It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Time to talk something serious...

Time to talk something serious...

0Turning their heads, they looked towards the door where Mu Jun was standing looking dumbfounded while Kim tan, on the other hand, looked speechless.     

The two figures were initially dead tired and were sleeping peacefully in their room. After a whole day torment of controlling himself from suppressing his inner beast, Kim tan was dead tired. Only when the Sun started to open his eyes was Kim tan finally able to sleep and Mu Jun on the other hand…..After doing a few rounds of vigorous activities with Kim Lan last night after reaching the room, Mu Jun felt all his stamina drained and he could not even move his body. When the two exhausted men were taking rest, they suddenly hear a commotion from next door awakening them from their deep slumber. When they scrambled from their bed and ran to the Kim ting's room, they were dumbfounded when they saw Shanaya wrapped in a blanket and then at Kim ting who was covering himself with a quilt while trying his best to dodge Kim Lans attack and then at Suzy who was embracing Kim Lan from behind and was trying to pull her back….seeing the whole room which had now turned upside down both the men were dumbfounded.     

Taking the chance when Kim Lan was still in a daze, Kim ting hurriedly walked towards Mu Jun and his behind him before complaining "Hey Mu Jun, go and hold back your women or else shes going to kill your childhood friend"     

Getting back to her sense, Kim Lan glared at Kim ting "Do you think I'm going to let you off if you hide behind my wife?"     

Kim ting "Wife..?" With that said Kim ting looked at Mu Jun dumbfounded.     

Mu Jun 'Baby, can you not call me wife in front of others?' he thought inwardly but did not dare to voice it out.     

Without giving any more chance for Kim ting to speak, Kim Lan started to throw whatever small things she caught on Kim ting without care. Being used as a shield by Kim ting, Mu Jun could only dodge it helplessly.     

Having enough, when Kim tan saw Shanaya looking uncomfortable from the corner of his eyes, he sighed and ordered in a cold voice "Enough…..Everyone, come to the hall now. Mu Jun, give him a set of clothes….Lan, control your anger and help Miss Shanaya to change.." With that said, Kim tan walked out of the room with a dark face.     

Finally, when everyone left the room, Shanaya was able to breathe but she could not forget that smile her sister gave before she left the room. That one smile was enough for Shanaya to understand that…She was done for sure.     

Soaking herself in the warm water, Shanaya sighed as her mind slowly drifted to the previous night.     

Previous night…     

After carrying Shanaya for so long, Kim ting was finally able to drop this luggage down. After helping her to remove her shoes and socks, he laid her down and covered her with the quilt. Just when Kim ting was about to leave, Shanaya suddenly held his hands tightly and she started to mumble something while her body started to tremble. Her brows creased together, Sweat drops started to form on her forehead and her face showed expression of fear. It was not hard to guess that she was having a nightmare. Sighing, Kim ting held her hand and squeezed it gently before taking tissue from the bed table to wipe her sweaty forehead. Under the dim table lamp, her exquisite face looked even more beautiful and Kim ting started to stare at that beautiful face in a daze. Before Kim ting realized, he had moved forward and his face was only an inch away from hers. Getting back to his sense, Kim ting was surprised by his own action. Just when we're about to distance himself from her hurriedly, a pair of tender hands stretched around his neck and held him closer. Shocked, when he looked down he saw Shanaya looking at him in a daze and the next moment, when Kim ting was not on his guard, Shanaya pulled his face down and kissed him fiercely.     

Utterly shocked, the first thing Kim ting remembered was not to pull himself up but instead, he remembered that masked face fierce woman who had stolen his first kiss. Maybe because he recalled that fierce lady Carrot or may because he was suppressed by Shanaya's charm, Kim ting initially lost himself and gave in to Shanayas demand. Because both of them were strong and were physically very fit, their first time stretched for a longer time. It was not until early morning only then did their vigorous activity stop. Drunk with pleasure, the two of them were not aware of their deed until the next morning.     

With her eyes still closed, a drop of tear rolled down Shanaya's cheek before disappearing into the water.     

'Regret? She will never regret their previous night but instead…..she was happy…happy that it was him but still….she was not ready to fall into an abyss once again' She thought and sank into the water.     

Kim ting on the other side was rolling everywhere on the bed messing up the bed which had just been changed. Sitting up, he looked at his hands and then he once again started to roll on the bed while crying invisible tears...     

"Wahhh….I lost my virginity…wuwu….now who is going to marry me?"     

Mu Jun: "…."'bro...This act should be played by someone else…not you'     

"Wahh….what will tell to my wife…to my children?…wahh…I lost my chastity "     

Mu Jun "…."'Were you mistakenly born as a guy instead of a girl?'     

" am I going to face my brother? Wuwu…"     

Mu Jun "…."'I can't hold on any longer….. my husband was right when she kicked you..'     

Just when Mu Jun was thinking of Kicking Kim ting, he suddenly sat up and looked a little dazed as he opened his mouth to say "Wait….shouldn't I be…happy?"     

"Huh?..why?" Mu Jun asked curiously     

"I have…beaten my bro"     


I have beaten my bro…. I have finally surpassed my brother in something…haha" with that said, he suddenly got up on the bed and started to jump like a little kid while laughing like a mad man "Haha…. Jun, I finally beat my brother in something. Isn't my brother still a virgin? Haha….I lost my virginity earlier than my brother…doesn't this count as one of my achievement?…haha, I finally won in something…..hehe"     

Hearing Kim ting's words, Mu Jun almost fell on his butt and he badly wanted to beat this idiot into a pulp. 'which idiot will consider this as a competition? And..wasn't he crying like a baby till now for losing his virginity? Where did that cry baby go but instead was replaced with a mad baby?…bruh, are you for real?' Mu Jun thought. While Mu Jun was trying his urge to beat up his childhood friend, he saw someone standing at the entrance with a dark face and he involuntarily gulped a mouthful of saliva.     

Faking a smile, he called "Haha…Brother ting…when did you arrive?"     

Before Kim tan could reply, Kim ting looked up in surprise and butted in "Ohh brother, you're here….hehe, brother I finally won against you in such a crucial matter…hehe, bro tell me…when are you planning to donate your virgin body…hmm?"     

Standing at the side, Mu jun felt his lips twitch as he thought 'What the heck do you mean by donating his virgin body? Do you think we are doing charity?"     

Listening to Kim tings nonsense, Kim tan's face darkened further as he thought 'Fuck…why the hell did I promise back then? Not only should I suppress that little beast, but I should also suffer my brother's humiliation….fuck'     

Taking in a deep breath, Kim tan tried to suppress the urge to beet his brother into a pulp. Looking at his brother coldly, he spoke seriously "Kim Ting….it's time to talk something serious"     

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