We are destined.Let me pamper you

I'm not interested in your gift

I'm not interested in your gift

0Xion frowned, "Don't call my grandpa grumpy…" Wu Shen bites his tongue at his stupidity, "No Boss, I mean it's good for old masters heart if he is always happy like this…"     

"Hmmmm! Take care of him, if grandpa needs something call me", Xion hanged up the call and went back to sit beside Xiu Mei.     

They both were cordially enjoying their breakfast, when Xion suddenly takes out a golden box from his pocket, slowly sliding it in front of her he called her name to get her attention, "Mei!"     

Xiu Mei looked up at him with raised brows, "Hmmm! You said something X?" Xion pointed his eyes at the golden box in front of her.     

She followed his eyes at the golden box, her brows frowned as she picked it up to check it by rotating it in between her hands. Forwarding it to him, she asked surprisingly, "What's this X?" Very next moment she covered her mouth to gasp dramatically, "Don't tell me you have a girlfriend, and you are going to propose her with this… and right now you are showing this to me to know my opinion."     

Squinting her eyes sharply she said sternly, "X… I will be super angry if you dare to hide your girlfriend from me…. How can...…" Before she could complete her next sentence Xion smacked her on the head, "Sometimes I doubt your IQ! What all nonsense you think throughout the day in that tiny brain of yours?"     

"Owww….." Rubbing her head she pouted at him. Pinching his glabella he took a deep sigh, "What should I do about you Mei! Silly girl, this is for you… Just see what's inside it!"     

"Oh!" she was about to open it, but Xion stopped her, "Before you open it, promise me you'll always keep this with you…" He extended his palm in front of her.     

Xiu Mei frowned, "Sorry X, let me see first… You know, I don't accept gifts, whether it's you or anyone. Accepting gifts is not in my dictionary…" Xion retracted his hand backward understanding her prideful nature.     

She opened the box to find a beautiful white gold bracelet with 6 different charms embellished with diamonds dangling from it. Shaking her head in denial, she immediately closed the box back without giving it a second look and put it back on the table. "I'm sorry X, I won't accept it... its way to expensive." Her expression was indifferent as if these things didn't matter to her.     

Grandpa watched this scene from the window of his room and heard their conversation through the microphone attached to Xion's collar. He felt a sharp pang in his heart upon knowing that his granddaughter has rejected his gift. Wearing it forever is out of the question when she did not even bother to take a proper look at it.     

He stopped eating whatever he was eating, his head lowered feeling dejected at his pitiful condition. Forget about loving his granddaughter, he has no right to give his granddaughter a tiny gift? This was a special bracelet of his beloved wife's personal collection. When she died she was wearing this bracelet, like a beautiful memory of his better half, he always kept it close to his heart.     

To make it appropriate for Xiu Mei, so that she won't feel it old fashioned, he ordered the designer to attach 6 mini charms to it, which will give it a modern yet classy look. He specially sent his man to Belgium to get the best quality diamonds to be embedded in the charm. Every detail in the bracelet is handcrafted. It took almost a month to make it as per the old man's preference.     

When the designer presented the finished product to grandpa, he could not control his emotions and cried hysterically holding that bracelet close to his heart. Through this bracelet he wanted a part of him and his wife to be close to their granddaughter. But it only turned out to be his wild imagination, his granddaughter is too proud to accept any gifts.     

Wu Shen noticed his master's dejected look, but he was unable to understand how to console his master. Standing on the side he felt completely helpless. He thought of something and messaged Xion, 'Boss, old master is disheartened after hearing this. Please make her wear it once...'     

Whereas Xion was trying to persuade her, "Mei, listen to me… It's a gift! A gift has no price, what matters is the good intention behind that gift. Trust me Mei, his intention behind this gift is pure"     

She frowned hard, "His?"     

Xion snapped realizing his mistake, "Umm… I mean mine… Slip of tongue, I'm sorry…"     

She didn't give much importance to this and shrugged the thought off of her mind.     

Getting up from her seat she picked her bag to leave this place as soon as possible. Her mood was totally spoiled because of this one gift. When Xion noticed she is about to leave without having proper breakfast, he bolted up from his chair, "Mei! Don't be unreasonable. Sit down and finish your breakfast... your behavior is not acceptable..." clenching his fists tightly he restrained himself not to shout at her.     

"Mr. Lu I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in your gift. Thank you for inviting me to this generous spread. I have some unfinished task at the company, I'll take your leave first" Without looking at him she answered indifferently and turned to leave the premises.     

Hearing his name so formally from her mouth, Xion's whole body turned stiff. Holding his jaw tight he asked gritting his teeth, "Mei… What did you call me just now? I dare you to call me again!"     

She turned to look straight into his eyes, "Mr. Lu I said...….. ouchhhh… ahhhh…. X?.... leave me!! what are you doing?.... You are hurting me…" He sprinted towards her at a lightning speed and shackled her tightly under his left arm.     

Taking out his phone with his right hand, he dialed the security station of the villa and ordered "Seal all the exit points of the premises. No one is allowed to leave without my permission" while hanging up his phone he noticed the message notification.     

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