It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

I'm here to assist you!!

I'm here to assist you!!

0"Mr. Zhen, are the criminals that our enemy requested been brought?" Kim tan asked with a cold light in his eyes.     

"Yes, they are currently locked inside a container. Before we locked them up, they were fed with medicines that Shadow has sent. The criminals will not be able to wake up for forty-eight hours and before locking them, we have even checked them. As a further safety measure, we have chained their hands, legs, and throat with chains. If they try to break the chain, they will be electrocuted" Genera Zhen explained patiently.     

"Great…..but general Zhen, we are not going to send them along with our Army troops," Kim tan said with a cold smile.     

"Mr. Kim, what do you mean?" General Zhen asked looking puzzled.     

"These criminals are very dangerous. We cannot put the army's life at stake and…..we also don't know who is our traitor so…we can't take risk"     


"The one who will be accompanying your would be their replicas….in short, our skillful people who are disguised as the criminals"     

"Won't it raise some doubts?"     

"No, our men are very professional and know what exactly to be done. The enemies will not be able to recognize them and it will be very for them to do so"     

"But how are you going to replace them?"     

Looking at his watch, Kim tan smiled plainly and said " Its already done"     

"Done?" General Zhen asked with shock as he thought ' how did they replace? When did they do it? How come I don't know?'     

Seeing the puzzled look of her uncle, Suzy calmly explained to him " the container in which the prisoners are currently stored in has a square door against the ground. This door leads to the drainage tunnel below. Using the ladder, when your men were busy preparing for the battle, our people slowly climbed into the container through the underground tunnel and replaced themself with the criminals. Now the criminals are under our custody"     

Hearing Suzy's explanation, general Zheng was surprised and at the same time amused and could not help but exclaim " You youngsters really surpass the old. How can you both be such criminal minded huh?" he joked.     

Not taking his jokes seriously Kim ting continued " General Zhen, let us not send the whole container. Split the criminals and hand each one of them to one group. By doing this, we can assure our army's safety"     

"okay…ill do as you say" general Zhen nodded as he said     

"General Zhen, its time for your trustworthy student to meet us. Without him, we may not be able to carry on further plan" Suzy reminded expressionlessly.     

"Okay, ill call him right away" As soon as general Zhen said that, he called the intercom and asked First sergeant who was going to lead the team to report to his office.     

Within a few seconds, a young man in his late twenties will build muscle walked inside the office and bowed to General Zhen before standing straight and firm while looking straight.     

"Lewie, you know the importance of this mission right?"     

"Yes sir"     

"Hmm….What's our motto"     

"To serve the country, to save our people and to always stay loyal to the country"     

"Hmm…good. Lewie, listen to me carefully, your mission is not to save the country"     


"Yes, the one who is going to save them is not the army but there's a different group who are going to rescue them" turning his computer around, he introduced " This is Mr. Kim and that's Shadow and the remaining are part of them"     

"But sir, if they are going to save the hostage, what are we supposed to do?"     

"Distract the enemies" a cold and aloof voice was heard from the screen. When Lewie turned to look at the person in black, his body shuddered in terror when he felt the cold aura"     

"Distract the enemies?" Lewie asked doubtfully.     

"Yes…just listen to me, what you're supposed to do is...." As Kim tan started to explain, General Zhen could not help but clap cheerfully when he heard Kim tans plan. Now he was very confident that these two young ones will rescue the hostage as well as the country. Even Lewie himself could not help but praise Kim tan and shadow in his mind.     

'They definitely live up to their identity' he thought.     

Once Lewie was done hearing the plan, he immediately left the office to guide the force.     

Reaching the ground where all the armies were gathered, he commanded them to get ready for the battle as they were about to leave. Before everyone separated, they made seven groups and handed one criminal to each group to handle. After boarding the helicopter, their rescue mission finally began.     

When the army part was finally clear, they shifted their attention back into their meeting     

"Hmm.…since all the plans are done, you can leave. Take rest for now. We still have a long time to reach. After we reach our destiny, we will carry the further plan and Wen Xiao, take a look at the computer are and see if you can handle everything there"     

"yes mam"     

"Okay…dismiss" With that said, everyone left the meeting hall and headed straight to their rooms. As soon as Suzy reached her room, she removed her black mask and her face mask and went straight to the bathroom to wash her face. It was very inconvenient for Suzy to wear the face mask all the time as it might affect her skin. Is she kept her face mask for more than twelve hours, her skin cells would get harmed. Tired from a long day, as soon as she laid on her bed, fatigue overtook her and her eyes became heavy. Remembering something, she hurridly texted Luo Shen that she was going to another country for some personal matters and would not be back for a few days. As soon as the message was delivered, she dropped her phone and dozed off. When Suzy woke up again, it was already seven pm. Getting up from the bed, she washed her face and applied some cream before putting on the skin mask and black mask. Getting out of the room, she walked towards the big hall where everyone was gathered. Above the hall, there was a control room where the Submarine was controlled. When she walked upstairs, she saw Kim ting and Carrot standing at the side with a grim face while Wen Xiao was standing in the middle with a poker face, not even giving a damn to their childish behavior. In front of the large screen, Kim tan was looking forward at the island expressionlessly.     

Just when Suzy was about to ask something, she saw someone who did not belong to the team at all.     

"What are you doing here?" Suzy asked coldly while looking at doctor Cherry coldly.     

"Oh…I'm here to assist you" Doctor cherry replied without even turning back while controlling the submarine.     

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