Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG



0"XiaoJie, this servant has brought Ji Xue and the physician.."     

LuLu entered the inner room and saw XuanFei standing by the window.     

Hearing LuLu's words, XuanFei turned her head and saw an old man and a young girl standing behind LuLu. Without saying anything, XuanFei sat on the chair and placed her hand on the table, showing her fair wrist.     

Looking at XuanFei, the old man hesitated.     

"Why are you still standing? Come and check This Lady's pulse. No need to be afraid. This Lady will not harm you. Once you are done, This Lady will give you a huge sum of money."     

Hearing XuanFei's promise, the old man sat on the opposite side of the chair and placed a thin cloth on XuanFei's wrist, feeling her pulse.     

After an incense stick of time[1], the old man removed his fingers on XuanFei's wrist.     


"T-This…This lowly physician heard two heartbeats. C-Congratulations, Young Miss. You are p-pregnant. A-Although the heartbeat is weak, this lowly physician thinks that you are c-carrying a child."     

Hearing the good news, XuanFei could not help but smile as she caressed her stomach but a few moments later, her face showed a very worried expression.     

"I bled few days ago and almost miscarried the child. Will there be a complication because of it?"     

The old man went silent as if he was thinking deeply. Few seconds later, he opened his mouth and spoke.     

"The f-fetus's heartbeat is stable even though it is weak. Y-Young Miss should not worry. This lowly physician will w-write a prescription for strengthening the fetus' hold."     

After the old man wrote the prescription, XuanFei ordered LuLu to send the old man away, but before LuLu left, XuanFei whispered on her ears, "No one is allowed to know my condition… kill him."     

LuLu nodded and left together with the old man, leaving XuanFei and Ji Xue alone.     

Ji Xue moved forward and kowtowed in front of XuanFei.     

"This servant greets XiaoJie."     

"Mmm.. Stand up. I believe LuLu already told you everything."     

Ji Xue nodded.     

"This servant is aware of everything. XiaoJie, be at ease. This servant will serve XiaoJie with utmost care."     

XuanFei raised her brows and stared at Ji Xue, gauging her sincerity. Seconds later, XuanFei stood up.     

"Prepare my bath. I want to freshen up."     

"Yes, This servant understands."     

When XuanFei turned around, she did not see the smirk in Ji Xue's face.     


'What….. happened?' XuanRong foolishly asked.     

She could not help but stare at Xu Fei Yi's head as she tried to recall what happened yesterday during the wedding ceremony.     

Although the Emperor did not attend the wedding, he still sent his son, Xu Ji An to represent him and the entire Imperial Family. While Xu Ji An's gaze could make one shiver, not hiding the hatred inside his eyes as he stared daggers at Xu Fei Yi, Xiao Lou was the opposite. She was wearing a small smile as she sat at the front together with XuanLi. After what happened at the Prime Minister's residence, she no longer made a fuss and sat obediently, maintaining a loving-mother expression.     

Since the Previous Emperor and Empress were no longer alive, and Xu Ji An, the current Emperor's proxy, belonged to the younger generation, only the eunuch holding the Imperial Decree was occupying the area where his parents should be sitting. When it was the time to perform the ceremonial bows, Xu Fei Yi performed well as if he practiced the routine a million times and was able to perfect it. XuanRong could not help but laugh a little bit when she looked at Xu Fei Yi's adorable face looking serious but excited.     

When the ceremony ended, XuanRong did not expect that it would end smoothly without any problem. She was expecting that someone would try to disrupt everything since not everyone was in favor of the Union of the Imperial Family and The Great General's side. Even if she was carrying the Xuan name, the entire capital knew that the Eldest Di daughter of the Prime Minister's residence was greatly favored by her maternal family.     

Luckily, nothing bad happened in the entire wedding event. XuanRong's respect towards Mu Qing rose, thinking that it was all because of Chief Mu Qing's effort and hard work that made the entire wedding ceremony peaceful and without conflict.     

After the ceremony ended, the banquet started but as the bride, she was immediately ushered inside the bridal room with the help of QinWang Fu's servants. Feeling tired and exhausted, XuanRong could not help but lean on the bed's pillar, trying to rest a little bit. She did not know if it was because of the calming scent of herbs present inside the room or if it was because she was weary, XuanRong could not fight the sleepiness and feel asleep.     

And when she woke up, she was greeted by this indecent sight. Her head was bare, without any ornaments while her red wedding dress was unfastened and in disarray, revealing her white inner garments. What made her speechless was the presence of a person sleeping beside her.     

XuanRong could not help but wonder if she was drugged last night. Ever since her rebirth, after she found out that she despised being touched by people, she became a light sleeper. If any person tried to sneak inside her room, she would immediately wake up, even YuYing and the rest were not an exemption. Thus, when she woke up and found herself in an indecent sleeping position with a man, her brain almost exploded. Her head was full of questions, forgetting to push Xu Fei Yi away. XuanRong was in deep thought, failing to realize that her tofu was still being eaten.     


Suddenly, XuanRong was startled when she felt the arms around her waist tightened, pulling her closer towards Xu Fei Yi. XuanRong's body froze, her hand subconsciously rose upward, wanting to claw Xu Fei Yi's face away from her chest when she heard his sweet purr like a little kitten.     

"Mmm.. Wife JieJie…"     

XuanRong's hand froze midway as she hesitated.     

The man in front of her was not a normal man. Although he had a body of a male adult, his mind was still a child, an innocent child.     

XuanRong sighed and lowered her hand.     

Why did she think that an innocent person like him was trying to take advantage of her?     

XuanRong chuckled in embarrassment.     

Children were oblivious towards earthly desires and carnal pleasures. As an elder, she should be understanding.     

'He must be feeling lonely since he was alone all the time.'     

XuanRong's eyes could not help but soften. If Xu Fei Yi was really her master's son, it would only mean that he was her Didi[2] since Yue Xiao Xiao was like a mother to her. Besides, they were already married with each other. He was her husband and she was his wife. Although consummating their marriage was almost nonexistent, in order to show her sibling-love towards him, skinship was needed. A simple touch, a big hug or any other forms of expressing her care, XuanRong was willing to do it without any hesitation as long as it would bring both of them closer. And since she had already confirmed that she did not hate Xu Fei Yi's touch, she allowed Xu Fei Yi to continue sleeping beside her, slowly patting his back rhythmically as if she was trying to lull a baby.     

Few moments later, XuanRong fell asleep once again.     

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[1]. 3-5 minutes     

[2]. Younger Brother     

[Unedited Chapter]     

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