It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Make a Mark!!

Make a Mark!!

0After finalizing the spokesperson for the product, Luo Shen and Suzy made their way out of the meeting hall after bidding goodbye for the director and producer. When they were quite far away from people, Suzy suddenly stopped in the middle of the corridor and turned towards Luo Shen while looking at him suspiciously.     

Sensing Suzy's gaze, Luo Shen touched his face in reflex and asked awkwardly "Ah…is there anything on my face?"     

"No" Suzy replied plainly and continued staring at him.     

Feeling uncomfortable and at the same time scared, Luo Shen shrank back and asked "Then, why are you looking at me? Is there anything wrong with my face?"     

Without replying to his questions, she folded her hands in front of her chest and asked "Spill the beans"     

Confused, Luo Shen asked "Beans?"     

"From when is this going on?" Suzy asked     

"Uhhhh….Sister, can you please tell me what's wrong? I don't have any idea on what are you talking about"     

"You….from when did you start liking her? Was it love at first sight? When? Where? Was it today afternoon? Or were you liking her from long back?" Suzy asked series of questions without giving a gap confusing Luo Shen further.     

"Sister, who are you referring to? What are you saying exactly?"     

"Hey, stop acting dump and spill the beans….from when did you start liking Xu Man?"     

"Xu Man? Like? Me?" Luo Shen asked with wide eyes while pointing at himself.     

"No…your grandfather"     

"No no, no sister, you're misunderstanding me…I don't like anyone" he hurriedly denied under Suzy's suspicious gaze.     

"Really? Then why did you support her in the meeting hall and even tried to convince other's?"     

"No no sister, I was not supporting her, I was supporting you and was trying to make others go with your decision. There's nothing like you think"     

Narrowing her eyes, Suzy asked "Really?"     

"Really! Really!"     

"Hmm…since you insist, I'll believe you" after replying, Suzy regained her expressionless face. Finally convincing Suzy, Luo Shen sighed a deep breath but suddenly jolted when Suzy turned around again "Wh-what is it sister"     

"Nothing, just….nice choice" With that said, she turned back and started to walk out of the hall leaving the puzzled Luo Shen alone in the courtyard.     

'What did she mean? What a nice choice? Huh?….' after spending a whole minute trying to understand the meaning behind Suzy's words it suddenly dawned him that Suzy was speaking about the girl "Shit…Sister is still doubting on me" with that said he hurriedly followed behind Suzy.     

After leaving the Mystic hall, Luo Shen headed towards Blue ocean resort to drop Suzy for her dinner date with her hubby. On the way, no matter how much Luo Shen tried to convince Suzy, Suzy did not budge even once and pretended to be convinced but Luo Shen knew very well that she was acting and teasing him at the same time. By the time they reached the Blue ocean resorted, Luo Shen was no longer in a state to speak or listen. He had wasted half of his energy to convince Suzy but in the end, he ended up being teased until he no more had the energy to continue convincing Suzy. For the first time in his life, he lost his composure. After Suzy stepped out of the car, Luo Shen thought inwardly ' No, this can't be continued. I have to keep my distance and stay as far away as I can from that little actress…yes' he decided internally.     

After alighting from the car, Suzy could not help but grin widely. Making her way inside, when she reached the private garden, she saw Kim tan speaking through the mobile with the other party with his hand inside his pocket and his back faced towards her. Seeing his wide sturdy back, Suzy could not help but imagine his naked back under the hot steam with droplets of water dripping from his back to his waist then…..Realizing that her thoughts were running R-rated again, Suzy hid her face between her palm and chuckled. Seeing that Kim tan was still speaking with someone through the phone, she slowly made her way towards him and hugged him from behind.     

Surprised, he held her hands that's was hugging his waist and smiled. Not long after, he felt softness on the back of his neck and hot hair on his skin. Feeling her warm lips on the back of his neck, Kim tan had a tough time concentrating on the other party and was getting distracted constantly. Finally, unable to concentrate anymore, he gave a few instructions and hung up the call. Sighing a deep breath, he asked in a low voice "Don't you know that your mischievous act might lead to a disaster?"     

"Hmm….really?" Suzy asked innocently.     

"You….forget it. Did something happen?"     

"Yeah…..a lot of thing happened"     

"Is everything going well?"     

"Yeah….except one thing"     

"what is it?" he asked with his low voice while letting her hug him as tightly as she wanted.     

"hmmm…..I guess….I can't wait for you to eat you up" Suzy said softly     

Startled, it took him some time to understand the meaning lying underneath. Getting the hint from her words, Kim Tan's eyes turned dark and his voice turned husky. Holding her hands tight, he said " You know it's not too late. If you want I can book a room here and you can eat me up as much as you want"     

Shaking her head, Suzy replied "No, there's something I need to do first"     

Taking in deep breath, he sighed and turned around. Hugging her waist, he leaned down and kissed her lips before asking "Are you hungry?"     


"Come, let's have our dinner first…I have ordered one of your favorite dish"     


After having a peaceful dinner they cuddled and spent some time together in each others' embrace. When it was half-past nine, Kim tan drove back to Suzy's house to drop her home. Reaching her home, Kim tan stopped at the entrance and turned to look at Suzy. At the same time, Suzy was also looking at Kim tan quietly. Caught in each others' eyes, time passed and none of them moved their eyes away from each other. Just when Kim tan was going to move, Suzy beat him to it and moved up from her seat and sat on his lap and pressed her lips on his. Surprised, it took him a few seconds to respond. Afraid that she might get hurt, he hugged her waist and secured her on his lap.     

The two couples continued to kiss until they were left breathless. After a long deep kiss, they moved away from each other and breathed heavily.     

Looking at his eyes, Suzy leaned her head to the side and mumbled softly " I don't want to let you go"     

Combing her hairs behind, Kim tan looked into her eyes and said in his low voice "Me too…"     

Eyeing his handsome face for a few seconds, she said "I want to do something to you"     

"Go on…you can do anything to me. My heart and body is all yours"     

Getting his approval, Suzy pushed a bottom to align the seat backward and pushed him back to the seat. Raising her hand, she held his face and started to kiss his forehead, his eyes, nose, ears, chin, cheeks and then kissed his lips gently. Holding her waist, Kim tan remained quiet and let his little women to do whatever she wished to. Seeing his woman's action certain someone was getting excited slowly. Just when Kim tan was trying to distract his little brother, Suzy's tiny hand moved down from his face to his neck and then slowly landed on his shoulders. While one of her gripped his shoulder, the other started to unbutton his shirt one by one. Startled, Kim tan immediately held back his hand and looked at Suzy doubtfully.     

Seeing his questioning gaze, seeing lowered her face and kissed his lips while murmuring against his lips "Don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to you now. I just want to make a mark"     

With that said, she slowly moved from his lips to the corner of his lips, then his chin and then to his long neck. She kept nibbling at his neck like a little kitten while giving little pecks and then slowly moved to his left chest. Unlike the little pecks, she directly bit on his chest and then slowly stuck out her tongue to lick his skin and sucked his skin like a candy until the area turned dark red. After marking the are, Suzy, pecked it a few more times as if to soothe the pain. Moving backward, she looked at her art and moved her hands on his chest sensually and started to grin like a little kid.     

Amused, Kim tan raised an eyebrow and looked at Suzy who was admiring the mark. After admiring the mark which looked like a hickey, she tried to get up from his lap but was forced to sit back on his lap. When she looked up, she saw Kim tan looking at her with a devilish grin….     

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