It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

She's the only one with whom I wish to live or Die

She's the only one with whom I wish to live or Die

0In the grand Empire open hall, a banquet was set to celebrate 'The Chess' movie success. Several directors and artists were also invited to the banquet to celebrate the movie's success. Since the director was also going to publicize his next movies, he had even invited a few reporters who held a high position in the company to attend the banquet and join the fun.      

Outside the hall, groups of reporters and fans were gathered to see their idols. Though it was just a success banquet, some reporters could not wait to grab a new scoop for their company. Standing on either side of the red carpet, the bodyguards hired by the team were controlling the crowd and were keeping a tight watch on the fans and reporters.      

By now, there were already many famous actors and actresses who had walked on the red carpet and had walked inside the banquet hall. After seeing a few famous artists, the fans were already going berserk. Just as the reporters looked at the entrance of the red carpet, waiting for the arrival of the next actor, a few bodyguards hurriedly rushed and joined the other bodyguards to control the crowd.      

Looking at the bodyguards' action, a reporter who happened to understand the situation said "Seems like the star of the banquet is about to arrive"     

Just as the reporter spoke, a Bentley pulled in front of the entrance. One of the guards who was closer to the car rushed forward and opened the left door. As soon as the person walked out of the car, the die-hard fans who were waiting for their idol for a long while started to shout loudly     

"Brother Mu…marry Me!!"     

"My Husband…look at your wife"     

"Ahhh….Idol Mu…look here, look at me"     

"Baby Mu….we Love you"     

Waving at the crowd with a charming smile, the young man walked to the other side of the car and opened the door before reaching his hand.      

Seeing Mu Jun's action, for a moment the whole crowd quietened and looked at the young man curiously, and then the next second they saw a fair hand stretched out to hold Mu Jun's hand and then a lady dressed in black got down from the car elegantly.      

Looking at the breathtaking beauty, many young men present in the crowd felt their heart skip a beat.     

At this moment, someone in the crowd said "So Beautiful"      

Only then did the reporters get back to their sense and hurriedly started to snap photos. The crowd who were initially yelling Mu Jun's name stopped calling his name and shifted their attention to the breathtaking beauty.      

When the Young man and young Woman stood together, they made such a perfect couple that one could not take their eyes off them.      

As the pair walked on the red carpet, they heard people yell "Suzy, you look so beautiful"     

"Goddess Suzy, marry me.."     

"husband Mu Jun, you look good together with Goddess"     

"Brother Mu, marry our goddess"     

"Goddess Suzy, we love you"     

Hearing the crowd pairing them up, Suzy did not respond but just smiled and waved her hands. But What Suzy did not know was that at this time, certain someone was eating a jar of vinegar inside the car while watching the live stream.      

Looking at his brother who was crushing the bottle so hard watching the live stream, Kim ting shook his head and sighed. Initially, he just wanted to show his brother how beautiful his sister in law looked but when Kim tan grabbed the phone, the first thing he saw was Suzy holding Mu Jun's arms. The moment he saw another man holding his wife's arm, he almost wanted to grab that arm and break it apart. It should only be him who had the right to hold her arm, leg, body…etc. Though Kim Tan was very possessive, he did not want to do anything that could harm Suzy or go against her will. But just as Kim tan was about to relax, he heard the fans pairing Suzy and Mu jun, saying that they made such a good pair. Unable to hold in the anger, he took another bottle and crushed it with his hand to take out all his rage.      

Afraid that he might lose his composure, Kim tan glared at Kim ting and turned his head away with a humph after throwing the phone. Shaking his head, Kim ting could only sigh. Only his sister in law could make his brother act childish.      

Not long after, while the crowd was still in an uproar, a Maybach pulled in front of the red carpet. As soon as the reporters saw the Maybach, they recognized that it belonged to the Kim family. Sure enough, when the car stopped, Kim tan and Kim ting got down from the car unhurriedly.      

One was cold and the other cheerful. One treated women as a virus while the other treated woman as his plaything. Though their character was different they still got along pretty well. Among many rich families where brothers fought with each other for power and wealth, the Kim family was the only exception.     

As soon as the Kim brothers were in the end, Reporters rushed to interview them on this rare occasion.      

Looking at the reporters who were blocking his path, Kim tan frowned slightly. While he was in a hurry to meet his baby girl, the reporters were acting like annoying flies, obstructing his path. If he had known such thing would have happened, he would rather walk inside through the backdoor than being pestered by these reporters.     

Unaware of Kim tan's thought, the reporters continued to throw a few questions to which Kim ting answered patiently. While answering the reporters, Kim ting could feel the cold air increasing next to him and he knew that his brother was impatient but he knew he could not do anything right now.      

Just as Kim tan was standing behind Kim ting feeling bored, one of the reporters asked boldly     

"First young master Kim, not recently the second young master announced his engagement with the second miss of the Zhen family. If I may boldly ask, When will first young master find his partner?"     

Hearing the question, Kim tan raised his head and looked at the reporter with thought.      

Under Kim tan's cold gaze, the reporter trembled a little and was about to step back when he heard Kim tan say     

"I do have a girl I like," he said with a loving smile on his face.      

Shocked and dumbstruck, all the reporters looked at Kim tan with their eyes wide.     

Not noticing the reporters stupified expression, the smile on Kim tan's deepened as he said "and I'm in love with her"     

"And she's the only one with whom I wish to live or Die"      

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