It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

End their ties with Feng mian

End their ties with Feng mian

0Early morning, the morning birds were chirping under the woods and the little ants were on their way to hunt for food. Inside a huge mansion, bright light peered through the balcony, following on the sleeping beauty who was having a sweet dreams. Like a morning clock, when her genius brain alarmed, Suzy finally woke up from her deep slumber. Stretching her hands, she rubbed her eyes when she suddenly caught hold of a figure lying on the long sofa wrapped in the quilt, twisting and turning uncomfortably on the sofa.     

Confused, Suzy removed the quilt and got on her feet to walk towards the sofa. When she saw that manly feet, Suzy finally realized who was the one sleeping on the sofa. While stretching out her hand to grab the quilt, She asked "Kim tan? What are you doing?"     

Hearing that soft voice, Kim tan froze and stopped moving. Before Suzy could pull the quilt, Kim tan held it tightly and said in a husky voice "You…..go and change your clothes first. Until and unless you change it, I will not move from my place…"     

Confused, Suzy looked down only to realize that she was wearing the sexy pajama. Sighing, she made her way towards the bathroom to fresh up. Only when he heard the sound of the door getting locked did Kim tan finally removed the quilt and got up from the coach.     

Throwing the quilt away, Kim tan looked at the bed blankly. Because of Suzy's sexiness, Kim tan was unable to sleep whenever he saw her pretty face and her fair legs which were peeping out of the quilt. No matter how much he tried, he was unable to move his gaze away from her nor was he able to sleep a wink. The whole day, Kim tan suffered the worst nightmare.     

Unlike the refined and handsome CEO, Kim tan looked more like a haggard person with her hair messed up and his dress disheveled with dark circles under his eyes bags. Taking a deep breath, Kim tan looked down at his little brother who had grown into a big brother.     

Walking towards his cabinet, he picked up his office suit and walked to the guest room to get a cold shower for an hour or two.     

After having a warm breakfast in the Kim mansion along with the Kim family members, Suzy decided to bid her farewell to her mother in law and others before making her way towards Bright star entertainment along with Kim lan.     

One the way towards the Bright star entertainment, Kim lan and Suzy were deeply conversing about a few girly stuff completely unaware of the storm that was waiting for them outside their company.     

When Suzy and Kim lan reached the entrance of the company, they were confused to see a crowd of reporters standing outside the company seemingly waiting for someone.     

Confused, she turned to look at Kim lan and asked: "Did any of our company artists got stuck in any scandal?"     

"uhm….I don't think so…Seeing their expression, it doesn't seem to be about any scandal"     

"oh….Is it"     

"Let's get out of here, we can ask the details from my secretary"     


Before Suzy could get out of the car, a group of Bodyguards surrounded her car seemingly to shield her from the reporters     

Puzzled, Suzy looked at Kim lan who simply shrugged her shoulders.     

Getting out of the car, as soon as the reporters saw Suzy, they started to rush towards her holding their precious long mic and camera to click her photo and to take video.     

Thankfully, before the reporters could get too close to Suzy, the bodyguards blocked them making sure to put a certain distance between Suzy and the crazy reporters.     

Even though they were blocked, that did not stop the reporters from throwing their question as one of the reporters pushed his mic forward and asked her loudly "Miss Suzy, is it true that you have received an indirect invitation from Nightingale Lu Qingwie wants to cast you in her next music video?" when one reporter threw his question, the others also started to push forward their question one by one without giving a break.     

"Miss Suzy, was the song truly composed by your mother?"     

"Miss Suzy, is this the only song your mother has composed?"     

"Miss Suzy, do you plan to enter the music industry?"     

"Miss Suzy…Miss Suzy…"     

As people continued to throw a bunch of questions, Suzy suddenly started to feel the headache arising from her nerves when Suddenly one of the reporters asked a question which made her go nuts     

"Miss Suzy, we heard the news that your Stepmother was kicked out of the Li mansion for doing something she shouldn't"     

"Huh?" Suzy looked puzzled unable to process what exactly was happening     

"Miss Suzy, what do you think about the incident?"     

"Miss Suzy, do the Kim family plans to end their tie with Miss Feng Mian?"     

Feeling her head twirl, Suzy suddenly excused them saying that she would answer them some other day and hurriedly went inside the company under the protection of the bodyguard.     

Once inside Kim Lan's office, Suzy switched on the Tv screen and was shocked to see one of the unexpected news.     

On the top chart of the news, Suzy's hot news was ranked no 1 as more and more people started to watch, like and share Suzy's pleasant music increasing the viewers' rate. By now, the number of fans in Suzy's club was also doubled. The number of people recommending her to enter the Music industry also increased to the greatest number and at the same time, a small fan club under Suzy's mother's name was also opened where the people joining the club gradually increased.     

But at the same time, on the same chart ranked right behind Suzy's news was Feng mian's getting caught while trying to poison her father in law, Elder Li and was kicked out of the Li mansion.     

Confused, Suzy picked her cell phone to call her grandfather to ask what was happening. Even though Suzy had left it to her grandfather to handle it according to his will, she did not expect that he would actually kick her out and would even spread it to news media.     

Before she could call her grandfather, she received a call from an unknown number. Puzzled, Suzy picked the call but before she could speak someone else spoke from the other side. Without giving a chance for Suzy to speak, the other side instructed a few things to Suzy before hanging up the call.     

Stunned, Suzy     

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