Rebirth of the Female Antagonist: XUANRONG

Xu QinWang

Xu QinWang

0Years passed, seasons changed. It had been two years since Xu Fei Yi left the country of Qian Zou and went to Jing country. Every now and then, reports were delivered to the court pertaining to the progress of the bilateral talks and friendship between the two countries. Based on the report, with the help of Mu Qing, Xu Fei Yi was able to properly perform his duty and did not make any trouble that would cause conflicts on both parties.     

On the other hand, one of the most powerful figures in Jianghu[1], the Moon Emperor and his forces slowly faded in the darkness. No one was able to find out why, the young Moon Emperor, who was already starting to dominate the entire continent, suddenly vanished into thin air, leaving nothing…. not even his shadows. All of his activities stopped two years ago, leading to other people speculating that the Moon Emperor encountered troubles and brought calamity to himself. Only those prominent figures all over the continent thought otherwise. They knew that the Moon Emperor was only waiting for the right time to once again shock the entire continent, like a tiger under hiding in the field, waiting for its prey.     

Many things happened but none mattered to XuanRong. In the past two years, XuanRong mainly focused on improving her strength as an individual and did not start on building her own forces. Even if she wanted to, there were problems she had to address first. Even if she had the mind of an adult who had been carrying the wisdom she had in her previous lifetime, it would not change the fact that due to her young age, no one would take her seriously. Thus, she could only improve herself, one step at a time, until she would be able to fully unfurl her wings and unleash her potential.     

XuanRong knew that she was not powerful enough to seek out other people, those people whom she was very familiar with in her previous lifetime, people who bear deep grudge against the hypocrite Imperial Family. But this time, instead of being enemies, opposing and killing them one by one, she would rope them in, making them her allies. But before she could do that, she had to show those people that she was capable of leading them in order to gain their trust and their approval.     

"XiaoJie, Master Xiao Xiao told this servant to tell XiaoJie that the time has come for you to condition your body. Master said she will wait for you in her room."     

"En. Tell Master that I will finish writing this letter first before I go and meet her. Thank you, YuYing."     

After informing XuanRong, YuYing curtsied and left.     

Looking at her little yatou[2] who was with her through thick and thin in both lifetimes, XuanRong's eyes warmed. The deep regret she had when YuYing died in her embrace finally disappeared. She smiled and lowered her head to continue writing. After sealing the letter with the insignia of Chen family, she ordered YuShen to send it to her maternal grandfather in the capital.     

Not being able to convince other people due to her age does not mean her maternal grandfather could not do the same. Ever since her rebirth, she had been hinting her maternal grandfather discreetly, throwing some ambiguous clues inside her letters, helping him in the shadows. As much as she wanted to spill out everything, to tell her maternal grandfather that the Imperial family were all black-hearted, she could not--- not until she would be able to tear down the fake mask covering the Emperor's hideous face, and let her maternal grandfather see the disgusting heart of the Monarch whom he had pledged his loyalty and his life.     

She knew her grandfather well. Once her maternal grandfather learned that the Emperor was starting to view him and the Chen family as a threat to the throne, he would not think twice and would definitely surrender his token[3] in order to show his loyalty. If not for the fact that it concerned XuanRong's happiness, her maternal grandfather would not defy the imperial marriage edict issued by the Emperor in her previous lifetime.     

But she knew, even if her maternal grandfather surrendered his military token, the Emperor would still be wary of him. The Emperor was a paranoid man, he always fear that someone would desire the throne and snatch it from him. Aside from that, he was also full of jealously. He was jealous of the undying worship of the commoners towards Great General Chen and hated the fact that he, the Emperor, did not receive the same reverence people gave to Chen Zi Tao.     

XuanRong slowly walked towards Yue Xiao Xiao's room. When she was almost there, she could not help but be nervous. Few days ago, XuanRong had already reached the age of twelve. The right age for tampering one's body by poison integration. She would be lying if she would say that she was not afraid.     


She was very afraid.     

She was afraid to consume poison.     

She was afraid to experience pain and die once again.     

But the deep anger inside her heart, the desire to avenge her previous self, made her stronger and became fearless of death. She was no longer the weak XuanRong who could only cry while watching her maternal family got beheaded in front of her. She was no longer that weak woman who was abused in an inhuman way, who was raped to death until her soul was damaged beyond repair.     

She, XuanRong, crawled from the deepest part of hell and was reborn in order to exact revenge and punish those people until they shed blood and cry in despair.     


"HAHAHA!!! Hey!! Hey!! Xu Fei Yi, are you dead?? Seems like The 'Idiotic First Rank Prince' doesn't know how to swim!"     

A twelve-year old young man was looking down on a person who was currently curled like a dumpling. The man was shivering while hugging his knees. He was wet from heat to toe, forming a small pool of water on the ground.     

"Tsk! What a dumb man! You are already old, but you are still acting like a child! Humpf! Ben HuangZi[4] hates people who are dumb! The Imperial physician said that there is something wrong with your brain. Ben HuangZi wanted to help you wash the dirt inside. How was it? Are sane now?"     

The young child, Long Hao Chen, was the seventh prince of Jing country. Ever since Xu Fei Yi arrived in Jing country, Long Hao Chen had been torturing him whenever he sees him. Whenever Xu Fei Yi was alone, he would mischievously trick the poor guy into trouble that would sometimes lead to over exertion and high fever.     

"Hey! Why are you not talking? Ha? Have you gone mute?"     

Long Hao Chen angrily poked Xu Fei Yi's head using his foot a couple of times, urging the poor guy to answer his question. Not paying attention to Long Hao Chen's violence, Xu Fei Yi tightened his grip towards his knees.     

Annoyed, Long Hao Chen increased his strength, ruthlessly kicking Xu Fei Yi's body that was sprawled on the ground.     

"What?! You dare not answer Ben HuangZi's question? Getting cocky eh?? Why?? Because you have the title of Xu QinWang? HAHAHAHA!! Fool!! Did you really think that your Emperor brother loves you just because he allowed you to carry your Imperial surname 'Xu' in you title and gave you the rank 'Qin[5]'? *Ptui!* First Rank my ass! He just gave you that rank because he pities you! You are the fool of the Imperial Family in Qian Zou! Why would your Emperor brother love someone who is the shame of the country?"     

Long Hao Chen berated Xu Fei Yi as he continued kicking him on the ground. Sensing Xu Fei Yi froze, he opened his mouth to continue talking ruthlessly.     

"Did you know why no one would address you as 'Xu QinWang' even if you are in Qian Zou? Ha! Because you bring shame to the title itself! HAHAH! Even your own people were ashamed that you are carrying the surname of the Imperial family and would instead call you 'Qin Wangye'. HAHAHA! People who didn't know would think that you are just a common Wang bearing the name Qin!"     

Long Hao Chen laughed evilly. He was starting to enjoy himself when one of his servant boys ran towards him.     

"Huang Zi! Not good! Old Mu is here! We have to leave!"     

Long Hao Chen's face paled. He still couldn't forget the last time that old bastard caught him bullying his foolish master. He slapped him very hard that his teeth fell off one by one, not caring that he was a prince of Jing. When the Emperor of Jing learned about the matter, he was grounded for four months.     

Thinking of the past humiliation he experienced under the brutal hand of Mu Qing, Long Hao Chen swore not to get caught once again.     

He gave Xu Fei Yi one last kick before walking away hurriedly with his servants.     

The poor man, Xu Fei Yi, who was curled up like a ball slowly raised his head and stared at Long Hao Chen's back as if he was not affected by the previous trashing he got from him. A dangerous glint suddenly appeared on his eyes.     


"Master, Rong'er is here."     

XuanRong pushed the door and saw Yue Xiao Xiao sitting on the bed. It had been two years since Yue Xiao Xiao could no longer stand up. The Gu pair regulates the poison within the host's body by consuming it as their food. But since Yue Xiao Xiao no longer had the Gu male within her body, the poison was not consumed entirely and was now slowly killing Yue Xiao Xiao inside and out.     

"You've come?"     

"En. This disciple pays respect to master."     

"Mmm. Sit down. We will start now."     

When XuanRong turned her head towards the table. She saw twenty different kinds of poisonous herbs.     

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[1]. Martial Arts World     

[2]. [Girl]- can be a form of endearment or an address to a young servant girl.     

[3]. Symbolizes the military power. A certain token has the power to mobilize a certain army battalion.     

[4]. [This Prince] Huang Zi or Prince (w/o a title)     

[5]. Highest rank among 'Wang or Prince (with title/rank)'     

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