We are destined.Let me pamper you

It’s about Mr. Zeng Shihong

It’s about Mr. Zeng Shihong

0PEOPLE'S HOSPITAL (Dr. Wang Shi's hospital)     

Xiu Mei woke up in the VIP room of the hospital but the moment she opened her eyes it felt saturated with the sharp light and shut them back again. Adjusting her vision she looked around the room that was nothing like her tastefully decorated bed-room and neither Feng Jianyu's luxury office lounge.     

'Am I still in some kind of dream?'     

Frowning, she used her arms to push herself up slowly as her head was hurting like someone was hitting it with a hammer.     

"You're up" Feng Jianyu's deep voice heard beside her and she snapped her head at him in fear. Remembering her last nights' stunt, her head lowered in guilt and eyes glistened in tears. 'He is definitely going to scold me'     


Swirling a thick black liquid in a glass he approached her and kissed her on the forehead. "Relax! Forget it whatever happened last night. I already destroyed all the video footages of the bar and the one installed on the route to the railway track. Okay? Don't worry. Drink this in one gulp"     

"You… You are not mad at me? You won't scold me?"     

"Why would I, love? You are safely back in my arms, that's all I care in this world" pinching her cheeks gently he kissed her left cheek.     

Xiu Mei "…"     

'Can you please scold me for my reckless behavior and not spoil me every time? Soon I'll catch diabetes with this overdose of sweetness. I better stop eating those chocolates; this sweet monster is more than enough'     

"C'mon… drink up" He pushed the glass towards her.     

Xiu Mei pressed her lips into a thin line and anxiously took the glass from his hands looking at the dark color liquid. "Pfft... cough… cough…" First, sip in and first sip out on Feng Jianyu's pristine white shirt. "Pfft… pfft… buushh…. Bloody hell! What type of bitter poison is this? Is this my punishment?"     

With a twisted face, she rubbed her tongue with a hospital gown to get the bitter taste off of her mouth.     

Feng Jianyu didn't reply anything and took the glass from her hands, pinched her nose and forcefully shove it down her throat until all the herbal medicine is down inside her stomach. "Mmm… Jianyu… Yukkkk…. Pfft…."     

"Punishment or whatever. This herbal medicine was necessary to curb down the effects of alcohol you drank last night. Dare repeat this stunt again, and I'll make you drink this daily for the entire month. Wanna try again wifey?" Looking at Jianyu's threatening gaze she shook her head vehemently. This herbal drink is the horrible-est drink of her life. No way she is ever going to drink that again.     


Xiu Mei looked at him anxiously waiting for him to ask something about her strange behavior the earlier night. She tried to recall what happened after they reached Feng Jianyu's office but her memory seems to be drunk too.     

Everything is so blurry that she failed to recollect her memory after he brought her to his cabin.     

'Had I said something in my drunken state? Why am I in the hospital? Why is he behaving so strange? What's the need for this serious expression?'     

"Jianyu, why are we in the hospital?" She asked warily and he replied while cleaning his shirt with the tissue paper.     

"You complained about severe stomach-ache last night. So, I brought you to the hospital to get you examined. It was the case of alcohol poisoning and Wang Shi gave you medicine in IV" Xiu Mei checked her hand, indeed infusion needle was stick inside her veins.     

"Did I say something last night? Like anything…."     

Feng Jianyu took a deep breath and sat down on the bed with her with the same serious expression. Looking at his face, she gulped a mouthful of saliva in fear.     

"I want to tell you something" He answered in a hesitating tone and clasped her fingers in his.     

"What?" She asked feeling uneasy in her heart.     

"It's about Mr. Zeng Shihong who helped you seven years back. Remember you told me about him?" He answered avoiding eye contact with her.     

"What about him?" The way he was behaving, her mind cannot think anything good but only bad. In fact something worse….     

"I don't know how to tell you this. But promise me you will hold yourself strong in every situation. No matter what, I'm always with you" Xiu Mei's lips quivered as her eyes started to sting.     

He clenched her hand tightly and pulled her closer to him. Both of them hold their silence for a few minutes, but Xiu Mei was struggling with her inner self. She wanted him to say something but at the same time don't want to hear anything.     


"Do you know why Wang Shi missed yesterday's meeting?"     

"N-NO" She muttered the courage to answer him.     

"Yesterday Mr. Zeng was rushed to the hospital in an unconscious state. Wang Shi was busy attending him" Feng Jianyu's voice was heavy with emotions.     

She bites her lips as the anxiety was killing her by each passing second. She recalled her attitude in Xion's office yesterday when she coldly walked out of there without talking to him, shattering all his hopes. She recalled Mr. Zeng's watery eyes, his painful whimpers, his desire to hear Grandfather once, his fatherly love and everything.     

He kept on calling her yet she didn't even bother to turn towards him once. Is it too late now? His health was obviously not good, was her behavior too outrageous? If not as the grandfather, she still respects and loves him as the man who saved her life. No matter how much she struggles, but cannot deny the fact that he is her grandfather.     

"Mei, Mr. Zeng…."     

"Stop… Stop… I don't want to hear anything" Feeling hopeless in her heart, Xiu Mei cannot think anything except bad and covered her ears. Her overthinking leads to negative thoughts…     

"No No No… Nothing can happen to him. Not again. Not anymore. God cannot be unfair to me every time. Why does God always come after my loved ones? Am I shadow of bad luck in their life?" She hugged her knees and buried her head in them while her hands still on ears, refusing to hear what Feng Jianyu wants to say.     

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