It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Don't make trouble!!

Don't make trouble!!

0Caressing her head, he looked down at the sleepyhead and called out gently "Baby, get up. It's already morning"     

Furrowing her brows, Suzy did not open her eyes but instead snuggled inside the bed further.      

Heaving a deep sigh, Kim tan pulled her up and said "Baby, time to wake up"     

instead of waking up, Suzy hugged Kim tan and snuggled in his embrace. Feeling warm, Suzy smiled in satisfaction and fell asleep again.      

Looking down at the little wild cat snuggling in his embrace, Kim Tan sighed.      

Combing her hair, he spoke gently "Baby, if you don't wake up now then you will be late for your meeting"     

Annoyed, Suzy groaned "Hmm..."     

With no other choice left, Kim tan could only use the second method.      

Hugging her tightly, he moved his hands towards her but cheek and pressed her bottom to his. Leaning against her ears, he nibbled her ears and spoke in a low and sexy voice "Baby, if you don't wake up now then.....My little brother will wake up instead"     

1...2...3...4- at the count of four, Suzy finally woke up with a startle and pushed Kim tan away.      

Hugging her chest, she moved back and looked at Kim tan in alarm.      

Glaring at him, she spat "Beast"     

Chuckling at Suzy's childishness, he passed the cloth bag to Suzy and said "Take a bath and change into these" pausing his words, he looked at Suzy ambiguously and continued "or else, I don't mind helping you bath and changed"     

Afraid that Kim tan might really take her to bath together, Suzy snatched the bag from his hand and scrambled out of the bed and rushed towards the bathroom.      

Just as Suzy was about to enter the bathroom, she suddenly halted on her steps and turned around. Glaring at Kim tan, she spat "Pervert pumpkin" before she ran inside the bathroom and locked the door. Making sure that the pervert wouldn't sneak inside.     

After taking a bath, Suzy changed into the black turtle neck top, red tight skirt, and a red coat.      

After changing the cloth, she walked out and saw that Kim tan was already dressed up and was now holding a long white coat in his hand.      

As soon as he saw Suzy walkout, he turned to Suzy and smiled "Once you are done wear this coat"     

"hmm? Why?" Suzy asked      

"The reporters are still hiding outside. Once you walk out wearing this dress, then you will have to change into another dress once you reach the company. Instead of going through all those things, just wear this coat when you walk out and once you reach the company, you can just discard it" Kim tan explained     

"Oh...thank you baby" Suzy smiled when she saw how meticulous Kim tan was.      

Placing the coat on the bed, he walked towards Suzy and hugged her waist. Pecking on her forehead, he leaned on her shoulder and said "You don't have to thank me. As your boyfriend, it's my duty to help you in every way possible to protect you and make you happy"     

"Hmm..." Suzy smiled and sighed "Sorry for making you go through such things. I know that you very much want our relationship to go public but because of me, you are holding yourself. If not because it is not yet the right time, I wouldn't have stopped you from going public" Suzy sighed     

"I know but you don't have to be bothered by that. In fact, I really like our present situation. Whether we go public or not, that will never stop me from showing my love to you"     

"hehe...I know. Though we can't go public right now, if there comes a time when our relationship is revealed then you don't have to force yourself to hide because I never want to lie about our relationship so...lets just go with the flow" Suzy replied     

"Hmm...I understand" Kim tan smiled.      

After a while, Kim tan and Suzy walked out of the room holding each other's hand.      

When Suzy walked out of the room wearing the long white coat with a black hat on her head and a face mask covering half of her face, Assistant John was slightly surprised.      

If not because he knew about the lady beforehand, he was sure that he would have mistaken his boss for bringing another woman.      

At the moment, it was really hard to identify the woman standing in front because of the face mask and hat.      

Bowing at Suzy and Kim tan respectfully, Assistant John made the way for them and followed behind them closely.     

As soon as Suzy and Kim tan walked out of the room, the reporters who were hiding in all the eight corners rushed towards the couple but before they could reach them they were all blocked by Kim tan's bodyguards.      

With the help of the bodyguards, Kim tan and Suzy reached the elevator without any hindrance. Walking inside the elevator, just as the elevator door was about to close, Kim tan looked at the jumping reporters and said indifferently "Sorry, My wife doesn't like fame so, I suggest you give up" as soon as Kim tan finished his last words, the elevator door closed, giving no chance for the reporters to ask further.     

Once Kim tan and Suzy walked out of the elevator, there were still a few of the reporters lurking in the corner who wanted to step forward and interview Kim Tan but due to tight security, they weren't even able to approach the bodyguard.      

Just like this, Kim tan and Suzy were escorted into Kim tan's car.      

Once they were on the road, they noticed that there were view vehicles trailing them but Kim tan was least worried about it. Turning to the driver he said indifferently "get rid of them" before giving him a meaningful glance.     

Getting the hint, the driver nodded his head before he pressed on the button. The next moment a partition was raised between the driver seat and the back seat.     

Suzy who was sitting in Kim tan's arms happened to notice the partition. Confused, just as she turned to Kim tan to ask, the latter leaned down and kissed her lips, blocking her next words.      

Struggling in his arms, Suzy pulled away from him and asked "What are you doing? we are about to reach the office"     

"Not yet. There are still reporters behind. It might take more than half an hour so until then why don't we cultivate our relationship" Kim tan answered shamelessly     

"You-hmph" before Suzy could argue, Kim tan leaned forward and sealed her lips again. After a long kiss, he parted away from Suzy and whispered "I really regret not eating you up on that day"     

"hehe....serves you right" Suzy giggled     

With a pout, Kim tan commented "So what? I can eat you up again"      

Just as Kim Tan was about to lean forward to kiss Suzy's lips, Suzy suddenly stretched her hands and grabbed his face in between her palms....stopping him from moving closer.      

With a big wide smile, she threatened "Stop making trouble. I don't want to look haggard after reaching the office"     

Heaving a sigh, Kim tan finally gave up "Fine, as you wish. I will not do anything to you but....the next time I see you I will not go too easy on you"     

"Hehe..." smiling sheepishly, she burrowed into his arm and cuddled in his embrace like a little kid.      

Hugging her back, Kim tan laughed helplessly.     

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