We are destined.Let me pamper you




The moment Xiu Mei stepped out of the theatre Feng Junjie lifted her up in the air and twirled around, "You're the best-est! You're the best thing that has ever happened in our life! I'm going to announce to the entire world that I've got the best sister in law. I love you, I love you, I love you so much."     

"Repeat these three I love you's in front of Jianyu and see him throw you out of the building." Xiu Mei's words made him realize his mistake and he immediately placed her down. "Sister Mei Mei, please….. Don't tell brother!"     

He pouted and Xiu Mei resisted the urge to smack on his head.     

"Xiao Mei" Feng Dingxiong came closer and grabbed her hand. There was warmth and gratitude in his eyes. "I…. I… Th-thank you…." His voice choked. He lifted up her hands and kissed them softly.     

Even though he was aware of her extraordinary capabilities, the miracle she just performed was too much for his poor heart to absorb. It's been twenty-three years since Liu Ning being the puppet in Yang Mi's hands, all his hopes were dead by now. He had long accepted the fact that this was going to be the fate of his life until the last breath.     

But who knew that one day this little girl will give him his life back. She is an angel stepped into his life, waving the magic wand, taking away all the problems.     

Xiu Mei pulled her hands out from his grip and nodded lightly before turning her attention to Feng Junjie. "Did you….?"     

Feng Junjie didn't let her complete the question and answered, "YES! I coordinated with brother and as per his instructions informed the Interpol and legal authorities. It was done discreetly….. but using mother's voice and a phone that'll trace back to mother if Yang Sheng tried to enquire about it." An evil glint flashed across his eyes, "And I'm sure he'll definitely come after the whistleblower."     

Xiu Mei nodded and smiled…     

Standing far, Zian who was looking at her from the beginning skipped a beat upon seeing her charming smile.     

Feng Dingxiong looked at his hands after being yanked by Xiu Mei, feeling empty and lonely. He felt painful upon not receiving the same warm treatment as that of Feng Junjie.     

'Now that everything is back to normal, he wanted to mend his relationship with his sons and especially this daughter in law. Only he knows how much he was craving to take her into a warm hug and apologize for all the atrocities he had ever committed.     

 He is willing to accept any punishment for her forgiveness.     

But knowing how his wife has returned back to him safely but her father, Mo Zhichan, is still under the clasps of Yang Sheng and her mother is still missing….. How can he wish for her forgiveness?     

His steps reflexively moved back away from her, taking a lonely position in the corner.     

"Junjie, I'll take another bath, a proper bath! This dreadlock is giving me a headache." She pulled back her surgical mask and went to take a shower. Before going for a shower she called Aunty Chen to get a set of clean clothes and undergarments since her clothes were stained in soil and no longer wearable.     


In one of the rooms of the building.     

It took her more than two hours, lots of hair oil, endless hair breakage and lots of pain in her scalp and shoulders to get rid of dreadlocks. She heaved a sigh of relief and went to take a shower.     

She had showered and stepped outside with a towel wrapped around her body and got changed into clean clothes and undergarments kept on the chair nearby.     

There was no hairdryer so she just rubbed her hair with the towel and switched on the fan to let them dry. After some time she put on her shoes and was about to leave the room to check on Mrs. Feng but her head felt light and dizzy, everything started spinning....     

Then it turned black.     


A day later Xiu Mei opened her eyes, her gaze fell on the white ceiling above. Her brows furrowed, she rubbed her head and pushed herself up into a seated position with her legs stretched out and back leaned against the bed.     

She took a few deep breaths to clear her mind first and then she recalled what happened. The last thing she remembered was that she wore her dirty shoes and got up to see Liu Ning.     

She sighed…..     

'I must have fainted.'     

She looked at her clothes, surprisingly they were not the gothic and metallic what Xiu used to wear but simple blue color cotton dress as per Xiu Mei's preference. Her eyes scanned the room; it was spacious with light tones of color and striped curtains.     

She walked out of the room and noticed that she was still in the same building where the makeshift operation theatre was made.     

"Why did you step outside? A patient is not allowed to leave the room without the doctor's permission." She heard a male voice scolding her and turned to face him. Her mouth twitched, 'Bloody hell! Again this man? Is he following me? What does he want?'     

She ignored him and started walking but he pulled her arm and she gave a stern eye on being touched by a stranger but he did not let go of her arm. "No touching!" She tried to yank her arm but his grip was as strong as iron. "I said Let go!" Once again her attempt failed.     

"How are you feeling now? Still dizzy? Does your head hurt? Or anywhere else?" Zian asked with concern, trying to pull her inside the room against her wish. "Quick, come inside, take rest."     

"Just mind your own business." She seethed; her state was mind was very much active unlike that of a patient who wakes up after 24 hours.     

"Relax! I'm backing off!" On seeing her struggle he let go of her and stepped back. "Trust me, I do not mean any harm to you. Yesterday when you didn't return after a long time I came to check and found you in an unconscious state. I'm just asking about your health out of concern. That's it"     

"Yes I'm fine, thank you. But no need to be concerned for me. Don't forget you're no one, I've just allowed you to be the part of the plan because of Mr. Qiao and nothing else." Xiu Mei stared at him intensely, her every word contained force, "I don't understand why you are even here when you don't have any input."     

This man is weird. She does not sense any danger from him yet she feels something strange in his presence. Especially the way he looked at her. His gaze seems to be as if he was looking for someone.     

Suddenly Xiu Mei realized that her face is revealed in front of him. Her eyes turned to look back at him and saw him smiling, "Rest assured, I didn't saw anything! N.O.T.H.I.N.G."     

"Good! You better remember that...… JUNJIEEE!?" She called and Zian looked back reflexively.     

Feng Junjie took fast strides, holding her shoulder he directed her back inside the room, "You scared us. How are you feeling? Thank God...…."     

"Junjieee…. I'm fine!" She interrupted him, snatched the tab that he was carrying and paced around the room, "Damn! I was knocked out for 24 hours? What a waste of time. How is everything going at Jinayu's end?"     

"He is on his way back."     

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