It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

CEO of Li corporation...Miss Suzy!!

CEO of Li corporation...Miss Suzy!!

0"There's a big surprise for you later…" She said and turned her cell phone.     

Seeing the message, Kim tan was curious and sent several messages, but unfortunately, none of them received any reply. With a frown on his face, she turned off his cell phone and kept it inside when the show was about to begin.     

From a sparkling elevator, a male wearing a black tuxedo and a female wearing a golden long gown ascended on the stage with a background music. Once the male and female hosts stepped onto the stage, they walked to the front of the stagehand in hand and bowed to the audience before welcoming them in a cheerful voice "To all beautiful angels and all handsome Dark knights, we welcome you all for the thirty-fifth Music festival award ceremony"     

A loud applause erupted throughout the hall followed by the female host's words.     

After greeting the audience and speaking a few more words, the award ceremony officially started.     

Several musicians and idols sang and danced on the stage at this happy occasion to show their passion, talent, and joy. At certain intervals, a few awards were issued to the chosen candidates.     

No matter who enjoyed it or not, Suzy thoroughly enjoyed the show. Whether it was the host's speech or the performance, she enjoyed it thoroughly but Kim tan, on the other hand, could not concentrate even on a single performance. It had been a while but he still could think of anything that would surprise him. Frustrated, he tossed the issue back to his head and tried to focus on the show.     

While Suzy was enjoying the show, there was certainly someone who was fuming in rage. Xiya Ruya, sitting at the fourth row could not take her eyes away from Suzy no matter what. Not only did Suzy snatched her limelight, she was even lucky enough to sit just behind Kim tan. Though Suzy enjoyed the show and did not interact with Kim tan from the beginning, Xiya Ruya thought that she was only acting hard to gain Kim tan's attention.     

Unaware of the business news, Xiya Ruya was unaware of Suzy's other background. If she had known that Suzy had already had several interactions with Kim tan and was only very very very familiar with him, she would die of jealousy. A while ago, Xiya Ruya was informed that her Wiebo was exploding again. Xiya Ruya thought that it must be praised for her beauty elegance or maybe because of her today's appearance, her fans must have been thoroughly flattered by her. But because of the continuous calls from her manager and assistant, she could no longer ignore the matter and hence skimmed her phone out to check out her profile. As soon as she was logged in, countless number of notifications popped. Several photos of her and Suzy was posted and were compared to each other. Though the opinion of the citizens were neutral and thought that both were capable, Xiya Ruya could not take in such humiliation. Being an arrogant actress, she was always prideful and looked down on everyone slightly lower than her. After the earlier incident, Xiya Ruya was already planning to teach a lesson for Suzy but now, after seeing the post, her hatred towards Suzy increased and she did not want herself with a low-level actress.     

With a burning hatred in her eyes, Xiya Ruya called her assistant and informed her about something before smiling wickedly. 'Suzy, let's see how you will be able to avoid this one'     

Not long after, one of the in-charge walked towards Suzy and asked her to follow him backstage as the next award was the best newcomer award.     

Since there was a performance which was still going on, the two hosts were standing backstage waiting for the performance to end. Just when the performance was about to end, the show director's assistant walked towards the hosts and informed them something. Nodding their head, the two hosts assured him and walked up to the stage. After thanking and praising the performers, they moved to the next award.     

"Now, it's time to move onto our next award. The next award is the best newcomer award. As we all know, this year one of the toughest battles was for the best newcomer and the nominated candidates are especially strong. Just like everyone, I am very curious to know who is going to be the best newcomer of this year" the female host said     

"Yeah, even I'm curious about this award so can we see the nomination board please," the male host said before turning the focus towards the screen.     

After the nominated candidates were shown on the screen, the camera turned its focus back to the hosts who were brimming with excitement.     

"So now, let's welcome the best newcomer award presenter," the female host said and the male host continued.     

"The one who is going to present this award is…..uh" before uttering the name, the host suddenly held his heart as if in pain.     

As if startled, the female host held him and asked "Chris, are you alright?"     

"Yeah yeah, I'm alright. It's just that the name I was about to call is very powerful"     

"Oh really? But how?"     

"Her name is enough to grab several peoples attention, her eyes are like fire and her face…..uhh, that face can kill numerous males heart"     

"Really? Since your praising this person so much, I'm even more curious to know who is that"     

"Let's not waste the time here and call up this outstanding woman. She's the budding Starlite in the entertainment industry as well as in the business field. Wherever she shows up, she brings up something new and never fails to surprise. One of the most beautiful women and also with a brilliant brain, please welcome, the goddess of several males, the CEO of the Li corporation…Miss Suzy….."     

With that said the whole hall erupted with loud applause. As the light dimmed, a tall and slim young women, wearing a dark green gown walked from the grand entrance on the stage. As soon as Suzy appeared on the stage, all the lights brightened and when everyone saw the gorgeous lady standing in the middle of the stage, a loud gasp was heard throughout the hall. It took them a few minutes for everyone to come out of their beautiful dream.     

Not only others, Kim tan himself was startled and had clicked several pictures involuntarily. Getting back to his sense, he looked at the young lady who could shine wherever she was.     

Studying the people down the stage, Suzy saw Kim tan's stunned and dumbfounded expression and flushed a little.     

Getting back to their senses, the two hosts immediately greeted Suzy politely. With a smile, Suzy greeted them with the same respect and politeness which most of the celebrities wouldn't do.     

Seeing Suzy's dazzling smile, the host almost lost his footing. Studying himself he said pitifully "Miss Suzy, please don't give me that smile….Your smile alone is enough to kill my little heart"     

Chuckling, Suzy waved her hands and said "Mr. Chrish, your flattering me"     

Seeing that the male ant of actually flirting with his wifey openly, Kim tan's eyes turned cold. Sensing the coldness next to him, Kim ting involuntarily moved aside and looked at his brother's frosty expression. Rubbing his arms, he looked at the little host and thought 'Little brother, your courting death'     

"Okay now, Miss Suzy, let's not delay the time further. Can you please announce the name of the candidate who is going to receive this prestigious award?"     

"Sure.." Opening the small envelopes, she took out the card which had the winner's name. With a smile, lifting the mike she said "The best newcomer award goes to....Mr. Xu Jinan"     

With a loud applause, a young man wearing a blue-black tuxedo walked up to the stage to receive the award. After receiving the award, the boy could not hide his joy anymore and cried while giving a vote of thanks. After the boy ended his vote of thanks, Suzy was just about to walk away from the stage when the female host suddenly stopped her before she could even take a step.     

"Miss Suzy….."     

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