It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

How was last night?

How was last night?

0Walking past the crowd, Kim ting hurriedly held the girl's hand before he even realized, afraid to lose her once again but who would have thought that he mistook the girl. Just like Shanaya, the girl was wearing a red and black shirt and her hair was tied up but the only difference was their height. Due to his anxiety, he failed to notice such a minute difference and held the girls hand from behind. Feeling something amiss, Kim ting wanted to retract his hand but before he could even regret, the girl turned around and looked at him in confusion then she lowered her head and looked at her hand before raising her head and she blinked at him for a moment. Before Kim ting could sigh he was startled when the girl started to cry loudly attracting the crowd. Hearing the commotion, everyone walked towards the two people who were causing a commotion.     

The girl looked innocent and beautiful and the tears that rolled down her cheeks and her red nose made her look pitiful which won many elders' heart but Kim ting, on the other hand, looked a little ugly. Wearing a t-shirt and half pant he would look as handsome as ever but after getting stuck with the crowd his T-shirt looked dirty and his hair was messy. A light fragrance of alcohol was surrounding him. The current Kim ting looked nowhere close to the charming Vice president of the Kim corporation. The current state of Kim ting could be considered as one of the jobless pervert.     

Seeing the hateful and angry look that the villagers were giving him, Kim ting shivered. Unlike the people in the city who were patient enough to listen to reasons but the villagers were not patient enough to listen to reasons. At times, their hand spoke more than their mouth.     

Seeing the pervert man who was holding the little girl's hand, one of the elderly women spoke harshly "Bastard, pervert, son of a bitch….don't you have any conscience brat. How dare you bully an innocent in the daylight"     

"No no no…you have got me wrong" Kim ting immediately shook his head and retorted but none of the villagers were ready to listen to his reason.     

"Bastard, you mother fucker….how dare you to deny the truth when we have seen everything with our eyes"     

"No no no…you have mistaken me, I I…" Suddenly from the corner of his eyes, he saw Shanaya standing among the crowd. Pointing at her he yelled, "It's her….I thought mistook her as that young lady…"     

Turning their head towards the direction he was pointing at, they saw a young woman who looked way more beautiful than the little girl. Thinking that the pervert was eyeing on a bigger fish, anger flared within the people.     

"Brat, you dared to eye on another woman as soon as you got caught? Do you think we are foolish enough to listen to your words?"     

"No no…that.."     

Without giving chance for Kim ting to complete his words, another young lady ordered the crowd "Everyone, don't let this pervert go unharmed. Let's show what women's power is"     

With that command, every women's anger flared up and they surrounded Kim ting while staring at him angrily.     

When Kim ting turned to look at Shanaya to ask her help, Shanaya only sneered at him and left the market without looking back.     

Dumbfounded, Kim ting for the first time regretted chasing a beautiful woman. Never had he expected to encounter such weird situations whenever he chassed a girl.     

Seeing the angry crowd, Kim ting could only welcome them with a sour heart. Afraid that the crazy women's might hit his head, he covered his head and bent down when the crowd walked to beat him up. But thankfully, Kim ting was quite smart. Crawling through the crowd, he breathed out heavily. When he saw the crowd occupied teaching a lesson to god know who. Before he could sigh, one of the men found him and yelled "That pervert is running away…everyone, catch him….don't let him run away". as soon as everyone heard that man, they turned around only to find Kim ting lying on the ground a few steps away from them.     

Before Kim ting could curse, the crowd was already running towards him. Getting his ass up from the ground, Kim ting started to run for his life. Who knows how long was he chased, Kim ting did not have any idea on how long he had run and how far.     

He did not stop running until he reached his car that was parked not far away. Finally, when he saw no one following him behind, he sighed and leaned his back against the car door and gasped for air. His hair and dress was now in a mess covered with sweat and dirt. From then now, not only did Kim ting dared to look for Shanaya, he even took an oath to never go against villagers.     


After listening to Kim ting's story, there was pin-drop silence for a few seconds before loud touches of laughter echoed throughout the table.     

Holding onto their stomach, Suzy and Kim lan were dying in laughter. Whenever they tried to control themself, they would start laughing again when they saw his poker face. After laughing for half a day, Kim lan and Suzy were finally able to control their laughter.     

Raising a thump to Kim ting, Suzy turned to look at her dearest cousin sister who was busy having the snacks. Raising her eyebrow, with a smile on her face she asked: " Do you hate him soo much?"     

Taking a look at his poker face, she shrugged her shoulder and replied lazily "Pervert deserves it?"     

Hearing the word 'Pervert' again, Kim ting's fumed "Whom are you calling a pervert?"     

Annoyed, Shanaya picked up her snacks bowl and walked away but who would have thought Kim ting would also follow her while complaining from behind. After roaming around the whole house, shanaya was still not able to get rid of Kim's ting. Feeling that she might Kill Kim ting any moment if this continues, she turned around and handed the bowl over to him and started to walk away. When Kim ting still tried to follow her, she glared at his and said "Washroom" and then looked at the snacks that were in his hand and left reluctantly.     

Dumbfounded, Kim ting could only scratch his head and stood there awkwardly, not knowing what to do next.     

In the garden, after Kim ting and Shanaya left, the table once again turned quite. Just when Kim tan was planning to take away his girlfriend, Kim lan beat him to it.     

Pulling Suzy's arms, Kim lan brought her to her room and locked the door from inside. Finally, when they were alone, Kim lan could no longer control her excitement and asked:     

"How was last night?"     

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