We are destined.Let me pamper you

Get it from his room

Get it from his room

0Xiu Mei lowered her head and tried to hide her face through the hat. Zeus had obviously seen Alice several times in Kong House. What if he recognizes her? Seven years is a long time but that does not change the appearance of a person completely. She is still Alice with the same face…     

She tried to sneak out from the camp quietly but excitement rose in her heart when she saw the laptop and satellite communicating device with the man standing behind Zeus.     

With the satellite communicating device, she can talk to Jianyu, know about his whereabouts and even inform him about her location. Her brows furrowed when she saw the laptop. What could be the use of a laptop in this no network zone? Obviously, it's not meant for playing games or watching porn.     

Alright, scratch the last two words…     

She knows what a big womanizer Zeus is.     

'If they are having a laptop then there must be a way to access the internet. But how can they access it in this network free zone? This is only possible if he lifts it temporarily for his personal use. If that's the case I've to stay till Zeus is here'     

Little did she know that the opportunity she was looking for to stay here would drop in her lap just like that.     

The chef came running to complain to the captain about the shortage of Kitchen staff due to the unannounced arrival of Commander Zeus with his entire entourage. He asked him to appoint some helpers in exchange for some food and money.     

She heard the chef and captain's banter and shifted towards the ghost, "I want this job. At any cost"     

"Are you sure? It can be risky" he whispered     

"100 %. Just do it"     

Without any further dialogue, he went to talk to the captain and they instantly agreed. With Ghosts compelling story of the hungry stomach and no money, Captain allowed them to work here temporarily.     

Ghost smirked at the success and then walked away from them towards the woman who was trying hard to hide her face. "We got the Job"     


"Of- course! How can I leave you alone amongst these wolfs?" He said it like it's the most natural thing for him.      

Mei looked at him with curious eyes. The man is crippled, face and body badly burnt, considering his age in 50's his youth is long gone, then why is he doing all this? Is it just for adventure or something else?     

"Live your rest of the life peacefully. Go back home, don't risk it for me" She tried persuading him.     

 "Peacefully? In this city? Not possible young lady" He scoffed and then added, "I'm just performing my duties in which I failed"     


Mei didn't understand his words and gave a confused look, but he ignored her gaze before taking her inside the house where Zeus' will be staying for two days.     


First day of work     

Being the outsiders, Chef assigned them the petty task of washing vegetables and dirty utensils as he can't involve an outsider in the process of cooking.     

They were brought to the washing area behind the building…     

Xiu Mei saw the rickle of dirty utensils on the cemented corner and the garden hose. She was about to sit down to wash them, but before her finger could even touch the utensils a strong arm pulled her up. "Are you here to do this? Carry on your main purpose of staying here" Ghost reprimanded her and pushed her to the side.     

"Don't worry. I'm simultaneously watching over my surroundings" She tried to reason with him "Moreover, it's a mountain of utensils. How will you manage all this alone?"     

 He frowned and then smirked looking at his two soldiers. "My soldiers are going to help me. We are three" She suppressed the urge to laugh thinking how funny it is that high and mighty Zeus will be served food on the dishes washed…. Not washed… Licked by the dogs.     


While entering the morgue and kitchen she noticed CCTV cameras installed everywhere. But as this place is network free zone, this leads to a conclusion that they are all wired and monitored through a control room.     

All she has to do is to bug the system to avoid tracking of her activities. But where this surveillance room is? She scanned all the buildings and people coming in and out of the building. Growing up surrounded by military personals, she knows many things about their ranking and rules.     

Only special ranking personals are allowed to go inside the control room...     

After finding the target building, she memorized all the cameras around the building and their possible blind spots. Just little mathematical calculation and geometry concepts, finding a blind spot of a camera are no big deal.     

Taking advantage of her nimble body and in the disguise of helping others in doing petty work, she roamed around the entire premises and planned everything.     


LATE NIGHT 2:42 a.m     

Ghost saw her looking at Zeus' room with sharp eyes and asked. "What happen? Still wondering how are you going to execute the plan?"     

She took a deep breath, "Everything is sorted. It's just this commander Zeus' never let go of his laptop and communicating device for even a single minute. In that case, how am I going to access it? Whole day his subordinate was following him with the devices along with an entire team of guards. Getting near him at that time is impossible. So my only bet is to get it from his room"     

Ghost shook his head immediately, "Don't take this risk. I know your skills are exceptional, but you cannot fight against the entire military with a cripple and two dogs. Especially when we are armless at this moment"     

Before coming here Xiu Mei had hidden her combat bag in the forest not too far from the camp. How can she be foolish to bring it inside?     

"No… Those electronics are most important to me right now. For those devices I'm willing to put everything at stake" she clenched her fists, her eyes were practically burning with fierce determination.     

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