We are destined.Let me pamper you

come inside

come inside

0After failed multiple attempts, he started pestering Wang Shi.     

"Senior cousin, what do you think what's going on inside?" He asked pacing in front of Wang Shi like a pendulum clock. This was the 1999th time he had asked this question since the time Xiu Mei had entered inside.     

On the other hand, Wang Shi was sitting on the couch, trying to read a medical journal on his tab for the last two hours. But unfortunately, because of someone's continuous rambling, he was stuck on page one.     

Taking a sigh of exhaustion, he tossed the tab on the side before looking at Feng Junjie smiling devilishly.     

"JUNJIE… Little brother, come. Come to the elder brother and sit beside me" Wang Shi patted the seat beside him, "I'll answer all your queries once and for all. Come to me first." Feng Junjie gulped a mouthful of saliva.     

Even though Wang Shi was smiling at him, Feng Junjie understood the implied meaning behind this softness. 'What the hell, one monster is inside while the other one is outside. Why god was so unfair to me while giving me brothers? Instead of two caring elder brothers, he gave me monsters. I just hope my future sister in law is not a she-monster.'     

Feeling as if his life was in danger, he immediately scrunched back to the farthest seat away from Wang Shi. Raising both his hands up, "I know you are pissed off at me, but please don't hit me. Your martial art punches are very hard" while saying this he rubbed his left cheek as if remembering a painful incidence.     

"Then stop irritating me you brat, I'm warning you" Wang Shi picked a business magazine from the table, rolled it tightly before throwing it on Feng Junjie.     

"Ah!" It hits on his bum. While rubbing the painful site Junjie whined, "How can you act so coolly when big bro and Sister Mei Mei are inside the cabin? ALONE…. Aren't you afraid that they will make the matter worse?" Feng Junjie deliberately emphasized the word alone, knowing what had happened two weeks before in the villa, when he and Wang Shi were sleeping soundly and they both ended up fighting with each other.     

"Junjie, can it get much worse than this? I think it's good they are ALONE, might be they just talk out the entire matter." Wang Shi yelled.     

"Talk things out? I don't think so… Sister Mei Mei is so stubborn." Feng Junjie mumbled, but Wang Shi doesn't relate to Feng Junjie's words.     

He recalled Xiu Mei's words over the phone, 'my only priority is Feng Jianyu' and her distressed face and unkempt look when she stepped out from the elevator.     

The way she was frantically looking for Feng Jianyu's office, talking to herself, behaving restless and nervous. It was so not the same Xiu Mei he knows so far. To confirm his doubts, when he hands over the teacup, she took it with trembling hands.     

It didn't take him much effort to conclude that the matter is different this time.     

And most surprisingly, she didn't even blink before taking the cup. Otherwise, knowing her personality, she would have long smashed it on the floor knowing that it was for Feng Jianyu.     

An inadvertent smile crawled over Wang Shi's lips, rubbing his chin he pondered, 'If my analysis is not wrong and looking at the amount of time they both are alone, probably they are talking out the matter in between them.'     

"Senior cousin, I'm so worried here and you are smiling. Stop daydreaming about girls and think about your dearest brother…" Feng Junjie said, his stomach felt uneasy with worry.     

Wang Shi rolled his eyes, "Can you think something beyond girls?"     

"That's what I'm thinking about, my big brother. He truly loves Sister Mei Mei and I like her too. I wish she soon becomes my sister in law."     

Nevertheless, Feng Junjie was even more worried after knowing about the serious issues in between his brother and Xiu Mei. Despite his playful behavior, the one thing that he takes seriously in life are the people he cares about.     

"Junjie, you don't have to be too worried. Soon everything will be fine in between them." Wang Shi got up from his seat to console his baby brother. It's only this much he can do at this time.     

Truthfully, he was scared of the outcome too.     

Wang Shi sighed looking at the closed door, 'Hopefully, when they come out, the matter is solved or least they both join hands to look into the problem cordially.'     


It was not sure how long had passed when Wang Shi's phone rang.     


Feng Jianyu: "come inside" with these two words, he hangs up the phone abruptly.     

Wang Shi looked at Junjie with trepidation, to him Feng Jianyu's voice doesn't sound good.     

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