It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Teach that bastard a nice lesson!!

Teach that bastard a nice lesson!!

0Inside the Kim corporation...     

After signing a series of projects, Kim tan was very busy dealing with company matters and other things.      

Sitting inside the office, Kim tan was looking through some files and discussing it with Kim ting when assistant John opened the door with a bang and barged inside.      

Glaring at John with a frown, Kim tan said in displeasure "Have you forgotten your manners because of your late-night work? Why are you in so much hurry early in the morning?"     

Breathing heavily, Assistant John rested his hands on his knees and said "Boss...hah....that...something happened to lady boss"     

"What?" Shocked, Kim tan stood up from his chair and asked "What happened to Suzy?"     

Kim ting was also shocked and he asked worriedly "John, what happened to sister in law?"     

Waving his hand, Assistant John tried to stabilize his breath as he said "No...nothing has happened to her until now but something is really going to happen if we don't hurry up"     

"What the hell are you talking about? what is going to happen to Suzy?" Kim tan yelled     

"Bro, calm down and let John explain first" then turning to John, Kim ting frowned "John what exactly happened? tell us clearly"     

"Boss..." stumbling towards the table, John passed the tablet to Kim tan and said "It's the Song family...they had announced that lady boss and their son will get engaged the next week, and the Song corporation and the Li corporation are going to unite"     

Looking at the news published on the tablet, Kim tan's eyes sharpened and a chilling aura started to surge from his body which scared the almost exhausted Assistant John.      

Scared that his brother might go berserk, Kim ting bit his lips and asked "John, is the information true? Maybe it's some rumors again?"     

Shaking his head, Assistant John answered honestly "No second boss, everything in the news is true. After seeing the news I had asked my men to check whether the information was real and it turned out to be true. It was said that yesterday at the Song family's charity banquet Madam Song and Ms. Suzy were extremely close and Madam Song had even introduced her to several important figures. And on the same exact day when the bidding came to an end, Madam Song and Master Song had personally announced that Suzy and Song Mo Chen will be engaged the next week and had even invited all the guests to attend their engagement. According to Master Song's words, it looks all these arrangements were done behind Ms. Suzy's back by Li Chao and his wife Feng Mian. Boss, what to do now? People online are cursing lady boss for being money minded and someone has even hired water armies to harass Ms. Suzy online. If we don't take action now then lady boss might be badly effected"     

Clenching his fist, Kim tan gritted his teeth and ordered coldly "John, prepare my car. I'm going to visit the Song family"     

"Yes, boss..." Turning around, just as Assistant John was about to leave, his cell phone beeped with a message. Pausing on his steps, he reached for his cell phone and checked the message.      

Seeing that Assistant was still wasting his time around, Kim tan glared at Assistant John and asked "What are you doing standing there? I asked you to prepare a car"     

", that's not it boss. I previously asked my friend to keep a close eye on this matter and report me if there was anything new. He just sent me a message saying that lady boss has asked for a press conference and declared something just a few minutes back"     

Turning to Kim ting, Kim tan ordered "Turn on the TV"     

"Yes, bro!!"      

Reaching for the remote, Kim ting switched on the TV and changed it into a news channel. As soon as the channel was changed, they saw Suzy's beautiful face on the TV.      

Without waiting for the reporters to ask or say anything, Suzy grabbed the mic and spoke dominantly.      

The moment Suzy's last few words fell into certain someone's ears, the cold and chilling aura surrounding him disappeared into nothing and a warm and gentle current was replaced instead.      

Seeing how a certain atomic bomb was detonated by just a few words, Kim ting did not know whether to cry or laugh.      

Just as Kim tan was still enjoying the last bit essence of Suzy's declaration, Assistant John's cell phone rang in his hand.      

Surprised to see the caller id, John looked up at Kim tan and informed hesitantly "It's Ms. Suzy"     

"Pick up the call....put the call on loudspeaker" Kim tan ordered seriously     

Loosening his tie, Assistant John inhaled a long breath and finally accepted the call.     

"Ms. Suzy"     

"Assistant John, sorry for disturbing you but is Kim tan there?"     

"Yeah yeah...boss is still here. Do you want me to hand over the call?" John asked politely     

"No-no...don't disturb him. He must have been very busy with work recently. I just wanted you to help me pass a message" Suzy asked from the other side     

"Sure, please go on Ms. Suzy," Assistant John said respectfully     

"It's nothing. If Kim tan comes across any news regarding me please ask him not to worry. I will handle the matter myself"      

"Eh...but Ms. Suzy are you in any problem? if you are then you can tell us, the boss will surely help you out" Assistant John answered as per Kim tan's ordered     

"Thank You but you don't have to worry about that. It's just a trivial matter. Just let him that I miss him very much and ask him to finish his work soon"     

"Yes-yes...I will definitely pass the message to the boss"      

"Thank You. then...I won't keep you from your work, have a nice day" Suzy answered before hanging up.      

Once the call was hung up Assistant John turned to Kin tan and looked at the later carefully. Sure enough, their boss was once again appeased by their lady boss with a mere few words.      

Clearing his throat, Assistant John hesitated for a while before asking cautiously "Uhm boss....what do you want to do next?"     

"Follow your lady boss's order," Kim tan said with a smile but thinking about something, he suddenly frowned and said, "But Suzy did not restrict me from taking action against the Songs right?"     

" seems like that" Assistant John answered with a forced smile     

"John, find that Song guy's address and send a few of our men to teach him a lesson. How dare he eye on my wife" Kim tan said with a cold smile     

"Yes boss, I'll get them to do it right away"     

Just as John turned around and was about to leave, Kim tan's cell phone rang with an incoming message. Once Kim tan's eyes swept through the long message, the killing intent that had subdued not long ago once again resurfaced. Clutching the phone tightly in his hands, Kim tan called coldly "John!"     

Assistant John who was about to leave hurriedly turned when he heard Kim tan call him "Yes boss"     

"Prepare a car...I will teach that bastard a nice lesson personally"     

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