We are destined.Let me pamper you

This is an emergency

This is an emergency

0"Hehehe… Stop it…. Ahh! Jianyu…. Stop it! It tickles….. Hahahah…. mmmm"     

The night has fallen, the sky painted in matt black with tiny diamonds shining. Chilly wintery air swirled sucking away every ounce of warmth it could.     

The cold outside could numb anyone's extremities but inside a couple was wrapped into each other's arms, enjoying the intimacy that comes in a love relationship.     

"Jianyu…. No! My stomach is hurting…. Hahahah…."     

Feng Jianyu looked up from Xiu Mei's stomach, a wide grin captured on his lips. Just a few licks and bites were enough to turn her into jelly. His fingers could not resist drawing doodles on her stomach as if painting this beautiful white canvas with imaginary paintings.     

"mmmm…. You monster, stop targeting my weak spot. I will refrain you to touch me for the whole month." said Xiu Mei as she clenched the stomach muscles inside.     

Her hand reflexively went to cup his head, pulling him upward towards her face.     

It has become his hobby to punish her by targeting her weak spot. And the most irritating thing was he started looking for excuses to do this.     

Skipped meal- punishment     

Forgot to give morning kiss- punishment     

Sneaked more than one sweet a day- punishment     

Careless towards health- punishment     


Isn't it taking advantage of her?     

"Do you dare to?" Feng Jianyu's eyes darkened as he moved up to sit on the bed and straddle her on his lap.     

"Naughty one! Running away from punishment huh? You told me everything about how you knocked sense in that blocked head Junjie's brain but forgot the part where he hugged you."     

Xiu Mei "…."     

'Argh! That Wang Shi snitched on me!? I'm going to punch holes in his brain'     

"I haven't forgotten that part, just didn't mention it deliberately. C'mon, Junjie got emotional. There's nothing wrong if he wants to hug his sister in law to comfort himself. I would not  mind if any of your brother hugs me. I love all of them except Feng Jin, he's weird." Xiu Mei replied without any hesitation and much thought.     

However, as soon as she finished her sentence she realized something was off.     

All of a sudden why she started feeling cold?     

Realization struck, suddenly she had a light bulb moment when she raised her head and met with Feng Jianyu's sharp eyes as if eyeing his prey.     

She took in a big gulp….     

Oh no! She forgot that the word 'I love you' is exclusively reserved for this monster.     

Great! She dug her own grave. Will, he let her sleep tonight? After how many orgasms will he stop?     

"Jianyu, won't you reward me for doing the hard work. It was originally your responsibility to teach Junjie yet I did it on your behalf. I'm exhausted, let me sleep tonight." Xiu Mei puckered her lower lips outwards. Her pity face could melt anyone's heart but can Jianyu not see through her trick?     

She was clearly trying to escape…     

Feng Jianyu took a glance at her animated eyes, a mischievous glint flashed in his own.     

"Of course love, the reward is sitting right in front of you"     

"Huh? Where where?"     

Looking left right….     

Feng Jianyu's mouth twitched, he pinched her cheeks and forced her to look at him, "I SAID FRONT"     


Wait! He's talking about himself? Now I'm sure he won't stop before hitting a century tonight.     

"Rejected. I don't want it"     

"Chipmunk, just check the durability, quality, flexibility, longevity, and strength before rejecting the most outstanding reward one can get" Feng Jianyu instantly rolled over and pinned her beneath him, his hand teasingly went downwards under her nightshirt, feeling the softness of her thighs, stroking his hand everywhere.     

Xiu Mei could not help but bite her lips, her body stiffened- even she arched her back reflexively when he pressed his fingers at the forbidden zone.     

His coquettish eyes sparkled with naughtiness, his hot breath lingered on her face as he spoke in a heavy voice, "Love, what could be the best reward other than my body. This man is your slave for the night and will provide you his exceptional service until my last ounce of energy"     

Xiu Mei "…."     

'This means I'll be a lump of dead meat by tomorrow morning?'     

Before she could oppose the man, he moved on and sealed her red lips with his, pushing his tongue inside her mouth, devouring her at a slow pace to enjoy the flavor longer.     

His right hand simultaneously find a way inside her panty, coaxing the soft moist flesh. A satisfactory glint flashed in his eyes on knowing how sensitive her body is towards his touch.     

A gasp escaped her mouth when she felt his finger enter her, simultaneously rubbing the swollen clit with the thumb.      

All her restraints flew out of the window as she clings on to his neck….     

She saw his exposed neck. Breaking the kiss on lips, she targeted him like a bloodthirsty vampire and bite him on the neck, earning a heavy grunt.     

Feng Jianyu felt something moist and soft licking the bitten site before the culprit moved her lips to his shoulder…..     

Her teeth dug hard when she felt him thrust all his fingers inside her, stretching the flesh to prepare her to accept him inside without any pain or discomfort.     

"Rong Xiang waiting in the living room"     

"mmm…. How can you even think of your assistant while making love?"     

Feng Jianyu "…."     

"Stop blaming me. It was you"     

Xiu Mei "…."     

"Bai Xin waiting in the living room"     



Their head simultaneously snapped at the virtual assistant speaker kept on the bedside table.     

Feng Jianyyu's gaze darkened, he made a mental note to remove the speaker from their bedroom. Who likes to get disturbed when making love?     

Xiu Mei lips pressed into a thin line, she pushed the man off of her but didn't notice that he was still pondering whether to continue or not….     


She looked down at the floor in shock and met with Feng Jianyu's accusing gaze who was rubbing his bum.     

"Cough…. You deserve it" Xiu Mei throws a sharp glance before instructing the virtual assistant to connect to the device installed in the living room.     

"What happened Xin? You better have a good reason to appear at this hour" Xiu Mei was obviously pissed off.     

"The same goes for you Xiang" Feng Jianyu's heavy voice echoed, shuddering both the assistants on their feet.     

Don't know why but Bai Xin and Rong Xiang blushed simultaneously hearing the ambiguous tone of their bosses but neither of them glanced at the other.     

 "Boss, this matter concern both of you"     

"President XM, this is an emergency. It concerns something from the night seven years back"     

Although intimidated by their bosses, they cannot wait even a single second; this has to be reported ASAP.     

Feng Jianyu and Xiu Mei glanced at each other and instantly bolted up.     


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