We are destined.Let me pamper you

Don’t you think you should set an example just like your father?

Don’t you think you should set an example just like your father?

0Kong Wen was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, with a powerful family backing him. Never in his life had he been humiliated like this. With the strong military power of his father and the political influence of his elder brother, people try to be in his good books.     

But Feng Jianyu didn't bother to give him a face. If it was not because Kong's needed Feng family's support he would get Feng Jianyu killed for humiliating him in front of everyone.     

In addition, Feng Jianyu had decided to pull off the Infinity Software from the market. How can he let him do this?     

Infinity Software is a major contributor in the family income of Kong's. If all of a sudden the hen that lays golden eggs for them is butchered, all their future plans will be spoiled.     

'No, I cannot let Infinity Software be taken down so easily' Kong Wen thought.     

Taking a deep breath Kong Wen controlled his anger. He nodded and praised Feng Jianyu along with other shareholders, "Indeed CEO Feng is worthy of everyone's praise. What an impressive detailed analysis of Infinity Software. However, I'm unable to understand a particular point, where you talked about pulling off the Infinity Software from the market. Can CEO Feng bother to shed some light on it?"     

Feng Junjie was about to say something when Jianyu raised his palm to stop him. "Mr. Kong, the statement is crystal clear. Why doubt?" His tone was just as indifferent as before.     

The other shareholders, who were almost ready to take their leave, remain seated to let their presence witness this new discussion.     

"CEO Feng, a good businessman is one who never gives up, no matter the circumstances. Otherwise, he is not worthy to be calling himself a businessman. A living example is Mr. Feng Dingxiong, the entire industry knows that he revived the almost bankrupt Feng Corporation back to its original position. Don't you think you should set an example just like your father?"     

Feng Jianyu obviously understood what Kong Wen is trying to do. He knows the real face of the cunning Kong's and their old petty tricks to have things as per their way.     

Feng Jianyu smirked lightly, "Indeed you are right about my father, but I think Mr. Kong's research is incomplete. In order to bring back the glory of Feng Corporation my father first started with eliminating the unnecessary elements from the company. Be it employees, non-profitable products or INVESTORS. He dumped everybody in one go….."     

This statement was a tight slap on Kong Wen's face. Few investors were having a tough time to control their laughter and few almost laughed out. Even Feng Junjie belonged to the latter category. However, Feng Jianyu's stoic expression didn't change.     

Kong Wen stood up in anger, forgetting the decorum of a board meeting he raised his voice, "Don't you think that by pulling off the Infinity Software you are setting a bad example in front of your employees and clients? In future who will trust Feng Corporation to collaborate with their product if you dump their products in midway?"     

However, he quickly calmed himself when he noticed the unpleasant frown on Feng Jianyu's forehead. Eventually, Kong's are the one who needs Feng's help, so he has to endure this indignation. For the sake of their future plan, he cannot dare to offend the Feng's.     

"I'm sorry for my behavior; please allow me to make a suggestion…. Instead of giving up on it you should keep it on hold and take measures to revive it once more? It's a preposterous decision to directly dump it" Kong Wen suggested it as though he is the smartest businessman in the world and rest are just a bunch of fools.     

Every shareholder shook their heads in disappointment. They knew it very well that why Kong Wen is insisting on Infinity Software. Few shareholders starting putting their opinions….     

"Mr. Kong, I suggest you stop wasting your efforts. It's a waste of money and time to save Infinity Software…."     

"That's right Mr. Kong. Even though CEO Feng took the decision of taking the product down, but I must say that his decisions have always been right."     

"Didn't you say earlier that you are not doing this exclusively for Infinity Software, but only for the benefit of the company? Yet, towards the end, you finally revealed your true intentions."     

"Since CEO Feng's decision is beneficial for the company, in the long run, we have nothing to say. We will go with the CEO's decision."     

Kong Wen veins protrude out on his temple in anger as he looked at the shareholders. He knew these shareholders are mocking him in this difficult time.     

"I think Mr. Kong is right in his suggestion" Feng Jianyu leaned back lazily on the seat resting his right hand on the armrest while he propped his chin with the left hand. "Since Mr. Kong is so eager to revive Infinity Software, I would not let him down….."     

Everyone in the conference room turned their gaze towards Feng Jianyu including Kong Wen. They were rather bewildered as to why the sudden change in decision. What makes CEO Feng to get convinced by Kong Wen.     

However, Wang Shi and Feng Junjie were rather unaffected by this announcement. Nobody knows Feng Jianyu better than them. They know if Jianyu had said something like this, then there must be a valid reason/plan behind it. All they have to do is to wait and watch a good show.     

Kong Wen noticed the shift in their expression and acted as though he is superior among all. "I'm glad CEO Feng took in my suggestion and decided to..."     

"Mr. Kong, I hope you will give us the new and updated version of the Infinity Software after its successful revival. Of-course Feng Corporation will refund all your expenses if the product stands up to market expectations."     

Kong Wen frowned, "CEO Feng, What do you mean by 'I'm going to revive the product'?"     

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