We are destined.Let me pamper you

I had an accident...

I had an accident...

0Xiu Mei retorted back, "Not possible… I've proof against you"     

"Impossible!! What are you talking about?" A deep frown gathered on Feng Jianyu's forehead as he cocked his head to look at her face.     

His face was creepily dark…     

She didn't say anything, and unabatedly tried to wrench away from his hug. Sometime later, he loosened his hug and looked at her back waiting for her answer.     

Xiu Mei didn't even bother to spare him a look and walked furiously fast towards her room. Feng Jianyu felt his heart stabbed and he chased after her.     

She had just punched in the password when a solid yet gentle hand grabbed hold of her arm.     

"Mei, you cannot just run away leaving an unanswered question for me. When we have reached this far in our conversation, now all of a sudden you cannot snap out of it. Tell me, what do you mean by you have proof against me. What is that proof? Who gave you that proof? If this matter has anything to do with me, I've full right to know about it."     

He wouldn't let her escape his sharp gaze as he looked deeply into her eyes, "Tonight, I'm not letting you go until I get my answers"     

Xiu Mei pulled her arm back with force and said angrily, "Don't touch me!" She turns the knob to enter inside but before entering inside she turns her head over her shoulder, "Fine if you want to see it with your own eyes. I will show you!" Feng Jianyu sighed at her response.     

He followed her inside her bedroom and waited patiently for her to show the proof she is holding. Xiu Mei entered inside her walk-in wardrobe and pressed the button causing a section of the wardrobe to turn 180 degrees (half a circle). That was her biometric safety vault; she unlocked it and took out a small metal object from it.     

Holding it in front of him she asked, "Do you remember this?"     

Only a small glance and he recognized it instantly. "Hm! You gave me this cufflink when I cleared the first stage of exam…" he nodded his head.     

"Good, you remember that!" She smiled mysteriously, "Do you know how it ended up with me?"     

Looking at his blank look she answered herself, "When you … when you…. When you pushed me mercilessly towards that man, my grip on your sleeves was so tight that it came off." Her voice choked as she said this.     

Hearing her chocked voice, his fists clenched unconsciously.     

"Mei…. Trust me, It was not me who did all this to you. And besides, did you saw me personally? Did you saw my face? Did you hear my voice? I could not be present there because of that night…."     

She snapped at him before he could complete his sentence, "Feng Jianyu, are you delusional? Or are you a short term memory loss patient? You are acting as if being oblivious to the entire situation."     

"And yes, before you say that this cufflink is fake and all that blah blah… On either cufflink, I personally carved your initials in binary alphabets. On this one, I wrote '01000110' which means 'F', and you are smart enough to understand what was written on the missing pair." Anger shone from her eyes, but her voice trembled as she said all that.     

Feng Jianyu rubbed his hand over face. He felt powerless in front of her….     

"Mei… I didn't do all that. I had an accident….. An accident!!"     

"Enough of your nonsense. Aren't you tired of all this?" He stopped as she raised her palm in protest.     

"Mei… I HAD AN ACCIDENT! Trust me! It was...." Xiu Mei started pushing him out of her bedroom without paying any heed.     

"You wanted to talk to me about the incident seven years back. It's done…. Now leave my villa ASAP."     

"Mei…. don't be so stubborn. Trust me! I was in coma…."     

"Don't bother packing, I'll ask Uncle Tom to pack y...."     

"I'm not going anywhere!" Feng Jianyu firmly stood his ground.     

"I'll call Assistant J….."     

"I AM NOT LEAVING YOU. It wasn't me that night, you are behaving unreasonably"     

"I'm not unreasonable. Just admit it you acted as an opportunist that time" Xiu Mei raised her voice.     

"Pathetic… How can you think so lowly of me?"     

"Just leave….." Before he could say anything else, Xiu Mei shuts the door on his face.     

Leaning her body against the door, she closed her eyes. Pretending that she is not bothered by all this. That Feng Jianyu is nothing to her. She did not care anymore. Everything is fake….     

She sprinted inside her bedroom, picked her backpack and stuffed Orange inside it.     

"Orange, we are leaving for Phoenix Enterprises. Be still until my next orders"     

"Ok Buddy"     

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