Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG



0"How is she?" the wooden door opened and Shu Yi entered the room. Looking at the woman lying on the bed, Shu Yi pulled her wrist and checked her pulse.     

"Her body is healing but the process is too slow. It would take five to ten years in order to make her speak clearly and walk normally."     

When the woman heard Shu Yi's words, her eyes widened before struggling to move. unfortunately, aside from the small movement of her body and those incoherent words coming out from her mouth, everything was useless.     

Looking at the agitated woman, Shu Er's face darkened.     

"Xiao Yi! Why are trying to discourage her by sating those things?"     

Shu Yi raised his eyebrows.     

"What? I am only speaking the truth. It was already a miracle that she did not have a tea break with King Yama. Aiming to move and speak once again is possible but it needs time. Let's just return and bring this woman to Mistress. She might have some other ways."     

"The full moon had just ended. Although we do not know the reason behind it, we all know that Mistress refuses to meet with anyone during and few days after the full moon."     

Shu Yi sat on the chair and grabbed a cup of water.     

"Then, we will leave a couple of days later so when we arrive, the time will be right and Mistress will not shun us. Besides, are you not curious? Why would a woman like her carry poisons similar to Mistress's creations? Even the bone-weakening poison was present!"     

"Not interested."     

"You-!!" Shu Er could not help but want to poison Shu Yi.     

"Enough. Start preparing. We will return to Qian Zou two days later."     


After Li Jung Li's death, Marquis Li and the Li family issued a claim. Li Jung Li, a man who committed horrible crimes was denounced by his own family, not allowing him to be buried together with their ancestors. It had not been long when Marquis Li and the entire Li household pleaded in front of the Palace but no one knew what happened afterwards Li Jung Li's corpse was hanged in a pole at the center of the execution ground.     

None of the Li household went to the execution ground to see Li Jung Li's final moment. Many onlookers, especially the nobles were waiting for the Li family's refusal. Once they show their defiance against the emperor's decree, it was akin to treason. Thus, the nobles were waiting to see if the Li household would remain a noble or not. Unfortunately, everyone was left dumbfounded when the Li household suddenly issued a claim, cutting off any relation with Li Jung Li. To some people, it was the right thing to do. Although the Li family was now lacking with a male heir, Marquis Li was still young and could still produce an offspring, at worst, he could just adapt someone from the branch family or raise an orphan. Nonetheless, it would still be better than make the entire Li household perish with Li Jung Li.     

The emperor was greatly delighted. He did not want to lose Marquis Li's support and in order to show that he was willing to compensate him for his loss, Xu Ji Mo ordered someone to open up the palace treasury and bring countless of treasures to the Li family. In order to completely eradicate Marquis Li's ill will towards him, Xu Ji Mo even sent an imperial decree, raising Marquis Li's status.     

"By the mandate of the heaven and the will of the gods, the Emperor has appointed Marquis Li to become one of the pillars of Qian Zou, giving the title of a Duke. End!"     

Marquis Li accepted the decree and once again vowed loyalty towards the throne. The eunuch who brought the imperial decree nodded in satisfaction and left immediately.     

After the issue about Li Jung Li's death sentence ended, the rumors around the capital slowly disappeared one by one. The citizens resumed working as if those incidents that happened few days ago were all figment of their imagination.     


In a secluded area at a dilapidated courtyard, a man was shivering in a corner. He was wearing white inner garments and his hair was unkept.     

"No… No… D-don't come!! Don't come near me!! AHH!!! NO!!! DON"T!!!! DON"TTTT!!!!!!"     

The man's eyes were very alert like a wounded animal, full of hostility and paranoia.     

"I have to escape! That's right!... I have… I have to!... hahaha.. Yes! Yes… I will escape so he will not force me again… that's right.. hahahah---huhuhu…. Help me… no… he will come… no…. he will find me…"     

The man was mumbling incoherently as he crawled towards the window. When he reached the edge of the window, the man tried to forcefully open it up but was unsuccessful.     


The man turned aggressive when he could not open the window. He ran towards the door but it was locked from the outside. Screaming and shouting, the man's voice started becoming hoarse.     

Outside the rundown courtyard, two male servants were talking with each other. One was the guard who was stationed outside while the other one was a servant sent from the main house.     

"Hey, how's the situation here?"     

The servant from the main house asked the guard stationed outside the courtyard.     

The guard sighed.     

"Ever since Young Master Chen woke up after he was assaulted, he had become unstable until bit by bit, he no longer had the ability to think clearly. Madam was ashamed because of what happened to Young Master Chen and insisted to send him here. Ai. This goddamn place! I was unlucky and was sent here as well to make sure that Young Master Chen will not escape."     

The servant from the main house could not help but want to take a look inside.     

"Although Duke Baili refused at first and wanted to call an imperial physician to treat Young Master Chen's mental illness, Baili Furen refused and even threatened the Duke with Divorce. Without any other choice, Duke Baili agreed to hide Young Master Chen here."     

The servant from the main house nodded his head and excused himself, leaving the guard alone.     

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[Unedited Chapter]     

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