We are destined.Let me pamper you



0His efforts worked and her guards dropped, giving him the opportunity to slide his hand back to the 'Little white thing' and disappear inside it to explore the forbidden dark cave.     

Jianyu's one touch in her nether region and it was over for Xiu Mei. In that split second every nerve in her body and brain was electrified as she opened her mouth to gasp deeply and her hands moved from his biceps to neck to hug the man tightly in reflex against this foreign feeling.     

Feeling the wetness of her core Feng Jianyu's already throbbing manhood swelled further, pleading his master to pump it inside her core and fill her completely. He groaned feeling how soft and juicy she is down there, making him feel thirsty for her. But today he won't pay any heed to his own desires but only hers.     

To prepare her beforehand for their blissful married life, he has to clear the insecurity she feels about her body. In their relationship, there is no place for such useless things but only love…. Lots of love…..     

He let go of her lips to take a look at her face. He saw she is breathing from the mouth, her breasts were still perked up even after he had spent a good amount of time on them as they move up and down with every breath she took, her eyes were dazed and she was completely drowned into the feeling of pleasure.     

Upon seeing the reaction he was expecting, Feng Jianyu gently coaxed her willing feminine core brushing his forefingers on them in upwards and downward motions, making her scrunch her face and grunt…As she did this, he stopped moving his fingers being worried about her. "Are you in pain? Does this hurt?"     

Crimson red color stole over Xiu Mei's cheeks at his question. She pressed her lips and shook her head shyly, replying to him in a 'NO'sound. "Nu Huh!"     

Feng Jianyu felt pleased by her words and lets out a burst of generous laughter as he bit his lips ready to play with her feminine core "This means you like my touch here" saying he innocently rubs all his fingers inside her folds, making her jump in his arms. "J-JIANYU…"     

His shameless words made her feel so embarrassed that she wanted to dig a whole to hide herself in it. She can't believe that instead of stopping him from going any further she encouraged him.     

"Or do you like me doing this?" He said, before pinching the clit in between his thumb and index finger and grinned looking at her reaction.     

She let out a moan of pleasure as tears rolled from her eyes. Each teasing from the man was sending a wave of electric shock in her tensed body. Feeling embarrassed she tried to close her legs only to be loosen up again when he pinched the clit again, making sure this time the pinch is little harsh.     

"Oww…. J-Jianyu…." She scratched her nails at the back of his neck feeling the sting on her feminine core.     

"Love, you have two options. Either you ask me to stop; I promise I'll pull out my hands. Or let me continue pleasing your body at my choice" Xiu Mei heard him whispering next to her ear. She breathes heavily and her heart beats were messed up as she was feeling anxious and pleasured both. She holds back her silence and loosened up her legs more to let him continue doing what he was doing.     

Now when they are almost married, she is aware this has to come one day, sooner or later. And what he is doing is just the tip of the iceberg, there's more to a physical relationship. And honestly, she is happy that her partner's love for her is limitless. Without paying any attention to his own needs he was wilfully loving her body. Despite the fact of how painful it must be for him to hold back his already hardened member.     

Getting a heads up from her he grinned and kissed her lips to divert her attention "Love you, love…."     

"My love is the sweetest"     

"My love is the most beautiful girl"     

"Nothing can compare to my love"     

"Jianyu loves you"     

"You are the bestest…."     

Stopping in between the kisses he whispered continuously against her lips, while his hand continued to coax her nether region gently. His motive was to divert her attention and relax her tensed body.     

Because what he was going to do next was something he was not sure of her reaction. Every woman's body takes it differently.     

Trapping her in his sweet talks and kisses, he shoved his middle finger inside her. "Oww…. Hurts!! Stop! Stop!.... Pain" He was barely halfway through when she jerked her body and cried out like a child. Tears rolled down and her lips quivered as she cried in pain. Feng Jianyu stopped there only and pulled out his finger.     

"Sorry love…. Sorry" He lay down beside her and spooned her body over his. She was still crying because of the pain as he gently stroked her back and peppered kisses all over her face to calm her down. "Sorry love… I went too far… Sorry…"     

Panic, guilt, and worry were visible on his face. He checked his finger to see if there are any traces of blood and heaved in relief when he didn't find any. Continuously rubbing her back he can't stop himself from apologizing. "I'm sorry… I'm sorry… Please be fine… I won't repeat this again"     

Xiu Mei was hearing all this but at present, she was not in a condition to say anything. Resting her head on his chest she let the pain go away first, then they'll talk.     

After a few minutes when Jianyu realized she is not crying anymore and is breathing normally, he patted her head. "Mei, are you feeling better? If you want I can ask Wang Shi to send a lady doctor for you"     

Xiu mei doesn't know whether to laugh or cry over his adorably caring behavior. She moved her head to look into his eyes and rested her chin on his chest. The moment their gaze met, she saw nothing but guilt as he caressed her cheeks and wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. "I'm sor…."     

Before he could say another sorry she puts her finger against his lips. "Silly! Why are you sorry? It's okay… You don't have to feel guilty. I'm fine…."     

Feng Jianyu knew that being a virgin it's obvious for her to feel something like this during the first time. But he cannot help blaming himself for the pain she had suffered because of him.     

"Mei, but…!?"     

"Shh… I said I'm fine."     

"Are you sure? Do you need a doctor?"     

"Nooooo ...CEO Feng Jianyu you are too much. Why do you want to call the doctor for this?" Xiu Mei cannot help but question the weird thought. Only God knows how embarrassing the situation would be for her if the doctor comes here for a check-up. "What do you expect me to tell the doctor? That you *cough*… that you… *did that*… and I started crying… you got panicked…. And blah blah blah…." He chuckles and rubbed her cheek with his thumb, feeling relieved as the pink color on her face returned. For a moment he really got scared. "I won't do that again! If it hurts then let's stop here" he said.     

"No" A panicked 'no' escapes from her mouth and she bites her tongue.     

Feng Jianyu "…"     

*cough* She hides her face into the crook of his neck, smiling foolishly at herself, thinking, 'Idiot! If he won't do that again then do our babies will drop from the sky? Does he not know that babies are not brought in by Storks but reproduced?'     

Her brows furrowed at the thought that just came in her mind. They haven't even registered their marriage yet and here she is already thinking about babies. 'Mei, you are fool…'     

"Really? So you like what I did to you just now?" Just as he said this, Xiu Mei went deeper inside his embrace feeling shy.     

"Can you be less shameful?" He heard her say but got shocked when she abruptly planted a kiss on the neck. A threatening groan escapes his mouth "What are you doing chipmunk? Behave" his member was still very much active down there and she is making it worse by kissing him on the neck.     

"Jianyu.... Thankyou..."     

"For what?"     

She shrugged her shoulders "No reason! I wanted to say it so i said it"     

He lightly ruffles her hair and smiles, understanding she's thankful for making her realize that how beautiful she is in her man's eyes. Trully a woman blossoms like a flower when her man treats her with respect and love.     

"Go and bath. I'll order servants to prepare the lunch"     

"Nuh Huh! Just ten minutes more" saying she snuggled on his chest for a ten minutes nap but unknowingly went into a deep slumber.     

Jianyu smiled and placed her down on the bed gently, tucking her securely into the blanket. With a light peck on her lips, he forcefully pushed himself away from her when his aching member was about to burst.     

He looked down and sighed in frustration. She is the only one in this world who gives him hard-on every time he touches her. Only he knows how much he wanted to bury himself within her. But as of now, he has to solve this problem himself.     

He rushed inside the bathroom and looked down at the bulge in his pajamas... Recalling the moments they have shared together just a while ago, her soft touch, kiss, and everything.... He gripped 'it' in his hands and began stroking. His breath hastened, ending with a loud groan as he relieves himself.     

By the time he came back after taking a bath, she was still sleeping.... With no intention of disturbing her sleep, he picked his phone from the bed stand and went outside to call his assistant....     


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