We are destined.Let me pamper you

What are they hiding?

What are they hiding?

0Back to the hospital     

"Look babydoll! what all I got for you, pancakes, spicy noodles, pork ribs, meat dumplings, cheese aubergine, and your favorite orange juice." She pointed at the paper bags filled with all sorts of food, making Xiu Mei lick her lips.     

"She's not allowed to eat this unhealthy food." Wang Shi said as a matter of fact and the curly hair girl raised her brows, "And you're?" She was unaffected by Wang Shi's handsome figure and attractive face.     

He scoffed, "I'm your babydoll's doctor, Dr. Wang, and she can only eat healthy and light food not this greasy oily junk," Taking a brief glance at Xiu Mei he straightened his coat, and ignored the girl as he helped Xiu Mei to the bed.     

"So what if you're her doctor, I'm her best friend. Being someone close to her, I know her food preferences and this boring hospital food will only make her feel sick. Moreover, she's physically healthy just emotional trauma"     

She picked the chart hanging at the edge of the bed and gave analysis,  "According to her chart, the temporal lobe responsible for memories and fear was triggered causing the suppressed memories to take over her.     

As per her case history, therapy was the best treatment but when she underwent this therapy last time, she accidentally slipped into a coma. Therefore she's restrained from any king of mental therapy and advised to be happy and relaxed. This food will make her feel happy, producing dopamine and oxytocin in the brain that will help in faster recovery."     

Wang Shi was surprised, "Are you a doctor?"     

"I'm her best friend. Her only best friend. That's it!" She alternated her gaze between Wang Shi and Xiu Mei and the later realized that she has not introduced them to each other, "Cough…. Dr. Wang, she is my best friend BDS… Cough… Fei Hong. And Hong, he's Dr. Wang Shi my doctor and my brother in law."     

Wang Shi smiled on being addressed as a brother in law.                                                                       

"And I'm Feng Junjie, Sister Mei Mei's most favorite person on Milky Way."     

Xiu Mei "…"'No, you're the most annoying one.'     

Wang Shi "…."'Say this in front of Jianyu.'     

Feng Junjie skipped into the room holding a cute toy that looked like Orange's female version and passed it to Xiu Mei without looking at Fei Hong and Wang Shi. "Here it is! Take a look, I'm taking care of Tangy properly. Not even a single scratch on its shiny surface."     

Earlier Xiu Mei had messaged Feng Junjie from Lu Xion's phone to bring Tangy to the hospital ASAP and not to say anything about it to Jinayu. At that time Junjie was with Feng Jianyu and immediately excused himself to fulfill her orders.     

There's only one thing that can lure him to do anything, and that's Xu Mei's inventions. When she promised him to give one of her inventions in return for the favor he immediately agreed.     



Xiu Mei jumped, her heart skipped a beat. She has just punched in the password on the droid's back to access the internal system when she heard two people shriek at each other.     

"Huh!? What?" Xiu Mei looked up in shock; the droid fell down from her hand. If it was not for Wang Shi's sharp reflexes tangy would surely have received many scratches and broken bones.     

"Oh my God! You both know each other!? How? Hurry up, spill out the entire story!" She shared a glance at Wang Shi who was equally surprised and looked at Feng Junjie with a complicated gaze.     

Wang Shi's eyes narrowed at Junjie's face that had turned red. He failed to understand if he was red die to anger or was that a blush? Why does it seem like it was the later?     

Fei Hong gulped, she looked around. Originally she would have told Xiu Mei about her meeting with a certain someone, but now it seems they both are at good terms with each other. No! What good terms? Isn't he Xiu Mie's monkey brother in law?     

Feng Junjie too looked around the room, trying to make his presence as invisible as possible. Damn! He had never expected that this crazy curly woman would turn out to be someone acquainted with Xiu Mei.     

So Shameful!     

His image will be tattered into pieces if anyone comes to know about his big secret.     

Guys! We're still waiting!" Wang Shi and Xiu Mei nodded; their eyes carefully scanned the two persons standing with awkward body language as if they were caught doing something inappropriate.     

What are they hiding?     

"No! I don't know who she is."     

"Me either."     

"She resembles a crazy woman I once stumbled into."     

"Likewise! He resembles a jerk asshole I once stumbled into."     

"Huh?" Xiu Mei had a stupefied expression on her face.     

Wang Shi "…"'Why does it look like they both are referring to each other?'     

"Sister Mei Mei, don't pay attention to useless people. You wrote something in the message….. I need your help.... You need my help with what? The message was incomplete." Feng Junjie waved his hand dismissively and changed the topic.     

Fei Hong moved forward and deliberately stepped her high heels on Junjie's foot, grounding deep within his leather shoes. Hiding her inadvertent smile, she pretended to be interested in the droid and ran a finger on its metal body. "What a marvelous piece it is. Only a genius with high IQ can think of something like this."     

Feng Junjie rolled his eyes mentally. Does she really think she can penetrate through his high-quality leather shows? If it was not for Xiu Mei, he would have ordered the security to throw this woman out of the hospital.     

"Oh yes! I forgot!"Xiu Mei sat down straight on the bed and looked at Wang Shi who tried to warn her with his gaze not to bring the topic she discussed with him.     

Ignoring Wang Shi she turned at Feng Junjie, "Take me to the forensic lab that comes under People's hospital and Feng Corporation. I want to see that dead man's body to clear my doubt."     

Unconsciously he took a step back. There's no way he was going to take the risk of taking her out of the hospital and receive untimely death sentence from the monster for stealing his wife. Slowly he tried to scurry off, "Erm… that… I-I remember I have got an urgent work...…"     


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