It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

What goes around....comes around!!

What goes around....comes around!!

0The next day late morning, the famous gossip account which was usually praising Qin Lue's good deed suddenly posted shocking news that rendered every citizen shocked.      

"The shocking truth behind the actress good deeds" followed by these words, Qin Lue's first ugly face was shown to the whole world.      

In the cameras, they were the poor citizens while she was a kind goddess who helped them but behind the cameras, she was the domineering actress while they were the greedy citizens who were good at acting. When this was revealed, those citizens who were blinded by Qin Lue's kindness were all dumbfounded.     

In the FM corporation, Qin Lue after checking the post was going mad in rage.      

never did she expect that the little gossip account would reveal one of her ugly faces.      

But this was not the end. Right on the second day, Qin Lue's second ugly face was revealed to the public and this time the news was far worst than the previous news.      

Looking at the hateful comments thrown at her, Qin Lue almost fainted in rage. Right at this moment, as the CEO of FM entertainment, after being informed about the news, Feng Mian called Qin Lue to the office to speak with her personally.      

When Qin Lue arrived at the CEO"s office, other than Feng Mian there was also the PR manager who was responsible to take care of PR management.      

Looking at Qin Lue solemnly, Feng Mian asked "Qin Lue, tell me honestly. Did you offend anyone recently?"     

"Uhh...I don't know" Qin Lue replied nonchalantly     

"any entertainer?"     


"Then why is this gossip account behind you? are you sure you haven't offended someone you shouldn't?" Feng Mian asked seriously     

"CEO Feng, instead of asking me all these things, shouldn't you discuss some measures and find a way to suppress the news?" Qin Lue asked arrogantly     

Displeased by Qin Lue's rude behavior, Feng Mian said coldly "What I should's none of your business and you don't have any rights to tell me what I should and what I should not"     


No longer paying her attention to Qin Lue, she turned to the PR manager and instructed some things before she ordered Qin Lue "Go find the admin of the gossip account and make sure she takes down all those ugly posts. The longer it stays online, the longer it will affect you"     


"Now get lost..." Feng Mian ordered coldly.     

Displeased, Qin Lue stomped her foot and walked out of the office while cursing Feng mian in her mind.      

As per Feng mian's instruction, Qin Lue decided to speak to the admin of the gossip account and make a deal with him but unfortunately, because of her ego and her arrogant attitude, what she got was the worst.      

At the same time the next day, the call recording between Qin Lue and the admin was uploaded online.      

But as soon as the post was uploaded, FM entertainment tried to counter-attack the gossip account but to no avail. Right after that news about Qin Lue's drug addiction was published online making the citizens feel disgusted about this soo called actress.      

Qin Lue's good fans who were initially fighting against the gossip account with full force also gradually decreased with the release of new posts.      

Seeing that things were going out of hand, Feng Mian could only call her hacker account and order\     


"This famous gossip account...I want you to hack into this account and delete all the posts. If necessary upload a post from the gossip account stating all the things they had previously uploaded was a lie and also, don't forget to upload an apology letter"     

"Yes boss"     

"This issue can't be delayed anymore. Get to your work right now"     

"Yes, boss... I will soon hack into the laters account"     

With that said the hacker hung up the call and started to hack into the gossiper's account.      

Sitting in front of the system, Feng mian almost waited for an hour but she still could not find any change in the post.      

with a frown, just as she was about to pick her cell phone and speak to the hacker team, the hacker himself called her and said "Boss, we failed to hack into his account"     

"What do you mean?" Feng Mian asked anxiously     

"Boss, when I tried to hack the gossiper's account, someone else interrupted me by hacking into my computer. When I wanted to fight the later stole all the files from my computer and disappeared without a trace. I couldn't stop the hacker even when our whole hacker team attacked him"     

Slamming her hands on the office desk, Feng Mian yelled and called out "What?"     

"Sorry boss, we failed in our mission"     

"You bunch of useless trash, go to hell" Feng Mian and yelled and threw her cell phone away.      

Frustrated, she kicked the chair and walked out of the office in a rage.     

As days passed, Qin Lue's condition also turned worst. Those actors and actress who usually fanned around Qin Lue, to save their tales they started to show their disappointment and rage towards Qin Lue.      

Of course, after seeing the true colors or these low-class actors and because of the horrible comments online and offline, Qin Lue almost suffered from a cardiac arrest and she was now admitted to the hospital.      

While she kept swiping all the ugly posts and comments, a new post popped on her feed.      

With her trembling hand, when Qin Lue opened the post nervously, she almost went insane and threw her tablet down.      

On the seventh day, the same gossip account uploaded a grand post. unlike the post which was uploaded before, this was the worst one.      

The first post showed Qin Lue's connection with few gangsters bosses and with the black market while the second post showed the list of low-level actresses she had sold to these big bosses to earn benefits for herself while the third post was the most highlighting. The third post revealed the person behind Xu Man's abduction. The post said that because Qin Lue failed to win the Kim corporation's endorsement, she wanted to sell Xu Man to one of the gangster's son and tear her off her position but unfortunately before anything could happen Suzy's assistant Luo Chen saved her from there.      

Along with the post, the admin had even uploaded shreds of evidence and proofs that proved Qin Lue's illegal work.      

After the revelation of the last post, the citizens could no longer tolerate Qin Lue's devilish acts and had raised banners demanding to punish Qin Lue.      

Qin Lue's social media accounts were also attacked by the fans and citizens who couldn't tolerate her behavior.      

While people were fighting to get justice, Qin Lue at the moment was currently undergoing cardiac arrest and the doctors keeping aside their disgust were trying their best to revive her but to no avail.      

After seeing the ugly news, Qin Lue's had long been torn apart and she could no longer hold onto her life.      

Even after she dies, the regret in her eyes still remained. Even though she left the world, her soul might never rest in peace and will always carry the curses of the innocents.      

Meanwhile, outside the hospital, Mu Jun watched as Qin Lue's body was carried out and turned to look at Suzy and he asked "Were we too cruel?"     

"She deserves it, let's go"     

Shaking his head, Mu Jun sighed.... 'Whats goes around, comes around'     

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