It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

If he becomes a Woman doesn’t that mean men will be an extinct species?

If he becomes a Woman doesn’t that mean men will be an extinct species?

0With the controller's help, Kim tan guided the robotic mosquito while observing the surroundings cautiously. When they moved closer to that area, they saw a huge warehouse situated at a dark hidden corner, surrounded by a bunch of tress. After going around the warehouse once, the mosquito made its way inside through a small hole. When it entered the warehouse, the whole room was dark with no faint light. Other than a huge closed door, there was no window nor an open space.     

When the screen showed darkness, Kim tan pressed a button and the lens immediately changed into night mode, showing the surroundings in green. Once the darkness turned green on the screen, Everyone was so shocked that their jaws were almost touching the ground.     

"Waah…..I was wondering where those nuclear bombs disappeared….seems like they were all stored here?" Suzy commented     

"NH5, NH3,FD6….UDHC9 wow…..these atomic bombs are no ordinary bombs. One bomb is enough for a small country like Monaco to disappear" Kim ting commented while still looking at the screen.     

" But why do I not see anyone guarding this place?" someone asked while still looking at the screen.     

Doubtful, Kim tan went around the place for an hour but did not find anyone inside but found something amusing inside the warehouse. Leaning on the chair, he chuckled before he exclaimed "The place is vacuumed and is devoid of any matter. The bombs will not show any reaction in vacuum"     

"oh really! then…." with a devilish smile on her face, Suzy turned towards doctor cherry who almost got goosebumps seeing that creepy smile again as he thought ' Here she goes again'. Gulping a mouthful of saliva he stuttered "Wh-what?"     

"You know what I mean right?" Suzy asked.     

"No…I won't let you take them all inside until I'm inside the submarine"     

"Oh..then I guess I should kick you out" Suzy declared unhesitantly.     

"Hey….okay fine do whatever you want" Doctor cherry replied looking defeated.     

"By the way, those fake bombs you prepared….are they still there?" Suzy asked expectantly.     

"Wait….are you saying that you are going to exchange it with ours? Really?" Doctor cherry asked with twinkling eyes"     

"Yeah…My heart hurts to make the other party sad so….why not give them something in return?" Suzy replied with a wicked smile on her face.     

Doctor cherry's face almost darkened when he heard that as he thought 'yeah, their heart will hurt when they find their bombs missing but...their heart is going to bleed when they find that their hard-earned bombs turned into good for nothing…you sure are devilish'     

While Doctor cherry was praying mentally for the other party, Kim tan had a proud smile on his as he thought 'she is sure smart. Not only will their bombs will disappear, they will not even have any clue that their bombs were replaced…haha'     

Seeing the smile on his brothers face once again, Kim ting could not help but exclaim with a dark face 'He smiled….he smiled for the second time...dammit…is my brother In love with shadow? Then what about my sister in law? No way…I can't let this happen. Though my brother and sister in law keeps feeding me dog food till I puke, I can't see them split up…No way, If my brother tries to fall for another girl, I'll blast with one of the bomb…yes' while Kim ting was internally making plans even forgetting that Kim tan was his own blood brother, Shanaya who was standing at the side could not help but roll her eyes out of annoyance. Being a Psychology student, she was well aware of what Kim ting was thinking. Even though she was happy that he was supporting her sister Suzy, his reactions were too much for her and at the same time, she was envious of Suzy. Even though Suzy was wearing a mask and was hiding her identity, she could still see the warmth and love in Kim tans eyes. Though Kim tan was a tough one for her to study, she could still say that his reactions were all-natural and he was unaware of his own action. ' Will I get a guy like him? ' she thought but remembering her dark past, she shook off her head as she thought with a sad smile on her face ' It's better for me to stay alone forever'     

After thinking for a while, Doctor cherry replied "Okay….there happened to be an empty room which was vacuumed inside the submarine and also…we have a few oxygen suits. You can use them while going inside the room"     

"hmm..thats good. Now, we need to make teams. How many nuclear atomic bombs are inside the warehouse?"     

"I guess there are more than fifty but only nine of them are powerful and deadly. The others are not that harmful and its also easy for us to create one. So you don't have to transport everything" Doctor cherry replied     

"Okay…then we can send ten people who are strong enough to move the bombs" Suzy replied while eyeing at all the members downstairs, trying to find few bulky men.     

Just then, Wen xiao suddenly stepped forward when she thought of something and said hesitantly "uhm….for this, can you let Qiao An (another female subordinate of Wen xiao) to take the lead?" when she saw that Suzy and Kim tan did not reply, she continued to explain " actually Qiao An is well aware about atomic bombs and she was also a bomb diffuser in our team so…I think its better for her to lead the team since shes good……..that… field"     

Without replying to Wen Xiao, Suzy looked at Qiao An who was standing quietly at a dark corner. Then she turned towards Kim ting and stared at him weirdly. With a bad feeling, Kim ting suddenly shivered under her stare and stepped back. Feeling a little uncomfortable, he asked: "What…why are you staring at me?"     

Without batting an eye Suzy replied, "Why are you not a woman?"     

'Boom' a huge bomb exploded inside his mind, turning everything dark. After hearing her sisters comment and seeing Kim ting's reaction, Shanaya could not hold in and started to laugh out loudly.     

Seeing that his rival was laughing hard, Kim ting gave a dark look to her before turning towards Suzy. Before he could even speak, Suzy continued " all the outstanding people here are all women except you who is a man" she exclaimed.     

Hearing that comment, Kim ting was initially dumbfounded and did not know whether to cry for being questioned of his gender or be happy for being praised as outstanding. Seeing his brother from the corner of his eyes he could not help but exclaim " Even my brother is outstanding…why are you not asking him to be a woman?"     

After replying, his eyes suddenly twinkled and looked at Suzy with huge expectations but the latter's words made him want to kill himself.     

Hearing Kim tings Question, Suzy immediately replied while shaking her hand "No….if he becomes a woman doesn't that mean men will be an extinct species?" she said and praised herself for being smart.     

Hearing her comment, everyone was speechless. ".…"     

Kim ting "….."'Is he the only male human being in your eyes?'     

Doctor cherry "….."'Don't you think your way too much out of your character?'     

Shanaya "….."'Are you hitting on him openly?'     

Wen Xiao "…."' (thumbs up) Miss shadow is way too daring'     

Kim tan "….."'(unaffected by Suzy's comment while deep in thought) there must be two NH25 here….where did I see it'     

"oh….the enemies are about to make a move" Suzy's sudden exclamation woke everyone up out of their trance.     

When everyone turned their attention back to screen five, they saw the mercenaries assembling one by one in front of S ranked leader. The robotic mosquito moved and landed on the mercenaries' head. As soon as the S ranked leader started to speak, Kim tan pressed a button and the S ranked leader voice resounded throughout the hall. "Dear comrades, the day we were waiting for so long has finally come. We can finally rescue our leaders today and once they are back, we are going to make every country to suffer. Now, its time for us to fight"     

Another person who was right next to the S ranked leader continued " We just got the news that the armies are going to make a sneak attack on us. The initial time set for us to meet was day after tomorrow but since our enemies are planning for a sneak attack, let's attack them before they can"     

Person 1 " according to the information we received, there are almost one seventy armed armies. They are going to land on the left Island and they are planning to attack us tomorrow. But before they can even attack us, let's attack them"     

Person 2 " and, most importantly, you can't attack them unless they land on the island because, they still have our leaders in their hand so, until and unless you rescue our leaders, don't attack them…..Do you understand"     

"Yes sir" everyone replied and dispersed immediately. There were at least more than ninety people who left the camp with their guns and bombs. Once the armies started to move, Kim tan pressed a button. A few mini mosquitoes came out of the mosquitos womb and started to follow the people who were about to leave the camp.     

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