We are destined.Let me pamper you

Lindt chocolate

Lindt chocolate

0"Sure. I'll do that. But what about catching upon another relation you left behind?" Lu Xion notices something shift in Zeng Ruo's expressions. In the past few days, she had actually tried talking to him many times but her hesitation and ego stopped her. If she is so desperate to know about Zeng Shihong then ask it?     

Better ask it, before it's too late!     

"W-what to ask about Mr. Zeng, I'm sure he must be doing great." She turned her face to the side. "Tell me how you and Mei met. I'm only interested in my daughter. But if you still feel it's necessary to say something about Mr. Zeng, feel free."     

Seeing Lu Xion holding his silence she looked at him feeling guilty. Her eyes keep on looking everywhere but at Xion's eyes as if it could look through her soul.     

'C'mon aunty, can't you admit that you're dying to know about Grandpa? You're even doubtful if Mei and I are so close, doesn't that mean Grandpa knows everything about Mei? If yes, then how is his behavior towards her?' Lu Xion sighed internally.     

"We met through grandpa, he helped Mei in Country Y and discovered the Phoenix pendant with her." He looked at Zeng Ruo calmly who got another shock hearing of the pendant. "Yes…. you're thinking right. Grandpa knows she is his granddaughter. And before you ask me about his behavior towards her…. MEI IS HIS LIFE."     

Just three words!     

Lu Xion summed Zeng Shihong's relationship with Xiu Mei in just three words.     

But Zeng Ruo knows the weight of these three words. 'Mei is his life'…..     

"Not possible! You're lying! He hated me all his life, and now you're saying that my daughter has become his life. Impossible!"     

"See the bracelet on Xiu Mei's wrist carefully, you'll get the answer." Lu Xion and Zeng Ruo looked at Xiu Mei who was happily chatting with the elders, this happy family moment was worth to behold in eyes.     

Zeng Ruo instantly left to sit with Xiu Mei, occasionally involving herself in their talks. She tried to look at the bracelet that seems familiar yet different…. Because of Xiu Mei's long sleeves, it was difficult to take a proper look.     

"Uh? What happened, mom?" Xiu Mei acted surprised when Zeng Ruo held her hand, trying to see the bracelet. Just a few minutes before Xion had already messaged her about Zeng Ruo's sudden Interest in her bracelet.     

"N-Nothing…. I was just looking at this pretty bracelet, lovely charms! May I take a proper look?" Zeng Ruo fumbled, she runs her hands on the charms dangling on it, if this is exactly what she is thinking, there must be her parents' name graved on the inner side.     

"Sure! But do return it, it was given to me by someone special.     


In the private cabin, Feng Jianyu was sulking for a few hours as everyone has grabbed his wife's attention leaving him alone. No, No, leaving him with his annoying brothers, out of whom one was eating like a glutton, one was busy harassing Orange with Country T's military details, and one was reading a medical journal.     

Haishhh! If you want to do all this why not do it in your own cabins? Sitting here, as a showpiece!     

Feng Jianyu grumbled to himself umpteenth number of time and saw Xiu Mei entering the cabin with a bright smile plastered on her face as she waved her hand roughly at everyone. His expression immediately softened when she rested her head on his lap and he pointed out, "Someone's happy."     

Xiu Mei looked up at him and pouted. "Can't I be?"     

"Of course you can. That's the only thing I want most in this world. But haven't you heard before, happiness is doubled if shared?"     

Xiu Mei took out a piece Lindt chocolate from her pocket that was given to her by Zian, unwrapped it and placed it whole in her mouth. "Mom enquired about the bracelet I was wearing." Feng Jianyu looked as the chocolate melts in her mouth and gulped.     

He cast an eye at his brothers who had dropped the respective work they were doing and were now paying attention to Xiu Mei.     

Feng Jianyu "…"     

Do they have any idea it's husband and wife's private moment?     

Go get yourself a wife, rascals!     

Staring at someone else's wife!     

Wait! I know how to make you disappear from here.     

Xiu Mei tried to speak letting the chocolate melt slowly in her mouth. "She wants to know…..Umpppphh" The rest of the sentence died down in her throat, as Feng Jianyu attempted to take the chocolate from her mouth.     

Everyone's eyes widened in shock…     

Xiu Mei's is equally helpless in front of a certain monster's kiss. She let go of her body, swinging in the pleasure of the passionate kiss that always makes her brain a mushy mess.     

Dog food!     

Dog food!     

Dog food!     

A while later….     

Xiu Mei panted heavily; still licking her mouth trying to find the chocolate that vanished. She hit him on the chest. "Cruel monster, how dare you to lick my chocolate? Zian gave it in return for the painful shot he gave me in the morning."     

"I'll give you many more."     

"Liar…. Big brother, look how bad….. Uh?" She turned her head to complain to Dr. Wang Shi but the three brothers were no more seated there. "Where are they?"     



"Because I shoved the dog food down their throat."     

Xiu Mei "What dog food??….. AHHHHHHHHHHH... Monster you gave me a French kiss in front of everyone! SHAMELESS CREATURE!"     

"What shameless? As if we have done nothing before!" Feng Jianyu said with a righteous tone. "And besides, these rascals were taking advantage of the situation. They knew I wouldn't bully them in the presence of the elders so their wings grew out."     

"Shut up." Xiu Mei couldn't come up with reasoning and hide her face in her hands, smiling to herself.     

Feng Jianyu pulled her hands down. "Peek-a-boo, sweetheart. I know you're blushing. Thinking about something something...!?!?" Whatever Jianyu meant by his sentence it made Xiu Mei blush profusely as she dived into Jianyu's arms to hide her face.     

Feng Jianyu chuckled, as he patted her back. "So… what was Aunty Ruo's reaction to the bracelet?"     

She looked up, "After getting the bracelet mom went to the empty cabin to not let anyone know about her. I peeked to see her reaction….."     


"She hugged it and cried…. Just like me, she is missing a part of her life, her heart, and her soul." She touched Jianyu's chin. "How weird na, we can force our mind to accept the things but when it comes to our heart, we always lose the battle."     

"If the mind and heart both can be controlled there wouldn't be any second chance in the world. It's only the heart that keeps the hope alive in a small corner of your soul, housing the dying relationship. At the right time, we look into that small corner to revive that relationship. The time to revive the relationship between Mr. Zeng and Mrs. Mo has finally come..." Feng Jianyu looked at Xiu Mei who was looking at him like a fangirl. "Stop giving me this lusty look."     

Xiu Mei "…."     


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