We are destined.Let me pamper you

My Sweetheart

My Sweetheart

0Wang Shi felt stuck in between these two dangerous people. To his left, Xiu Mei was sitting with a sullen face, and opposite him, Feng Jianyu was eyeing him sharply.     

As Wang Shi alternated his gaze between them, he grumbled, "These two kids are such a pain in my ass! It's better to turn into a monk and sit inside a monastery, rather handle their tantrums"     

However, when Feng Jianyu raised an eyebrow at him, Dr. Wang Shi sighed and asked, "What happen now? Why you both are here? Miss. Xiu Mei, why are you sitting at the patients' chair?"     

"She is not feeling well! Give her a check-up" said Feng Jianyu as he glanced at Xiu Mei lovingly.     

"Really? Mei… where are you not feeling well?" Wang Shi asked as he picked his stethoscope.     

"Mei….!!??" Feng Jianyu glanced threateningly.     

When Wang Shi heard Feng Jianyu, he gave him an are-you-kidding with me look. 'Could you please relax brother? She is just a little sister for me, or might be my future sister in law!'     

"It's Ok Dr. Wang, please call me Mei… I prefer you to call me that!!" Before they could say anything Xiu Mei interrupted in between giving a smug look to Feng Jianyu.     

"Did you hear that brother Wang Shi? As she prefers that name, call her Mei from now on. Got it?"     

Wang Shi "…."     

Xiu Mei "….."     

'Forget about stomachache or headache, check me for diabetes. I'll definitely die from his sugar-coated words. Monster headache there is a limit to torture someone….' she eyed Feng Jianyu indignantly.     

"Cough… Let's focus on the main issue! Where...….."     

"Stomach ache and headache!" before Wang Shi could ask one more time, Xiu Mei answered shortly. "And before you examine me, tell him to leave this room right now. I won't let you check me in front of him" she said pointing her finger towards Feng Jianyu.     

Wang Shi suppressed his urge to laugh out loud, 'Bravo!! My girl, only you can handle him properly. Jianyu, I can imagine your bright future with her… from CEO of Feng Corporation to wife slave'     

Feng Jianyu pouted his lips, "Mei… I won't say anything, please let me stay here" Xiu Mei twisted her face, "No… get out"     

"Please… My sweetheart…" he said in a seductive voice.     

"Cough… cough…. Cough…." Wang Shi choked on his saliva on hearing this word spurted out from the mouth his monster and cold-faced brother. On top of that, he was smiling silly looking at Xiu Mei. 'Damn you Jianyu! You are so savage! What the hell happened between you two?'     

"eeee…. Don't call me that" Xiu Mei covered her ears at this word. Her full face turned bright red, thinking of how he shamelessly called her sweetheart in front of Dr. Wang Shi.     

"Oh! You don't like this name" Feng Jianyu pondered rubbing his chin, "Than I'll call you sunshine… as you bring the warmth to my heart and brightens up my day"     

"Stop it… stop it…" Xiu Mei yelled at Feng Jianyu puffing her cheeks, "Feng Jianyu, remember you promised that you'll fulfill all my wishes except those two... I wish, you walk out from here and let me talk to Dr. Wang Shi"     

"Did I make such a promise?" Feng Jianyu tried to recall, "Mei I never said anything like that. Are you sure you heard it right?"     

"I knew it… You'll never stick to your promise! You're not trustworthy." Narrowing her eyes Xiu Mei blamed him mercilessly.     

Feng Jianyu admitted defeat in panic, "Okay… Okay…. Fine! You win, I lose!! I'm waiting for you outside… Come fast" Before walking out of the cabin, Feng Jianyu gave a warning glare to Wang Shi.     

Wang Shi was looking at Feng Jianyu in a shocked expression with his mouth wide agape. He could not believe his eyes for what he saw just now. 'Is this really my brother? No doubt love is called the most powerful force of this universe. Love can conquer any human being because love is the quintessence of life. But how does it feel like to be in love?' A sudden thought crossed Wang Shi's mind.     

"Mei… I'm not prying into your personal life but will you please enlighten me what caused this sudden change in your relationship?" Wang Shi made strong eye contact with her, as he leaned forward with a hand on the knee.     

Although Wang Shi mentioned that he is not prying into her personal life, his body posture and glowing eyes betrayed him. He resembled that of a gossip aunty who is dying to hear the most exciting news of the century.     

Xiu Mei rolled her eyes, "That's what I'm trying to talk to you since last one week. But your nurse at the... Hold on!" she squinted her eyes sharply at Wang Shi, "Did you just use the word RELATIONSHIP for us?"     

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