We are destined.Let me pamper you

Flash back 1

Flash back 1

0"Good girl," Feng Jianyu patted her head, "Sorry, I'm doing this for your own good. No one should know that you're here. So please be obedient and don't wander around. I'll talk to you once I'm back. Okay?" He knows about her stubborn nature, but he also knows that Xiu Mei was aware of his ruthless methods when it comes to teaching her a lesson.     

"Mei, I asked you something."     

"Bully. You'll sleep in the guest room for the whole month." She sniffed and pouted her lips and hugged Lu Xion's phone under the blanket that didn't go unnoticed from the man's eyes.     

"Good. Next time we'll do it in the guest room."     

Xiu Mei blushed at his reply; even Wang Shi had a tough time handling the monster's shamelessness.     

 By now Feng Jianyu understood that she doesn't know anything about the news on the internet. He swiftly slid his hand under the blanket and took away Lu Xion's phone when she was not paying attention, "Jianyu…."     

"This belongs to Xion."                      

"Then give me mine." She whined and he pulled her down to make her lay down the bed, "You don't need one." He said.     


"Didn't you promise a moment ago that you're going to rest?"     

"But I'm not sleepy. At least let me check what's happening in the outside world."     

"All boring."     

"My company's status in the stock market…"     


"What about the news about the missing diamond?"     


Xiu Mei "…"'Grrrr….'     

"I request you to please look after her in my absence. If she dares to step out of the room or disobey any orders, you've my permission to sedate her." He requested Wang Shi and the later gave a provoking smirk to the girl. "But be careful not to hurt her. Otherwise, I'll hang you upside down."     

Wang Shi "…."     


Wang Shi settled down on the couch, his assistant brought a cup of strong coffee, a file, and a laptop for him as instructed. He glanced at Xiu Mei, "Sleep,"     

"Don't you've patients to see? How come you have so much time to waste on me?"     

He smiled, "You're not new to our brother's bonding. For each other, we are willing to let go of anything, least appointments."     

She smiled, indeed their bonding was special. But what makes them so devoted to each other? Was it their selfless love or something else?     

"Dr. Wang, let's talk," She said and sat down straight on the bed, pressed the button to call the nurse on call, "Get me a chrysanthemum tea with a drop of honey."     

The nurse looked at Wang Shi and left seeing him nod.     

"What do want to talk, Mei?     

"Anything that I don't know yet. How about we start with the exceptional bonding between you all?" She stepped down from the bed to part the curtains and let the fresh air come inside.     

He looked at her severely, placed the document on the side and crossed his legs, "There's nothing to hide, you've become an inseparable part of our life. Feel free to ask what's exactly on your mind." He knows her very well, there's something she was trying to look answers for, and that's why she initiated this serious talk.     

She picked the teacup as offered by the nurse, and sniffed the aroma before coming straight to the point, "Why none of you ever talk about your parents? Other than Mr. Feng Dingxiong, I don't know anything about Feng and Wang family. Being the first daughter in law of both families, didn't I deserve to know about them?"     

Wang Shi tilted his head to look at her face that reflected a look of serenity and poise. He knew it that one day this discussion was bound to happen, but what he didn't know was it would be him talking to her about the topic instead of Jianyu.     

Anyways, he knows Jianyu would never be able to tell her about his mother. Maybe this was the ideal time to talk about her in-laws.     

Wang Shi sighed, "Just like the incident seven years back brought you and Jianyu closer, another incident happened years back established the foundation of unbreakable bonding between us brothers." He holds back his silence for some time before adding, "But the very same incident sow the discord between us and our parents."     

"From that day, our parents are just for the sake of relation that's tied to us by birth. Whereas in reality, we keep our distance from them…. Especially our mothers."     

Xiu Mei didn't miss the melancholy flashed across Wang Shi's face as his mind drifted back in time.....     


It was a warm spring day with a kiss of coldness that enhanced the warmth of the sun. It was the day when cloud-filtered the rays that sung of the summer to come. Fresh sunlight illuminates upon the water, the blooms on the avenue dancing in the garden with butterflies fluttering in the garden.     

 Surrounded by flowers and lush greenery a young boy was sitting beneath a parasol, reading a book that doesn't go with his age. He had godly features and aura that suited his aristocrat status and name. He raised his warm eyes; his smile grew wider when he saw two kids asking him to return the football that had rolled near him.     

He lightly kicked the ball towards the kids before he returned back to reading.     

"I knew you would be here, reading a boring book that's out of my understanding, and guarding our baby brothers as they play near the lake." A chubby young boy who was elder to him by two-three years stride towards him. He pulled him up, holding his hand, "Jianyu, come with me, I want to show you my science project, it's ready."     

Feng Jianyu shook his head, "No need to show me, I know you'll win the first prize as always." The other boy didn't stop pulling and tripped him off the chair. Feng Jianyu saw the small bruise on his palm and threw a menacing glare at the boy, "WANG SHI, stop behaving as if it's a lifesaving invention. It's anyways a science project that will meet its end in a trash bin after a month." He snarled.     

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