide apart as the bald man touched her.     

Nobody heard her painful screams…. Thunder muffled her voice….     

It pained….     

She was humiliated….     

She wanted to die….     

"Don't touch me!.... Don't touch me!" They enjoyed her struggling and it riled them more. Before the bald man could do something else the blonde haired man stopped him.     

"Not here! Let's take her to our place"     

"Why? Aren't we ordered to play with her until she dies? Let's me do it here and then we'll do it at our place too. This white rabbit will be the most delicious thing I'll ever taste" Bald man said nonchalantly.     

The tattoed man grinned sinisterly looking at Alice and licked his lips, "What are you rushing for? Did you forget we have to make a video to send to the boss? Let's play with her at our place"     

"Hahaha…. Fine!" The bald man reluctantly withdrew  hand from her panty and smelled his fingers, "Ahh! She smells so good. I can't wait to let my tongue explore the taste" He was clearly losing control and sneered.     

They took her to the construction site where they had set their temporary setup to video everything.     

"No! Please let go! I beg you!"     

Her voice was already hoarse due to continuous shouting, but that did not stop her from shouting for a single second. All she hoped for was a miracle tonight, hoping for God to come down once and save her. And if he can't come, then please strike her with lightning and kill her before these men could violate her.     

Ignoring her shrieks that echoed throughout the place, they mauled her through the debried floor like a dead animal.     

Just when Alice thought that everything was over for her….     

'WHOOSHH', a sound of wind came towards the tattooed man who was dragging her and something hit him on the nose. The force was so strong, that he was instantly knocked out.     

Alice crawled behind the small mountain of debris and tried to cover herself. She shivered. She sniffed. She sobbed. Her body pained to no extent.     

Next second she felt something warm wrapped her up. She looked up and saw the suave tall man standing in front of her as he gave her his warm trench coat.     

He was none other than her idol, Feng Dingxiong. His expression calm as he gently patted her head. "Relax! I won't let anyone touch you. Trust me!" Alice felt Feng Dingxiong crouched down, covering her ears tightly while keeping his gaze on her as if assuring that nothing will happen to her tonight.     

She just saw him nodding at someone.     

When Feng Dingxiong lifted her up in his arms and brought her out, she saw the bodies of the men being loaded on a vehicle. They were probably dead....      

Feng Dingxiong took her to the limousine parked in front of the construction site and without worrying that her clothes were muddy and bloodstained, he placed her on the expensive leather seat before he settled down opposite her and passed the glass of warm water that she accepted instantly but her trembling hands spilled it over her.     

"Let me help you" Feng Dingxiong took the glass back, holding it close to her mouth he made her drink it, still spilling it on clothes due to her constant shivering.     

Feng Dingxiong saw bruised knees and finger marks on her cheeks. The moment he touched her knee to check, she jerked violently and shifted to the window, curling her body into a small ball.     

He retrieved his hand instantly, not intending to scare her more. "Relax little one! Let me help you with first-aid, okay?"     

She stared on to the floor with a broken look. Her lips parched, tears refused to stop. The shine had fled from her eyes, she was nothing but a hollow doll.     

Feng Dingxiong could only hear sounds of sobbing and sniffing in the quiet car.     

He sighed. Taking her silence as a default yes, he dabbed the antiseptic on a cotton ball and carefully approached her. But the moment he touched her she panicked and shifted back.     

Out of option, he placed the first-aid box and a wet towel beside her, hoping she might help herself, but she remained unresponsive.     

"P-please drop me to R-Rosewood Resort" After some time he heard these words and everything returned back to silence. She was unresponsive once again.     

Feng Dingxiong dropped her to the resort; he had sent his assistant to accompany her to the room.     

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