We are destined.Let me pamper you



0As Xiu Mei turned to him, she said coolly "By the way Mr. X…. Did you forget we are not on talking terms! In the past month I tried calling you a thousand times; did you answer me even once? Now I refuse to answer your questions"     

"Mei… You are trying to change the topic!" Xion refused to budge.     

Xiu Mei "….."     

'Trick failed…. He knows my tactics!'     

"Fine! But only this once" she sighed "I've nothing against Feng Corporation! My intention is to capture the maximum share of the market, and for that, we have to kick out Infinity Software. Right?"     

Xion answered half-heartedly, "Right!"     

"You should be happy! Soon Phoenix Enterprises is going to be the number one Information Technology Company" Xiu Mei faked a smile.     

"Are you sure you're not lying?" he looked at her sharply.     

Xiu Mei nodded her head weekly, but in reality, she wants to dig a hole into the ground to hide in it.     

"Just be sure, it's not a lie, otherwise I'll not be polite to Feng Corporation…." Xion warned her "Mei… you know me very well when it comes to you and my grandfather, no one can stop me."     

With a hard expression, she retorted back, "No thanks! I don't like someone interfering in my affairs… You better maintain distance!" And she picked up her bag to walk out from there, shutting the door with more force than necessary.     

Holding his head Xion laughed, 'This woman is impossible! Sometimes her behavior is like a ray of warm sunshine, and sometimes she is as cold as an iceberg. No one can understand her!'     

"What is the name of the software we are launching?" he opened the file to check; soon a wide smile crawled onto his lips, "SIRIUS! She named her software after the name of the brightest star in the universe!" he chuckled, "Xiu Mei you are so cute…"     



She seems to be working on one of her computers, but in reality, she has hacked into the network of Dr. Wang Shi's hospital to check on his whereabouts.     

It's been a week she's visiting him every alternate day to talk to him about the monster headache. But to her dismay, the nurse at the reception stopped her every time by giving various excuses like busy in OT, stuck with an emergency, meeting with doctors, attending patient, etc.     

'Dr. Wang Shi you'll have to meet me at any cost, your monster brother has gone crazy. Before he makes me crazy too, you better take him away from my house.' She murmured while looking for Dr. Wang Shi in hospital's live video feed.     

'Voila… He is there in his cabin! Come-on Mei run…. Before he gets busy with some other stuff' she picked up her bag before running out of her lab towards the parking.     


Xiu Mei entered into the premises of People's Hospital, after parking her car she once again looks into her tab to confirm if Dr. Wang Shi is still in his room or not, 'Yes!! He is in his cabin. If the nurse stops me this time, I'll show her this live video'     

As soon as she gets out of the car, a familiar voice echoed making her heart skip a beat, "Mei… What are you doing here?"     

Xiu Mei "…."     

She immediately turns back to face towards her car to hide her face, 'Ohh no!! What is he doing here? This clingy monster is so difficult to handle!'     

Feng Jianyu approached her and stroked his hand gently on her head, "Mei, what happen? Are you not feeling well?" his voice sounded soft yet seductive.     

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