We are destined.Let me pamper you

Dead bodies

Dead bodies

0"What are yo…."     

"Shh…" He shushed her and pointed his finger at the direction of the crash site.     

Xiu Mei hides herself and saw few men dressed in military uniforms cleaning the place and carrying away DEAD BODIES from the accident site. Her heart rate dropped looking at dead bodies in unrecognizable condition, badly burned, limbs missing.     

"J-Jianyu…" Fighting against the feeling of nausea and body pain, she pressed her palm on the small protruding part of the tree and adamantly watched them as they throw the human bodies inside the open vehicle like some dead animals.     

When the truck passed by her, she stepped out from her hiding and tried to peek inside the truck like a walking dead. 'Ghost' pulled her back behind the tree to save her from the eyes of these vicious men. "Are you mad? Don't you know what they can do with you?" He chided her.     

Looking at how senseless she is behaving right now, he unscrews a bottle of water from her bag and poured it over her head.     

Xiu Mei blinked her eyes several time as the water washed through her eyes. She does not want to believe that Jianyu had left her alone. How can they separate again? What about his promise of finding her? Why their love is always on the losing end when fighting against fate?     

No… No… If she has survived the attack then Jianyu must have survived it too. Those safety capsules were made up of the strongest material and considering Jianyu's nature of double-checking the things, there was no chance he will bring her in the car without checking the safety capsule.     

Maybe his capsule was tossed into the air somewhere deep inside the forest.     

Wiping her face with her top she got up to scan the ruins of the accident thoroughly. 'He is alive… He is safe… my heart is still beating, this means he is alive… Jianyu will find his chipmunk… Mei will find her monster…. No one can separate us…' Mumbling inwardly she left no stone unturned and checked everything.     

She saw there were ruins of two more cars other than their SUV. Probably they were front vehicles on which Jianyu had fired. They must have failed to control their speed and crashed down the cliff.     

After scouring the area for hours she found three more safety capsules, all empty. She closed her eyes and makes a rough estimate of the position of the capsules where they have landed in relation to the possible direction they must be tossed out.     

Upon scanning, she concluded none of these belongs to Jianyu. He was sitting to her left, this means he must have landed somewhere in the west direction roughly aligning with her own capsule. She ran towards the west direction of the forest to look around until her gaze landed on the missing safety capsule.     

Her breath hitched when she saw lots of blood splattered around. There were unspeakable emotions in her eyes as she scoured the place reluctantly with trembled hands and found a bracelet with dried blood on it. It was Jianyu's…. She had seen him always wear it on his wrist before leaving for office.     

Holding it close to her chest she got up from the floor, the darkness consumed her for some time and she staggered on her feet.     

'Ghost' immediately rushed to hold her but she pushed him away with her palm and asked for some time to regain composure.     



Using the potted herbs available at his home Ghost was brewing soup for her while Xiu Mei was working on her broken watch, trying to repair it or maybe connect it to her phone to somehow set up the communication with Jianyu.     

She neither cried nor screamed all this while, but one look at her face and anyone could tell how much effort she has put to hold herself up in this situation.     

Like a stubborn woman, she is clenching onto a tiny ray of hope that everything is fine. Her husband is safe and alive. This dreadful nightmare will get over soon.     

 "Here. Drink this herbal soup. You are wounded. It will help you in steady recovery" said Ghost, holding a bowl of hot soup.     

Xiu Mei had no appetite but in order to continue her search of Jianyu, she had to keep feeding nutrients to her body. Absentmindedly she forced down the soup down her throat. She turned to look at the man, "Can you take me to the place where they have taken bodies? I want to check"     

"Yes. Although risky, we will leave tomorrow morning" He answered.     

"Not tomorrow. Now" She said and was about to get up when Ghost pressed her shoulder firmly, "Don't be silly. It's about to sunset, plus you are driving since last night. Give some rest to your body, we'll leave tomorrow morning. Goodnight" He didn't give her any chance to retort and called the day off, leaving her alone in the living room with his two dogs.     


 Next morning when the ghost came out of his room, he was shocked to see the woman sitting in the corner on the floor, still trying to repair the watch with great concentration. His two dogs Gemie(German Shepherd) and Roxie (Retriever) were sleeping on either side with their head resting on her lap.     

'Preposterous! Does this stubborn girl did not even slept for a single minute? Who does she think she is? Superwoman!' He sighed inwardly 'I wish her agony to end soon. Don't know who that person is she's looking so desperately, but I wish for his safety'     

Before leaving, Xiu Mei changed her look as per Ghosts instructions. Being a lone eastern girl in this war zone, it's dangerous for her to come under the eyes of terrorists or military. Getting a new pair of jeans was impossible, so she didn't take off her jeans but changed into Ghost's oversized shirt in beige color and tied it to a knot on her waist.     

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