We are destined.Let me pamper you

I'm doing it

I'm doing it

0"I was feeling sticky and dirty" Xiu Mei retorted back fearlessly, "In the morning you only gave me a sponge bath. What about my hair? They have turned into an oily stinky mess… And before going for the bath I wrapped my wounds with waterproof gauze, you can check it… Achooo…. Achoooo….Achooo"     

"Ah! Clothes! Put on your clothes" He went to the cupboard to get one of his black t-shirts. "Lift your hands up" He ordered and she obediently did. Smoothly he made her wear his t-shirt.     

Her mind froze when she saw another white garment in his hands. "That's my… my… THAT"     

"Yaa… This is your panty. Let me help you" saying he lifted the blanket up from her feet.     

His words snapped her out of her momentary daze when she realized what he was up to. Her face turned beetroot red from shame and embarrassment. She tried to grab the panty from him but he evaded it with a shake of his head. "Be good! I'm doing it"     

"No! I'll do it myself. Give it to me"     

"Shut up Mei. Don't argue on this silly thing. Later I've to check your stitches also"     

"Damn it!" She looked at him with a crying face. This is the most embarrassing moment of her life. "Jianyu, please let me wear this myself. Did I say something when you made me wear a t-shirt?"     

Feng Jianyu turned deaf to her pleadings and lifted her ankle up, which she pulled back inside the blanket. He sighed, "Fine! Don't wear this. Anyway, you are my wife, so what's the need for this useless clothing while sleeping beside your husband. Good idea! Now let me see your waist injury first"     

He chucked the garment aside and tried to lift the blanket again. "No no-no… Don't lift the blanket. I'll wear it" She clutched the blanket tightly. To check the waist injury he would have to lift up the t-shirt and the scenery would be more shameful.     

Feeling ashamed Xiu Mei covered her head with the blanket. She did not want to see him doing this.     

He suppressed the smile threatening to break out and immediately hold the panty near her foot and pulled it up her smooth legs from inside the blanket, sliding his fingers as he moved up. Later he checked her wounds for the relief of his heart.     

Seeing she is still burrowed inside the blanket he pulled it down from her head.     

Xiu Mei was behaving as if this is the first time he looked at her naked body. Unbeknownst to her, he already saw everything the night she created the ruckus at railway tracks. But being in a drunken state she doesn't remember anything about it.     

His little woman is the cutest of all. He wondered just how he was controlling his desires until now. She is simply too irresistible for her own good.     

"Look at me, my wifey" He lowered his head and kissed her continuously between her brows and then her mouth. Opening her eyes she hugged Feng Jianyu's neck and kissed him deeply, fighting with his tongue for the upper hand.     

Feng Jianyu's heart pounded madly at Xiu Mei's deep and intimate move. He wanted to kiss her lightly but she went in for a full-fledged kiss. Her fingers grazed over his scalp before she tucked his hair in fist and angeled it for better access.     

"Jianyu…." She let out a small moan and breathed out his name, evoking a fire within him. "I want more kiss…."     

When his beau was demanding something how can he deny it? He stabilized his body weight and responded the kiss with passion, hunger, and lust. Undoubtedly the taste of her mouth is the most addictive and sweetest thing for him.     

She seized the opportunity without hesitation and kissed him with uninhibited kisses as if ready to devour him by the kiss.     

Her intoxicating kisses made his brain confused as he could not resist her tremendous efforts of kissing him. This is the first time she is giving her all for a little kiss, which by the way was no more little .     

Xiu Mei was not satisfied with their position and tried to change it but he was too heavy for her to push him down and climb up.     

On getting the hint, he did what she wanted. Without breaking their kiss he rolled to the side and spooned her body above him.     

Feeling satisfied she nipped his bottom lip, licking and sucking. Her soft suctioning against his lips turned him crazy.     

His hands rubbed on her body feeling the curves and stopped at her bottoms cheeks. Without warning he teasingly groped it hard, earning a moan from her. He grinned against her lips and take over the control over her slow and tortures kiss.     

As he takes the control, she cannot fight against his astounding strength and eventually let him dominate her fron here on.     

He pulled back to let her breath for some time. She pouted her lips in protest and moaned, prompting him to return back to the important job.     

Feng Jianyu was losing control because of deep kiss and continuous friction of their bodies. He could feel his shaft getting excited for the little temptress in his arms. All he wanted was to follow his physical urge and take her right here.     

But her body condition was not optimistic right now and she won't be able to handle his strength. He finally realized that their 'KISS' session has gone too far and it would be best if he stops right now. He relaxed his body and slow down the kiss as though reducing it level by level instead of ending it abruptly.     

His hands let go of her bottom cheeks and reached for her back to stroke it gently to calm her down as he pulled himself off. He saw her eyes were closed, still devouring the passion of making love with his lips.     

After some time when Xiu Mei realized he was not responding and merely stroking her back. She panted softly and opened her eyes to glance down at the man with a face full of complaint. Not so surprisingly the intense desire was obvious in his eyes as they were blazing with love and lust yet he breaks the kiss. How stingy!     

"Aren't you hungry? Let's eat something and then you have to take your medicines also. Right?" He tried to pry himself away from her and said indifferently as if nothing happened.     


'Hungry? Seriously? At this crucial time you want to eat food when your wife is serving her tofu on a silver plate! Ridiculous! Why are you not doing anything, you monster? Finally, I took the initiative yet you are acting as a log. Idiot man! Can't you listen to your body once? Claim your husband's right, Damn it!'     

"Not hungry! No medicines! I want more kisses…" She yelled feeling irritated and kissed him again. This time harder than before.     

'No problem monster! I will make your life miserable if you don't act fast'     

Feng Jianyu neither stopped her nor did he respond to her kisses. Although he wanted to kiss her badly, he braced himself to not do anything. Seeing that he is not reciprocating she stopped her kisses and lie down above him, hugging his waist. 'Bully!'     

She rested above him for some time and did nothing but listen to his heart beat….     

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