It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

I will not leave you...not even after my death!!

I will not leave you...not even after my death!!

0Inside Kim tan's office...     

Sitting on the office chair, Kim tan was hugging Suzy from behind and was leaning his chin on her shoulders while gazing at the beautiful flowers arranged in the vase.      

Thinking that the flowers will sooner or later wither, Kim tan frowned and said unhappily "How great it would be if these flowers could survive a few more years"     

"True...but why are you unhappy about that?" Suzy asked turning her head to the side to look at Kim tan.     

"Of course its because I don't want the flowers my wife gave me to wither so soon" Kim tan explained     

"'s true that we can't keep them for long but it doesn't mean that we can't keep its memory"     

"Huh?" Not getting Suzy's point, Kim tan looked at her with a puzzled gaze.      

Without speaking another word, Suzy got up from his lap and moved towards the table to arrange the flowers in order before placing the notes in front of the respected flower. After arranging them, Suzy picked up Kim tan's cell phone that was lying on the table and opened the camera to take a few pictures of the flowers before showing it to Kim tan "Now....if you want to see them again, you can just check your gallery. And, if you really want to see them daily, I don't mind sending them to you every day but if you get emotional after seeing them then don't come to me crying"     

Smiling, Kim tan ruffled her hair and said "If you keep sending them daily then I'm afraid I might have to give up the company and instead spend my time appreciating those flowers"     

"Wait! does that mean you weren't working until now?" Suzy asked with a puzzled look     

Flicking her forehead, Kim tan said "How can I when you kept sending all those flowers?"     

Feeling guilty, Suzy smiled and said "Sorry, I forgot to consider your work when I was planning to send you the flowers"     

"Forget it. Come, let's go home" Kim tan said while picking his coat from the      

"huh? So soon? what about your work?"     

"With you by my side, how can I have the mood to work?" Kim Tan asked with his eyebrows raised     

Smiling mischievously, Suzy asked, "If you don't have the mood to work then what else do you wish to do?"     

Hearing Suzy's question, Kim tan's lips slowly curved up. Pulling her into his embrace, Kim tan hugged her waist and looked down at her eyes with a sexy smile and said in a low voice "If we were married then I would have rather answered you with my action than.....saying it...orally"     

Understanding the underlying meaning, Suzy's face flushed red and her throat suddenly went red.      

Looking down at her Kim tan smiled and said "I warn you not to ask me such provocative questions because..." moving his face near her ears, he whispered "I'm afraid I might really punish you"     

Hearing the word punishment, Suzy's eyes suddenly turned wide and she pushed Kim tan away. Hugging her chest, she looked at Kim tan warily and said "Pervert...when will you stop having such ugly thoughts in your mind?"     

Ignoring her protest, he pulled her into his arms again and said "After a century"     

Ignoring her curses, he brought her out of the office and headed straight to his private elevator.      

Seeing Kim tan and Suzy walk out of the office, Assistant John stood up and bowed his head in respect. Just as Kim tan was about to pass the secretary desk, he halted for a moment. Looking at assistant John with a smiling face, he said "John, you worked hard. Your month-end bonus will be tripled this month"     

hearing that, assistant John almost jumped in joy. holding back his urge to squeal, Assistant John bowed repeatedly and thanked Kim tan for his generosity. After Kim tan stepped into the elevator and left the floor, Assistant John hurriedly made his way to a quiet corner. Looking around to find if anyone was around, when he did not find anyone, he screamed loudly and jumped around in joy.     

Thankfully no one was around or else they would have surely laughed seeing the gentle and elegant assistant act crazy after getting his bonus increased.     

After leaving the Kim corporation, Kim tan drove the car towards the Kim mansion.     

"Where are we going?" Suzy asked when she saw that he wasn't driving the car towards her house     

"To Kim mansion," Kim tan replied while he focused on driving     

"What's the matter? Did aunty ask you to bring me?"      

"yeah but more than her the old man inside the house keeps pestering me to bring you home. he said he was missing you"     

"it's my fault. Because I was busy I couldn't visit uncle and aunt" Suzy said with a pout     

"It's not your fault for being busy. don't worry and also..." turning to Suzy, he asked in a low voice "when will you start calling them mom and dad?"     

Puffing her cheeks, Suzy slapped his arms and said "What nonsense" averting her eyes away, she bit her lips and mumbled to herself but Kim tan still heard it      

"...We haven't even married yet. Isn't it shameful to call them mom and dad even before our marriage?"     

Amused, Kim tan raised his eyebrows and asked "Oh, now you are ashamed? Why weren't you ashamed back then when you kept calling my mother's mom and my father dad..huh?"     

Pouting her lips, Suzy protested "Hey, I was still young back then and...who was the one who not only followed my mother around calling her mother in law shamelessly but even promised her to give a dozen grandkids?"     

" that you speak of it, I suddenly remember someone was protesting to have twenty-four kids with me when I proposed to have only twelve" Turning his head, he Sized up Suzy with his lips curved up and said "If we are going to have twenty-four kids then I'm afraid I might have to give up the company and work hard with you one the bed every day after our marriage"     

hearing Kim tan's shameless words, Suzy's whole being turned red. feeling embarrassed, Suzy slapped Kim tan's hand repeatedly and yelled "Ahh...stop--stop speaking"     

Unable to focus on driving anymore, Kim tan stopped the car at the side of the door and caught Suzy's hand with his, avoiding her from hitting him further.     

With his lips curved up, Kim tan tilted his head to the side and looked at Suzy's red face and teased "Why are you blushing? did you just imagine our workout on the bed after marriage?"     

"You...shameless. is your mind only filled with such perverted thoughts?"     

Pulling her closer, Kim tan stared at her eyes and said "Yeah. whenever I see you, the perverted boy who had once died thirteen years ago awakens unknowingly. Whenever I hear your name, the perverted boy inside has many things that it wants to do. he wants to hug you, kiss you and feel you because he is afraid....afraid that you might disappear once again, he is afraid that if he sleeps even for one second, he might not see you again"     

Feeling his fear of losing, Suzy's eyes suddenly turned red in guilty. Biting her lips, she looked at Kim tan apologetically and said "Sorry, but If I was given another chance I would still choose to pretend to be dead than putting your life in line. After my mother, you were my whole world. After losing her you were the only person I had as my world and I did not want to lose you either" Touching his cheeks with her palm, Suzy's tears slowly rolled down from her eyes as she said "But I'm no longer afraid. From now on, no matter what happens, I will never leave you. Not even after my death"     

Like a bolt, Suzy words hit Kim tan's heart hard. Pulling her into his arm, Kim tan hugged her tightly and said "Even if you want to leave, I will never allow you to....not anymore"     

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