We are destined.Let me pamper you

Come fast.... I need you

Come fast.... I need you

0President was shocked hearing this. Before she could ask something more QingZhou spoke up.     

[Feng Jin is already here with his squad. Within two days all the jets, fighter planes, tanks and armed sources that are in Kong Da's control will be seized by his team and put under President's order. While to keep Kong Da away from this news, his second brother Feng Junjie is pulling strings behind the curtain to keep Kong's busy]     

 President Pang was satisfied with the plan and hanged up the phone. The only thing stopping them right now was Xiu Mei's whereabouts. Once she is safely returned to Feng Jianyu they can start with the next part of the plan.     



Feng Jianyu received Feng Junjie's message that Xiu Mei contacted him through a different satellite device and needs help. He promptly forwards the details of her location and simultaneously warned about military personnel following her.     

Without any delay, they all left to rescue her.     


(Back to Xiu Mei and Ghost)     

 The way they ran out of the camp it was obvious that intruders are running away in Commander Zeus' car.     

"Fast! Speed up! We have to get out of this place. Go towards North…. You have to keep driving till we reach him" Xiu Mei pointed towards North direction.     

"Are you sure help will reach us? Will they be able to handle them?" Ghost was apprehensive about this help. He can drive her out but what happens next is a mystery for him.     

"Don't take my man lightly! These silly people don't know they are following their death" Saying she rested her head at the headrest and closed her eyes to concentrate on breathing. She has pushed her body to limits in these last few days and now it's getting impossible to persevere anymore.     

When Ghost didn't hear anything from her, he turned his head to check if everything is fine. Her face was pale as if drained of blood.     

He saw her face and asked with concern, "Are you alright?"     

She shook her head slowly and didn't utter a single word.     

As he finished, they heard the sound of chopper approaching towards them. Her eyes opened instantly and she propped out her head from the window to see who this helicopter belongs to. "Oh no! They are chasing after us. Faster!" She said with obvious concern and hopped Feng Jianyu to come faster.     

Ghost frowned as he saw some lights flashing through the rearview mirror. "Not only chopper. More military vehicles are following us. They must have seen Zeus' body" Ghost pressed on the accelerator fully and tossed a gun towards her. He doesn't have to explain what is supposed to be done with a gun in this situation.     

The chopper reached faster and lowered to come within the range to lock the target and started shooting at the car.     

"GHOST!" She shouted to warn him and raised the gun to try hitting the chopper. As the rain of bullets started pouring, Ghost steered the car into zigzag motion to avoid getting hit. Thankfully he evaded the attack but the next moment Xiu Mei rolled down the window to target the chopper with the gun before it fires again.     

Three bullets shot but none managed to hit the chopper. However, helicopter alleviated back in the air but keep on following them, flashing light on the dark road. They took a breather after the helicopter was out of range.     

She checked the magazine of the gun "Damn it! Only three bullets left"     

Ghost frowned at her answer. He had checked before that the magazine of this gun was fully loaded with seven bullets. Why is she counting one less bullet?     

"Roxie, give me that" He shuddered the thought and ordered his dog, who in return fished out something from Gemie's collar with his teeth. Ghost took it and gave the new magazine to Xiu Mei. "We have five more magazines"     

Soon the cars were catching up to them. She took out the satellite device and tried to contact Feng Junjie again,     



One of the military car chasing bumped into them from behind and the device falls down from her hands and slipped under the seat. She tried to retrieve it but the car started firing. Their fierceness showed how determined they are to kill them.     

They are aware, if these intruders managed to slip out of their hands alive it would be risky as the secret of illegal activities they are hiding will be revealed.     

'Please Jianyu…. Come fast…. I need you'     

She propped out of the window again and tried to shot at the cars approaching but they were strong military vehicles, few bullets won't do any harm on their metal bodies. She tried to use the trick Jianyu did by targeting their tyres but her aim missed every time.     

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