The Famous Painter is the CEO's Wife

A Death

A Death

0July 20, 20X2 (Dawn to Morning)     

Upper Docks     

Chang had not thought that Wei Linjun was capable enough to kill such a person. He could tell that Linjun hated the thought of killing. He hated using the stun gun too since if he did it close enough to the heart, it would trigger a reaction from the heart, causing cardiac arrest.      

So when he realized that it was Linjun that pulled the trigger, he was surprised.      

Ling Ling immediately ran towards Chang Min, hugging his leg. It was her lifeline. Chang Min picked her up, and the two embraced. Ling Ling's tears burst as she let out a loud cry. Chang Min did not even flinch even when her voice was high and ringing.      

Suddenly, blasts after blasts shook the earth around them. They did not notice that the Fool had pressed a detonation button as the last course of action he did before his death.     

Hao Ren was taken out of his shocked stupor when loud blast followed one after the other. He watched horrified as the sewers caved. In a matter of seconds, the blasts ended, and the passageway of the sewer was utterly destroyed.      

Hao Ren's voice shook as he reported in his communicator, "A-a-a-a bomb. There was a bomb."     

Hao Ren could still hear several voices asking him questions. Yang's voice was notably louder. Hao Ren gulped before he managed to shout an order, "Everyone, go and search! Every second is important. They may be trapped in the rubble, and the oxygen around them would not be enough!"     

He clicked his keyboards again, trying to connect to Chang Min's, Alexandre's, and Chang's communicator. His other hand was also signaling for large equipment that can dig to come and help. Hao Ren was efficient, but he had proven how incredible efficiency was as he did two things all at the same time.     

"Are you there? Report. Please, be there. Please be alive!" He begged at the communicator, praying and hoping that they were alive.      

Yang got out of the boat, slowly stepping at the ground. He did not want to make the ground cave in more than it already is. The Upper Docks have already been destroyed, so he did not want to risk anymore harm with accidents of his own doing. As he slowly helped with the search too, Yang left behind a boat with no human alive. In its floors were blood dripping into the water pipeline.      

Meanwhile, Hao Ren was telling the vicinity of the location where they needed to search. He was in the process of hacking the destroyed cameras in the sewers to find more clues when Chang Min's communicator had a coughing sound, "Hao Ren. Ling Ling and I are fine. I do not know about the rest, though."      

Hao Ren immediately calmed him, "I am sending for all the search team. Give me two hours maximum. Large types of equipment are coming to help!"     

Chang Min hummed and said, "I might not reply. I hit my head."     

Hao Ren once again panicked.      

The men around the dock gathered to rescue the people buried. They had cranes and other large devices that made moving rubble easier. Yang had carried large stones from one pile into another, never minding his blood-stained clothes. He had scared a lot of his men, but they got used to him.      

It took them more than two hours. In fact, it took almost five hours. The sun rose as a crane lifted a large boulder, and Chang's head burst out like a mole, his little mouth gasping for air. Alexandre pushed himself up and stood.      

Yang ran towards his child and tackled him with a warm hug. He ruffled Chang's hair before he pushed Alexandre and Chang towards the place where they would be attended to by doctors sent by Dr. Zhang Li Xi.     

Looking at Chang's back, Yang noticed a large tear. Alexandre saw where he was staring at and said, "He was a champ. Teach him to treasure that scar than hate that it happened."     

Yang nodded.      

The person they found next was Chang Min and Ling Ling. Both had bumped their heads. Chang Min, especially, needed more observation since he had all the signs of a concussion. He was rushed towards the hospital while Ling Ling would not leave Yang's side. She clung to him like a koala. Her short legs wrapped around his hips and her shorter arms around his chest.      

"I am too dirty," Yang complained to Ling Ling, hoping she would let go so a doctor could look at her small scratches and see to her health.     

Ling Ling merely buried her face in Yang's shirt.      

Chang grimaced. He gently pulled on Ling Ling's hair and said, "Come on. The faster you are done, the faster we can go back and see our brothers."     

Yang smiled at the bait, which he added, "Yes, do you know that you have three little brothers?"     

Finally, Ling Ling looked up and asked, "Three?"     

Chang grinned and asked his father, "Are they Identical? How's mom? Is she well?"     

Yang chuckled, ruffling their hair and negotiated, "How about I take you directly to the hospital after we find your friend?"     

Seeing the two nod, Yang continued, "They go and have yourself checked by the doctor so we can help find your friend too."     

It took thirty more minutes to move the boulders and rubble that covered Linjun and Chen Zhong since they had to maneuver things strategically so they would not accidentally cause the debris to flatten the buried people. Chang and Ling Ling were eagerly waiting for Linjun beside their father too.      

As large rubbles were moved, everyone froze when they saw Linjun curled into a ball beside a man that was drowned in blood. Half of Chen Zhong's body was flattened. As Linjun narrated the events in his point of view, Yang and Dan, who was relieved to see his nephew, bowed their heads towards the body. Chen Zhong may have done plenty of bad things, but he died a hero.     

Chen Zhong covered Linjun with his own body when a large rubble was about to kill the kid. Linjun survived with only horrific scars on his arms.     

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