Perfect Match, Secret Marriage

Don’t You Dare Lie To Me

Don’t You Dare Lie To Me

0Lu AnLing looked at her mother without pity and said, "I don't want your apology. What's done has already been done and you can't take it back."     

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoling stopped apologizing and then she gulped. She knew this, but for some reason, she had the strange urge to continue apologizing as much as she could humanly do it.     

Lu AnLing: "All I want now is my children... I want to tie up all the loose ends concerning my family relations in T City and then leave."     

"I understand." Lu Xiaoling did not object to her daughters wishes. She couldn't. Lu Yuxi was Lu AnLing's daughter and she would no longer be the thing separating them. Though, Lu Xiaoling was shocked by the fact that Lu AnLing wanted to leave again but after the betrayals that Lu AnLing kept suffering, Lu Xiaoling could not say that she was surprised.     

Lu Xiaoling: "But what will you do about your other daughter?"     

Lu AnLing shook her head. "You don't need to worry about that. Kang Jun and I will deal with that."     

Nodding slowly, Lu Xiaoling gave up on questioning this matter but there was something else that the woman wanted to know.     

"And... what about your father?" Lu Xiaoling asked curiously.     

By saying this, Lu Xiaoling just wanted to know her daughter's plan.     

Tang Huian had said that Lu AnLing had planned to deal with her father on her own. And as much as Lu Xiaoling understood that if someone could bring the man to his senses, Lu AnLing could. Lu Xiaoling still felt like this would be a painful endeavour for the girl.     

Just thinking about the fact that Tang Yian had forgotten her also made Lu Xiaoling's heartache.     

Lu Xiaoling understood that Tang Yian had forgotten the things which had caused him emotional strife, but still...     

"You knew he was alive too?" Lu AnLing frowned as she felt anger begin to rise within her. Clenching her feel, Lu AnLing looked at her mother with anger, "And you let me believe he was dead?!"     

Seeing the anger in her daughter's eyes, Lu Xiaoling was taken aback but she did not fear.     

Lu Xiaoling: "No. After meeting with you, Huian came to find me. She told me that Yian was alive and no longer had any memory of you... or of me..."     

Looking at the strange sadness, she had never once seen, in Lu Xiaoling's eyes become deep, Lu AnLing turned away from her mother. Lu AnLing didn't want to pity the woman, she wanted to continue to be angry at her because if Lu AnLing pitied and forgave her mother that easily, she felt like it would disregard all the years she had suffered without her daughters and the struggles she and Kang Jun had to now go through in order to get their daughters back.     

Lu Xiaoling was not looking for pity, she was just concerned, so she said, "So, what will you do?"     

Running her hand through her hair, Lu AnLing gave her mother a cold look. "I'm going to force him to remember me. Whether he likes it or not."     

Just as she said this, suddenly, Lu AnLing heard a familiar voice which made anger spread through her veins.     

With a deep frown, Lu AnLing turned to look at the face, who the familiar voice belonged too.     

As soon as her eyes hand landed on Tang Yiling, Lu AnLing frowned hard but it wasn't until she laid eyes on Tang Yian that her whole body began to shake with both pain and anger.     

Seeing Tang Yiling and Tang Yian, Lu AnLing felt ravenous.     

Lu AnLing wanted to go over to the girl and rip her face off but she knew that this was wrong... so, to calm herself down Lu AnLing looked at her mother and said,     

"I'm going to the bathroom..."     


At the Kang Manor, Kang Jun had put the kids to bed. When Lu AnLing had left, Kang Jun had let them be little rascals and run around the house.     

It was tiring but Kang Jun had enjoyed the little father and children time he had had with them but the only problem was that the two had tired themselves out quickly.     

After putting them in bed, Kang Jun walked downstairs and then restarted his investigation in the living room. He wasn't worried about any prying eyes because other than the kids, who slept, and Elder Kang, who hadn't come out of his office since Kang Jun had kicked out Secretary Rong, there was no one home.     

Sitting down and looking at his computer and messages, Kang Jun sighed. Another week without any real leads. Even if Kang Liang and Mr Long were helping him, everything was well covered up. This made Kang Jun on edge.     

Someone was behind this, he knew this but the why was what bothered the man the most...     

Thinking this, Kang Jun believed more and more that this had something to do with Feng Zhengyi... but he had no proof.     

As he thought about this, the doorbell suddenly rang.     

Looking at his phone, Kang Jun wondered if Lu AnLing had come home but it was impossible. It was too early.     

Walking to the door with a suspicious expression on his face, Kang Jun just hoped that whoever was at the door wasn't trouble.     

When Kang Jun finally opened the door, the slim figure of his mother stood with her arms crossed across her chest.     

Seeing her Kang Jun frowned. "Mother?"     

Kang Jun had not expected to see Mo Ruyi back here so suddenly, so instead of wearing his usual cold expression, Kang Jun's face showed confusion.     

"What are you doing here?" Kang Jun asked with confusion.     

Hearing this, Mo Ruyi pointed at her son scoldingly.     

"Son, I need you to explain something to me. And don't you dare refuse me or try to lie to me." Mo Ruyi said firmly as she walked inside.     

Kang Jun was a bit confused but since he had not seen his mom be so forceful in years, Kang Jun, looked at her with confusion and said, "What's going on?"     

"Did you wife the woman who gave birth to Kang Zhi's children?" Mo Ruyi did not hesitate to say this. In fact, she pretty much hurried. She wanted to understand quickly so she could know what she needed to do.     

Though, hearing this, Kang Jun froze. "What are you talking about?"     

Seeing how confused her son was, Mo Ruyi sighed. She was about to explain everything right then and there but then, Kang Mingyu appeared at the foot of the stairs.     

"Is mommy back?" The boy said as he wiped his eyes.     

Kang Jun went to pick the boy up. "No, she's not here yet... but she'll be back soon. For now, I have to go. If Mommy comes back before me and you wake up, tell her I went to have a chat with grandma okay?"     

Hearing this, Kang Mingyu nodded.     

Before he left, Kang Jun placed Kang Mingyu back to bed and then he sent a message to Lu AnLing.     

His message was not cryptic or revealing. He wanted Lu AnLing to have a nice long talk with her mother without any problems or worries but Lu AnLing still texted him back.     

Lu AnLing: [Why are you going out with your mother? Did something happen?]     

Kang Jun: [She just wants to talk. I'll tell you all about it later. How're you doing?]     

Lu AnLing: [ill tell you later...]     

Lu AnLing's answer worried him but he didn't want to get into this now. Lu AnLing was not hiding anything from him, it was just that there was probably too much to explain and Kang Jun understood this so he just said,     

Kang Jun: [Okay.]     


In his Maybach, Kang Jun drove to his house with his mother staring at him in the passenger seat.     

"Jun, tell me what's going on. Now!" Mo Ruyi commanded.     

Her voice was so piercing that it caused Kang Jun to frowned hard.     

"I'll tell you at my home. I have everything there..." Kang Jun said simply.     

With this said, Mo Ruyi stopped speaking.     

Once at home, Kang Jun told Mo Ruyi to sit on the couch while he went to get some important things.     

As Mo Ruyi sat impatiently in the living room, Kang Jun headed to his office. Once there he went to a corner which contained a safe. He then put in the code and opened it.     

Inside the safe, there were many documents but none of them concerning work. This safe had only things concerning the mysteries that surrounded him and Lu AnLing. Including Anna's journals and sketch pads, which now contained colour coded sticky notes.     

Grabbing some important files, Kang Jun frowned. He had not planned on revealing everything to anyone so early but since his mother was so insistent and that Kang Jun needed to know how his mother had found out, he had no choice but to compromise.     

With the files in hand, he walked to the living room.     

Once there he handed his mother the files and said, "That's all you need to know."     

Mo Ruyi didn't complain about having to read through the files. It was much simpler for her to understand what was going on before and then ask questions later.     

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