It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Unable to hold his naughty hands down...

Unable to hold his naughty hands down...

0Who knows how long were they stuck together, they kissed each other until there was no oxygen left in their lungs. Pulling herself away from Kim tan, Suzy tried to breathe in but the next second, before she could take in a deep breath, her lips were once again sealed by Kim tans. Not getting enough of her, Kim tan pulled her closer while deepening the kiss. His restless hand could not stay in place and started to roam around her body. His left-hand quietly made its way down her waist to her legs and then slowly moved upwards under her dress. Feeling the softness of her legs, he continued to rub it up and down, whereas his right hand was stuck to her right breast, rubbing the soft mounds under the dress.     

Finally, when Suzy was about to lose her consciousness lack of air, Kim tan moved away from her lips and leaned his forehead against hers while breathing in her warm breath. After calming down their nerves did they finally notice their posture. Embarrassed, Suzy wanted to move away but could not. Looking down, she saw one of his hands on her chest and the other...cough cough was under her dress. Her face turned crimson red and her heart started to beat rapidly, embarrassed, Suzy hid her face between her palms without saying anything.     

Seeing her acting shy, Kim tan was confused, but when he looked down, he saw his naughty hands sneaking under her dress while feeling her softness. Clearing his throat, Kim tan immediately retracted his hands and straightened his back. Putting her down, he hugged her gently while trying to calm his racing heart.     

Laying his chin on her shoulder's, he said in a low voice "I missed you"     

"Me too" Suzy replied softly and a bit hoarsely. Unwilling to separate from her, Kim tan proposed "Would you like to go out with me?"     


"Great…..come let's go out" Taking her hands with his, he started to walk off his chamber. Remembering the presence of his secretary, Suzy pulled her hands away hurriedly and walked away leaving him behind alone.     

Seeing his little wifey running away like a little rabbit, Kim tan chuckled before following her outside. Not long after, Suzy and Kim tan took the private elevator to the parking lot before boarding Kim tan's Mulsanne. On the way, Suzy could not help but ask "Where are we going?"     

"Where do you want to go?"     


"Okay" with that said, he called assistant John and asked him to make the arrangements for them. When they reached the movie hall, not only was it a private movie hall with only two seats, the movie that was chosen for them was also romantic.     

Walking to their seat, Suzy saw the snacks arranged beside her chair which included a bucket of fresh popcorn, two glasses of cold tea and a few other snacks and beverages. Smiling ear to ear, Suzy picked up the popcorn bucket and sat on her seat. Not long after, the movie started to play on the screen. While Suzy was watching the movie enthusiastically, Kim tan was deep in his thought. Looking at his left hand, he rubbed it while feeling the earlier softness. He could still feel the smoothness of her thighs. Unable to hold on, he looked at Suzy who was busy watching the movie and grinned mischievously. Turning his head back towards the screen, he cleared his throat and straightened his expression. Lifting his left hand, he placed it on her leg casually startling Suzy.     

Suzy was just about to munch a popcorn when Kim tan placed his hand her leg and then she felt his hands moving upwards slowly and she could not help but gulp involuntarily. Seeing her reaction from the corner of his eyes, Kim tan was trying hard not to laugh. Initially, he just wanted to tease her but his greedy hands could not have enough and started to carse her legs under her dress sending shivers down her spine. By now, not only was her face but also her legs were burning hot. She started to crave more his touch and hoped that he would move further upwards. Just when Suzy thought his hands would move upwards, Kim tan suddenly retracted his hands and sat back on his seat acting as if nothing has happened.     

When Suzy saw Kim tan's reaction, she was furious. Unable to hold on to her itchy hand, she pinched his thighs hard and sat back puffing her cheeks. Seeing her adorable face, Kim tan smiled and pulled her onto his lap. Smiling, he slammed his lips on to hers and kissed her hard while holding her waist tightly. Encircling her hands around his neck, Suzy kissed him back happily. After a long kiss, the two of them finally moved away from each other and sat back on their seat and continued watching the movie. Unable to move away from her he held her hands with his and leaned his head on his other arm and continued watching the movie. Not long after, things started to become steamy in the movie and the hero and heroine started to indulge themself in passion. Two innocent ones who were watching the movie suddenly felt awkward and could not even look at each other. Hearing those R rated noise coming through the speaker, the situation turned even more unpleasant between Suzy and Kim tan. By now their hands were already sweaty and Kim tan's hand was squeezed 'n' number of times by Suzy due to nervousness. At last not able to hold on to the heat, Kim tan lifted Suzy from her seat and placed her on his lap. Caressing her cheeks, he kissed her hungrily while hugging her tightly.     

When Suzy was lifted up from her seat, she was startled and at the same time excited. Unable to hold herself back, she encircled her arms around his neck and kissed him back passionately.     

As they continued kissing her hungrily, Kim tans hands moved downwards and started to move under her dress. Move-in deeper and deeper, his hands caught hold of a soft material and he started to pull it down. Before Kim tan could pull it down further, Suzy caught hold of his naught hands and brought it in between her legs. When his fingers touched her there, she could not help but moan a little. Hearing her moan, Kim tan's eyes darkened an his little brother slowly started to raise down there.     

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