It's Payback Time : dont mess with me

Kissed him again

Kissed him again

0"Sergeant Lewie speaking. Congratulations everyone, mission…..completed" there was pin-drop silence from the other side for few seconds and the next moment, there was an uproar from the other side. The people who were with Lewie were also confused by their captain's sudden declaration. Ignoring there countless number of questions, Lewie once again spoke calmly.     

"I know you have lots of questions but at present, I can only say that the hostages are safe and we can return and,…."     

The next moment they heard consecutive explosion sounds. While everyone was in a dilemma, Lewie once again spoke from the other side "We have successfully destroyed more than two hundred mercenaries. Further details will be explained when we reach back. Now, its time for us to return" with that said, Lewie hung up the call leaving everyone dumbfounded.     

A few minutes back…     

On the left and right island, When they heard the loud explosion, everyone was startled. When they tried to contact the other side, they were unable to make any connections. Finally understanding that they were tricked to leave their nest, everyone was furious.     

In their rage, they decided not to let the armies go home safe. The target was set long back. At the moment, they just had to press a button and all the helicopters would turn into ashes. Just when they were about to press the red button to destroy the armies, the ground shook and a bullet-like thing slowly rose from the ground. Before they could understand what was happening, there was a 'click' sound and a green light appeared on the bullets. Before they could realize what was happening, the bomb exploded at the same time in both the island and the terrorist turned into ashes the next movement.     

Inside the submarine, as they watched the bomb explode turning everything into ashes, they could help but praise Suzy inwardly. Though the mission was a tough one, with Suzy's and Kim tan's presence, everything turned out well. Not only were none of them injured, there was not even a single terrorist who survived. While everyone in a celebration mode, Suzy stepped forward and raised her hand, silencing everyone. With a partial smile on her face, She said "Good Job everyone. Since we have completed the mission successfully, its time to celebrate. We have arranged a celebration party for you all. Hope you'll enjoy it, and…" pausing for a minute, Suzy continued "Since we still need twelve hours to reach country H, you can all take rest now"     

With that said, Suzy stepped back. When she was about to ask something to Kim tan, She saw someone blushing from the corner of her eyes while taking a few glances of her cousin. Raising her eyebrows, Suzy continued to look at Kim ting with an amused expression. Following Suzy's gaze, When Kim tan saw his brother blushing like a teenager, he could not help but rub between his eyebrows. Without looking at Suzy, he said "It's my first time" he replied shortly.     

" It doesn't matter" Suzy replied and went to her room to rest.     

Inside a room, a group of people were discussing something very seriously.     

Inside an empty room, a group of people were gathered and were gossiping about random things. Just then, one of them raised his hand and said     

"Uhm.....there's something bothering me"     

"What is it?"     

"Uhm....dint you see, boss Kim ting's behavior was quite weird after he returned from the mission"     

Hearing that, one more person voice out his doubt " yeah, he's acting quite weirdly. He keeps peeking at Miss carrot time to time and then.....he will be in daze"     

"Yeah, and....whenever he sees captain carrot ...he hides somewhere"     

" it because of the ass-kicking?"     

"No no...I don't think that might be the reason. When he was kicked, he was fuming red "     

"Yeah, and....he hated her a lot"     

"Hmm....then what's the reason? Did anything happen during the mission? "     

While everyone was immersed in finding the reason, not able to hold in any longer, two guys started to laugh out of blue startling everyone.     

"Why are you laughing?"     

"Because we know the reason why the boss is acting like that"     

"Huh? You know?"     

"Wait, let me show you something " with that said, he took out a tab and played the video he had captured earlier. After watching the video, everyone was left dumbfounded and none of them moved their eyes away from the screen. When everyone was in a daze, the room door was opened with a bang startling everyone. Turning their heads towards the door, they saw one of their comrade standing there while breathing heavily.     

Stepping inside the room, he closed the door and started to yell loudly " they kissed...boss and miss carrot kissed"     

"Ah...can you calm down first and explain," one of them said as he rolled his eyes.     

Taking a few deep breaths, He recounted what he saw a few minutes back.     

A few minutes back...     

Kim ting was walking along the corridor towards his room when he suddenly saw a silhouette walking towards him. Startled, he stepped inside the room hurriedly and closed the door. Leaning his back against the door, he kept panting when he suddenly heard a voice near him     

"Are you avoiding someone?"     


"Is that someone me?" the person asked.     

Taking a glance at the person who was speaking, he replied absent-mindedly "yeah.."     

Realizing something, Kim ting turned stiff and slowly turned his head towards the person who just spoke to him. When he saw the silhouette clearly, his eyes widened and his heart jumped to his throat. As he took one step backward, Shanaya started to take a step forward. They continued taking a step back and forth until Kim ting's back touched the wall and before he could realize, he was trapped between her arms. Gulping a mouthful of saliva, he looked straight at her eyes nervously.     

Seeing the little drops of sweat forming on his forehead, she asked: " why are you sweating?"     

Wiping his forehead, Kim ting retorted" whose sweating here?"     

"Oh…then, why are you avoiding me?"     

"Whose avoiding you?"     

Suddenly, something flashed in her mind and she could not help but grin wickedly "Is it because of this.."     

"Because of w…mmmff" before Kim ting could even realize, Shanaya crashed her lips on his and kissed him.     

Shocked, Kim ting's eyes widened when he realized what she was doing. His face slowly turned red and his heart started to pound rapidly. Just when he thought his heart was about to burst out of his chest, Shanaya moved away and looked at his red and grinned widely. Patting his cheeks, She moved closer to his ears and said in a low voice " Kids should not think too much about adult things" with that said, she winked at him playfully and walked out of the room.     

Stunned, it took him a few minutes to understand the meaning behind her words. When he finally realized what did she mean, he stomped his foot and yelled "Fuck…" and stormed out of the room.     

One of the comrade who was inside the room all these while could not help but shiver recalling what just happened.     


After hearing the complete story, there was pin-drop silence for a few seconds but the next moment, everyone burst out laughing while holding their stomach.     

Between their laughter, one of them could not help but comment "Ah….Captain Carrot is just amazing. She called boss Kim ting a kid….haha….funny, very funny"     

On the Other side, after having a tough battle, Suzy was very tired and badly wanted to rest. Making the bed, when she was about to remove her mask, Doctor Cherry's voice came through the communicator. "Suzy, Suzy…something is suspicious"     

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