The Famous Painter is the CEO's Wife

Step One: Selling Her Soul for Capital

Step One: Selling Her Soul for Capital

0November 4, 20XX (Late Evening)     

Zhao Manor     

The pitter patter of the rain calmed the beauty lying with her arm covering her eyes. Hearing the sound of droplets of water splashing against the roof and every surface outside thus making melodies of undeniable calmness. Like a tender lullaby, it serenaded Mei Lin's mind into serenity.     

When the soft sound of light footsteps and clothes ruffling interrupted her unplanned meditation, Mei Lin sat up. Gazing upon her soaking wet husband, her eyes stared as Yang pulled a towel from a drawer near the bathroom and went to take a shower. She glazed at the clock and sighed; Yang has once again come home at eleven pm. Because of his busy schedule, Yang spent almost 17 hours on his company. Mei Lin and Yue can only see him every lunch where they personally delivered it to him so he won't skip his meal like he usually does.     

Mei Lin adjusted her back so she could lean into the headboard, waiting for Yang to be done. Once the doorknob twisted and Yang walked towards their bed, Mei Lin sighed again in disapproval. She stood up and took her hair dryer in the cabinet below her vanity mirror. Yang sat down on the pinkish chair for her vanity after Mei Lin signaled him to sit down. Knowing that his wife would dry his wet hair for.him like she always does, Yang did not complain.     

The CEO had dozed off as Mei Lin's hands combed his hair from his scalp to the tips. Unknowing about the time, Yang closed his eyes. Mei Lin could see him nodding off from her vanity mirror, and she wanted to help him, but she has no other talent other than art.     

"Yang, let's go to bed." Mei Lin gently patted his shoulder.     

Yang jumped a little in surprise before he blinked and followed after Mei Lin. The CEO crept into Mei Lin and buried his face into her neck, asking for more attention. Her hands immediately began to massage his scalp with her delicate fingers.     

"I am sorry that you have to wait for me even at this hour," Yang mumbled. Mei Lin kept her giggles concealed as his lips moved and grazed on her neck, causing her to have goosebumps.     

Mei Lin kissed the top of his head and said, "I am not angry. I am worried about you. I need to see you are alright before I can sleep."     

His buried head pulled away from her and laid on the pillow next to hers. With a soft smile, Yang replied, "Just make sure you rest."     

"I should be telling you that." Mei Lin lightly teased.     

Yang pulled flushed to him- chest to chest. He returned the soft kiss to her head on the same spot that she had placed on him. "How's your business plan?"     

Mei Lin then reported the small progress of her business. She and Trisha had talked and planned every step that needed to be taken. Mei Lin was glad that Trisha had a friend that finished in Business Management before taking a job as an English Teacher in Beijing for a higher salary pay. They had planned almost everything, except for the money. Mei Lin's five million saving may not be enough to start a large scaled business that has exclusive contracts with local artists and furniture manufacturers.     

"I can be your investor." Yang offered without any hesitation. Mei Lin would have believed his sincerity to help had it not been for the large smirk on his lips. Her husband was already looking at her body like a predator, accepting his offer would mean delivering herself to him on a silver platter. If there is one thing that Mei Lin liked to do, it is to tease her perverted husband.     

"No, you will demand something from me." Mei Lin pouted. Asking him to be an investor meant she was giving him more things to do. Elias had pointed out to ask Yang for help, but Mei Lin could see how busy he was enough.     

"I won't demand something ridiculous." Yang blurted out on his defense.     

Mei Lin snorted loud and unladylike, completely unbelieving of his words. Yang was the best example of an opportunist so she knew that agreeing with him now would guarantee her body a long night of intimacy. Although she would not complain, they both needed to get up early to work for tomorrow.     

His eyes dropped and closed as he joked, weakly, "I would only demand your soul. Your soul only belongs to me in all lifetimes..."     

Neatening Yang's part of the blanket, Mei Lin made sure he was cozy underneath the duvet before she replied, "You can have me in all our lifetimes, I don't need money in exchange for a vow of my love for my husband."     

His closed eyelids opened with surprise at her words. Yang's ears turned red as he covered his face with both his large hands. He had not expected Mei Lin's sudden attack of sweetness. Seeing her calmness, Yang let himself be relaxed as sleep once again gripped into his mind, making him yawn.     

Before he slept, Yang suggested, "You can ask Chang Min to help you, he is amazing with stock trading. Hao Chen is good at it too. They can help you how to gather investors should need be."     

Even in the verge of sleep, Yang persisted in taking care of Mei Lin. The wife felt all warm and fuzzy inside especially when Yang fought sleep to kiss her forehead.     

Mei Lin patted his cheek and commanded gently, "Go to sleep."     

Yang nodded as he wrapped himself into her embrace. Mei Lin noted to ask her elder brother as Yang suggested. As much as she wanted to sell her soul and body to Yang, Mei Lin knew that Xue Chang Min would be the right person to ask for help.     

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