We are destined.Let me pamper you

No useless people are allowed

No useless people are allowed

0Feng Jianyu was going through the marriage document once again to double check the details filled. "If you love your eyes then stop staring her" His one sentence and all three men looked anywhere but her.     

His statement may be a warning for others but to Xiu Mei it made her laugh. She presses her lips firmly to control the laughter that's threatening to come out. 'Monster you are savage!'     

After studying the documents carefully Feng Jianyu passed it to Rong Xiong, who forwards it to the middle-aged man sitting opposite. "I want the marriage certificates by tomorrow morning. Make sure there's no delay"     

The middle-aged man nodded politely. "No problem CEO Feng. I'll personally deliver it to your office by tomorrow morning. Umm…. We…. We…"     

"What is it?"     

"We need a picture of you two. If you don't mind please allow my assistant to take a couple-picture" The middle-aged man requested but didn't dare to look at Xiu Mei even once.     

Feng Jianyu looked at Xiu Mei, asking if she's ok with it and she nodded. "Couple picture is important. Otherwise, no marriage certificate"     

"Okay! But not with your camera!" Jianyu took out his phone, unlocked it and gave it to his assistant "Take a GOOD picture of us" He wrapped his arm around Xiu Mei's shoulder, making her blush at this sudden PDA.     

Everyone was stunned by how Feng Jianyu emphasized on the word 'GOOD' and then he lovingly wrapped his arm around this woman. No doubt she's beautiful, elegant and her face shows a spark of determination. But what other qualities does she have that ruthless CEO Feng is adoring her so much? They have never heard of her in business or socialite circle! Then who is this mystery woman?     

They can only tug their hair thinking about her, looking for the answers....     

Rong Xiong took one picture and showed it to Feng Jianyu for approval….     

"Take another"     

"Yes sir"     


"No! One more!"     


"Correct the angle and then take it"     


"It's blurry!"     


"Too dark!"     


"You don't even know how to take a picture….!?"     


"Do it again"     

Xiu Mei "…."     

The middle-aged man and his assistant "…."     

Rong Xiong cried inwardly- 'Please spare me, boss! Let me call the professional photographer'     

After don't know how many attempts, Jianyu finally approved a picture and ordered Rong Xiong to use the printer in his study and gave a hard copy to the middle-aged man.     

The middle-aged man and his assistant were about to leave after getting the pictures and documents when Feng Jianyu stopped them and gestured Rong Xiong to get the non-disclosure agreement papers and get them signed by both of them. "Until I announce my marriage in media, you three have to sign this agreement"     

Rong Xiong "…."     

"Cough… Boss, with due respect, but you said three!?"     

"Yes! You are included" Feng Jianyu answered as a matter of fact and looked at Xiu Mei with assuring eyes.     

"Don't Worry CEO Feng. We've no problem in signing the agreement" Middle-aged man glanced at his assistant and nodded in affirmation. They both sign the documents and left the room silently after wishing the newly wedded couple. "Congratulations to you, Mr. Feng, Mrs. Feng!"     

"Rong Xiong, take a six-month bonus from the finance department as your gift," Feng Jianyu said with an inadvertent smile on his lips. No matter how hard he was trying to hide his smile, but it keeps on coming back to his lips, shocking everyone around him including the servants of the castle.     

Rong Xiong happily left the two couples alone….     


Xiu Mei was still in the shock of her marriage, looking blankly at the departing figure of the three men. She came back to her senses when Feng Jianyu kissed her on lips and abruptly lifted her up in his arms. "Ahh…. Jianyu? What are you doing?"     

"Mrs. Feng isn't this how a husband is supposed to bring his wife home, by holding her in his arms before stepping inside the door! Please allow me" Xiu Mei could feel his body warmth seeped into her through his touch, slowly warming her heart. She wanted to feel this warmth forever, so she moved closer to his chest by holding him tightly.     

"Jianyu…. But I'm already inside…" She chuckled and He replied calmly, "I know! That's why I'm taking you to our bedroom"     

She gasped in fear thinking about their last night's activity. "No! I'm good! Let's go and tell about our marriage to your brothers. They deserve to know about this"     

"Tomorrow…. Tomorrow…. Today I'm going to spend the whole day with my WIFE. No useless people are allowed!" Without listening to her, he took her back to their bedroom.     

Xiu Mei "…."     

'This man is impossible. How can he call his own brothers useless? Don't know how I am going to handle this monster in the future'     




A steady dripping of runny tap echoed all around the dark room.     

A collection of more than 100 dangerous implements including pliers, clamps, and thumbscrews rests on a shelf. A stack of clean aprons was neatly placed beside them. In the corner, a carefully wrapped thick leather-bound book was kept. Its pages depict the human body anatomy with colored pictures to show the locations of the major organs, arteries, nerve, and everything.     

Two men were hanged upside down from the ceiling with iron shackles tied to their ankles. Their hands were immobilized behind their back while mouth gag was tied around their mouth so that they can't scream when the torture begins.     

Suddenly the switches flickered and the violent sharpness of light assaulted the eyes of the two men, causing them to grimace in agony.     

They tried to wrench their arms free only to realize the more they will struggle the more iron shackles will dug deeper into their flesh.     

Suddenly two bulky men dressed in black, enter inside the room and stood behind them. Their aura speaks nothing but death. Looking around, the victims realize it's not an ordinary room but 'TORTURE ROOM'     

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